1 1 I took on the dungeon tester.txt
2 2 New employee training has started.txt
3 3 I thought about insurance items..txt
4 4 There are good and bad relationships even in the fantasy world concept.txt
5 5 Do you think it is natural for the president to say hello at the entrance ceremony?.txt
6 6 I would like to prepare in advance if possible when working.txt
7 7 Are you nervous about your first job? Oh, is it just me?.txt
8 8 I think it takes at least a year to learn work, but how about it?.txt
9 9 Im most scared of getting used to work, dont you think so?.txt
10 10 I think that work is something that can be achieved by accumulating.txt
11 1st regular meeting.txt
12 11 Its quite common to run out of hands when working.txt
13 12 Connection may or may not be a property.txt
14 13 I dont know where talent is sleeping.txt
15 14 You must experience and remember yourself to teach work.txt
16 15 The power of the boss is indispensable for improving the workplace, that is, the winner is the one who has the boss on his side..txt
17 16 Thank you for visiting the workplace, you will understand it after you grow up..txt
18 17 Unexpected is something that is not expected and is not something that can be expected?.txt
19 18 There is a mascot in the company, but ....txt
20 19 The company will follow each other regardless of hierarchy.txt
21 20 Now, lets try to catch up with work delays.txt
22 21 Start capturing the dungeon from the scheduled time.txt
23 2nd regular meeting.txt
24 22 There is work regardless of the season, whether it is summer or not, that is a member of society.txt
25 23 The Code of Hammurabi said.Give back the work for the work and the same thing for the retaliation.
26 24 When you look forward to the results of your work, its hard to get bad results
27 25 Before work (day) to take a break
28 26 Resting is also after work (day)
29 27 Resting is also work (night)
30 28 Call for holidays, people call it holiday work
31 29 Whatever the situation, motivation is better than efficiency
32 30 Overtime work overtime?Im kidding!
33 31 I have a feeling that work is often interrupted when Im trying to push myself...
34 32 Whats needed, whats needed... maybe not now!!
35 33 Haha, its fun to work overtime. (Reading)
36 34 Work has two sides.But I didnt say that I understood!!
37 the third regular meeting
38 35 The authority to appoint personnel shall be in the hands of the Devil King
39 36 The paperwork is precise
40 37 This is called global... Is it okay?
41 38 The conference is dancing, but I wont let it go!!
42 39 There are quite a few people who can do it if they do it...hes a typical example.
43 40Its not the person who did it, its someone else who gets it... this way!?
44 41 Nothing is more troublesome than changing the course of work
45 42 仕事の山が一つ二つ??????からの
46 43 時には相手の考えに合わせるのも社会人として必要なことだ
47 44 Searching for the belly is also part of work
48 45 Dont you want to hit a pile of work papers once in your life?
49 46 If you cant press it, pull it out, thats the trick to reopening
50 47 気分を切り替え、糧としろ!!
51 the fourth regular meeting
52 48 Now, ladies and gentlemen, its time for work
53 49 Even if people around you envy you, its complicated for you
54 50 What is the difference between business trip preparation and travel preparation?
55 51 Whether its a promise or not, its not always necessary to keep the tacit understanding
56 52 Trouble should be dealt with at an early stage
57 53 トラブル対処は丁寧に、後のことを考えないなら雑でも良し
58 54 The result comes out after you stack its piled up.
59 55 Succession, succession, repetition of work
60 56 I cant miss the pleasure of eating while Im on a business trip
61 57 When the break is over, its time for work.
62 58 Okay, lets take a break.
63 Field Decision Required at 59 os
64 60 The percentage of work done is ten to ninety.
65 61 There is more than one way to work
66 62 仕事は静かに進め結果を引きずり出す
67 63 Its time for negotiation? (smile)
68 64 Ideals and Reality Do Not Match
69 65 Behind-the-scenes behavior
70 66 歯車はただ回る、しかし位置取りを変える時もある
71 67 The bigger the organization, the more mud it accumulates
72 68 If you dont have a job, look for a job!!
73 69 People panicked about the avalanche of work
74 Do not miss a turning point.
75 71 When you find something crazy at work, its really...oh my gosh.
76 72 Resolve the trouble as soon as possible
77 73 I feel like Is longer
78 74 Lets leave an impression and go home.
79 75 Falls from blind spots (front)
80 76 Falls from blind spots (behind)
81 77 Feeling of relief when you think you can go home is pleasant
82 78 I think post-processing is necessary, but... I think!!
83 79 Its his duty to welcome newcomers warmly, right?
84 80 Business contact, thats...
85 81 Normal operation is the most important thing
86 82 Hangover is no reason to rest
87 83 Dont worry about the direction of your work alone
88 84 Its worth a step.
89 85 Some things appear when you set a goal
90 86 Awakening (tips) can sometimes be grasped by a common trigger
91 87 The result of the accomplishment was unexpectedly loud.
92 88 Fast 1st
93 89 When youre about to work, youre taken to another job... you know?
94 90 On behalf of someone
95 91 Try & Error, but in the end!
96 92 Career up!! Huh? Its not like thats not it.
97 93 Unknowingly Outcome
98 94 What to do after the cause is known is important
99 95 It might be nice to have a drinking party after work like this once in a while
100 96 I dont know what will happen in everyday life
101 97 The trick to not accumulating work is to keep going when you can.
102 98 Do it when business effort is necessary, even in different departments
103 99 Fire extinguishing is important!!
104 100 I feel like Im often told that I have a lot of worries
105 At 101 oclock, calculation is necessary.
106 102 先輩や上司に質問しに行くのは勇気がいる
107 103 The choice between necessity and necessity is up to the individual
108 104 Lets listen to the first episode.
109 105 予定の変更は迅速に
110 106 Make sure to know thoroughly.
111 107. Lets shout out loud.
112 108 Its not someone elses doing it, its me
113 109 Share the joys and sorrows, which is important but...
114 110 OK. First, take a deep breath.
115 111 There is an obligation to report...
116 112 Its not an emergency inspection, but its similar.
117 113 Respond according to circumstances... Can you do its possible!?(Slightly angry)
118 114 Come on, be crazy!!
119 Common to 1.15 million countries, spices added to drinking communication
120 116 Theres definitely someone pushing my back
121 117 Theres something I can feel just from the atmosphere
122 118 If there is a choice, it should be considered
123 119 It is said that it is collaborative work, but the other party is:
124 120 Work ability is private and helpful
125 121 想像と現実がつながる時もある
126 122 Blind spot!!
127 123 What lies ahead of the clouds is...
128 124 When trouble can be incorporated into your work schedule...
129 125 他人から見た評価と自身の評価が一致することは少ない
130 126 トラブルが来るとわかっているのなら、何もしないなんてことはない!!
131 127 The events involved will soon have an effect
132 128 It would be convenient if I could feel the signs
133 129 条件次第で動くときは動く、たとえそれが不満な出来事であっても
134 130 Sometimes it doesnt work even if I say Im not in charge
135 131 If you ask for help, its a different question whether you can help or not
136 132 Beware of answering back
137 133 On a case-by-case basis, consider the disadvantages of silence and speaking
138 134 When covering up a blunder, the face of man is usually not good-looking.
139 135 Its a story of an acquaintance that its not a loss to pretend to be a cat when we meet for the first time
140 136 現場対処、別名自己責任とも言うな
141 137 Compromise, it is by no means an even half
142 138 Sometimes I take risks and go get the benefit
143 139 Sometimes unexpected help comes in.
144 140 Change of mind, sometimes good change.
145 141 Just the way your mind should be
146 142 年末に近づけば近づくほど何かが起きる、それは異世界でも変わらないらしい
147 143 Getting things done well at the planning stage is the key to making things easier later
148 144 Unexpected ideas are a way to live…sometimes
149 145 季節はすぎ、過去のことは水に流すタイミングがいずれ来る
150 146 Leaving oneself to the stream.There are times like that.
151 147 考えは交じり合い新しい何かを生み出す
152 148 Only when a failure is identified can it be used for the following tasks:
153 149 The efforts we have accumulated will be a strength.
154 150. Smoked things exist everywhere.
155 151 準備期間はあればあるほど現場にとっては助かる????だが
156 152 何があろうとスケジュールは進む
157 153. Once you meet twice, you cannot understand everything
158 154 Now, the next job is...
159 155 Reflecting on and checking work is difficult but necessary
160 Effective utilization of 156 hours is also a skill as a member of society.
161 157 The word "responsibility" is always on the back of the word "society"
162 158 マニュアル通りという言葉は聞こえは悪いが、マニュアルは経験の結晶である。
163 159 I am nervous to meet a great man no matter what he is with.
164 160 No matter how much I prepare, I have something to think about before the show.
165 161 It is necessary to have leeway, but it is difficult to maintain leeway.
166 162 It is not impossible to have a precedent.
167 163. The presentation of the conditions shall be made with caution.
168 164 リスクを無視しリターンしか見なかった結果の末路は
169 165 リスクによって起きた衝撃は波紋する。
170 If 166 people move, a ripple will occur, and the first ripple will be canceled.
171 167 得意分野でのトラブル解決は後に火消し要員として。
172 168 結果が分かっていると反応に困る
173 169 An unpleasant ending affects the next job
174 170 Time goes by and the surroundings move even if the aftertaste is bad
175 171 日常のありがたみは、比べるものがあってこそ実感する。
176 172 Supported and supported.Its obvious, but surprisingly difficult.
177 It becomes convenient to work with 173 people.
178 174. Responsibility and determination may not be something you consciously acquire.
179 175 Confirmation and rediscovery may change the way we do things.
180 176 条件がそろいすぎると、逆に覚悟が決まる時がある。
181 177 昇進するために定められている、上からのボーダーラインは存在する。
182 178 本番前に、冷静になれるかなれないか、それは経験の差
183 179 結果がわかっていても、過程によって得られるものは変わる
184 180 反省はするが、後悔はしない。そんな経験はないか?
185 181 つかの間の休息
186 182 参考にならない、と思っても見るべき点は存在する。
187 183 Set a goal and then change it suddenly even if you want to
188 184 Reporting, contacting and consulting are important, but I cant say so about what happened.
189 185 The waves of influence reach every corner.
190 186 転がるように状況は変わり、脇にあったものを見逃す。
191 187 How it works in case of emergency, it depends on the individual.
192 188 Delays due to crossing each other lead to various flows.
193 189 何かあった時に集まってくれる、その事実が嬉しく思う
194 190 やる覚悟とやらせない覚悟、それが必要になる立場もある
195 191 判断基準は人それぞれに存在する
196 192 次の日のことを思うと眠れない時がある。
197 193 When I dont have time, I have to make a big decision
198 194 初めて訪れる現場の空気はどのように感じるのだろうか
199 195 Even if it doesnt go as planned, its better to make arrangements
200 196 予定外というのは、悪いことばかりではない
201 197 ただ真っすぐに、突き進む
202 198 掴み取るまでの過程が報われる。
203 199 The person in charge who decides when you decide is really reliable
204 200 待ちわびた、なんて言葉を吐く日が来るとは思わなかったよ
205 201 Even if I work overtime, I guess I still have a sense of accomplishment as long as I can finish my work.
206 202 重要なことは重鎮同士で話すことが多い
207 203 見ることもまた仕事だ
208 204 Work sometimes breaks up
209 205 デブリーフィングは各々でやる
210 206 人間関係は常に変化する
211 207 Even if its a bitter smile at the end, it would have been good if there was a burst of laughter at the result would have been good.
212 208 日常というのは昔を振り返ると、だいぶ変わっていると思う時がある
213 209. Once in a lifetime, there are rare encounters that say this
214 210 楽しみにしているときには、楽しいことが続いてほしい????のだがなぁ
215 211 When its private, sometimes I meet an old friend of mine
216 212 楽しむ時に楽しむ。それが公私を分けることだと俺は思うんだがな
217 213 火のないところに煙は立たない。だけどその煙を気にする人は少ない
218 214 日常を楽しめるときに楽しんでおいた方がいい
219 215. Most people think that if something happens in the distance, it will be a fire on the other side of the river.
220 216. Why do I feel relieved just by the sound of the end of work?
221 217 新年を穏やかに迎える。それは日常では当たり前の願いだが
222 218. Its not about what to do.See what you can do.
223 219. I dont want to go to work on holidays, but if youre waiting for me, I have to do my best.
224 220 Relatives should also be cherished
225 221 Now, lets challenge the limits of human beings.
226 222 Sometimes I want you to come together if its one thing after another
227 223 余力は残したいんだがな
228 224 自分の仕事ではないと思ってた、そんな時にこそ仕事は????
229 225. Do you want to teach common sense (physical) to someone who has bothered others?
230 225 得手不得手をまずは把握するべきだった。
231 226 目的を達成してさっさと仕事を終わらせたい
232 227 相手の目的を把握し的確に対応せよ
233 228. Its natural that the other party has a reason, but I dont know what it really means
234 229 資材が少なくたって、やりようはある
235 230 現状を確認するということは相手の事情も知るということ
236 231 終わり方に不安が残る仕事は、終わっていないのと同じ
237 232 仕事終わりの贅沢ってのは格別だな?
238 233. There are only a few bosses who can say a word.
239 234 Is it good not to know what will happen in the New Year?
240 235 人生支えあうことができれば、道は開く????はず
241 236 苦労の陰で、また別の苦労は生まれる
242 237 嵐の前の静けさってのは、こういうのを言うんだろうな
243 238 The power of the dropped bomb is known best by the dropped side
244 239 Even if I finally decide that this day has come, I still feel uneasy
245 240 A break, it must be long but feels short
246 241 先入観を捨て、冷静に考えれば確かにそうかもしれない。
247 242 次の日が忙しい時に限り何か起きる
248 243. If you become busy, you will have more leeway than people think.
249 244 Do you sometimes question the direction of the companys investment?
250 245 When I try, things that I was worried about can be solved unexpectedly easily.
251 246 Dont you feel depressed when you realize that you are like this?
252 247 自分の進歩の進み具合、それは成長だ
253 248 成長できる機会はなるべく逃がすな
254 249 上の思惑、下の意思、さてどうなることやら
255 250 Public and private matters are separated, but it doesnt mean I dont have to worry.
256 251 終わった後にもう一度受けたいと思うような研修を、俺は知らない
257 252 仕事の後の楽しみがあると、モチベーションが変わる。
258 253 It is often a confirmation task to be done at the end.
259 254 Showing each others results is a good inspiration.
260 255 発想の転換と言うのは、簡単そうに見えて盲点だったりする
261 256 全力をもって対処しなければ足元をすくわれる。
262 257. Show each other your results
263 258. Looking back, I think it went by so quickly
264 259 Rather than just saying I dont know, the effort to know...
265 260 Its easy to assume you cant do it, but it takes time to do it.
266 261 戸惑い、悩む、そして進む人生はその繰り返しだと思う
267 261 When moving carefully and quickly
268 262 People are different, but there are opportunities to change
269 263 個人事情の解決は難しいが、解決の糸口がゼロというケースは少ない
270 264 集団で動いていると個人同士で会話する機会ってあまり多くはない?
271 265 Dont miss the change
272 266 思い返すとすでに季節が一周している
273 267. Eating and drinking strictly prohibited when viewing important documents
274 268 たまに自分の職務を忘れそうになる。
275 269 特別だと思うのは勝手だが、最強ではないのに気付いてほしい
276 270 仕事の経験を積んでも、相談することくらいはある
277 271 春っていうのはいろいろと変わり目なような気がする
278 272 自分も昔やったことだなと、懐かしくなる
279 273 過去の自分は、気づけば後ろにいる
280 274 There are times when I understand that business orders cant be helped.
281 275 鶴の一声とは、いかないものだな
282 276 If you want to hide the people, then you want to hide the treasure?
283 277 新しい関係が増えると何かが起きる。
284 278 重要性に気づくのは失敗してからだ
285 279 I often hear that the means are chosen
286 280 他者からの評価は多種多様である
287 281 上は上で苦労はある
288 282. Wouldnt it be nice to have a day like this?
289 283. Have you ever experienced cherry blossom viewing? (Wake up)
290 284 Have you ever experienced cherry blossom viewing?
291 285 花見を経験したことはありますかね?(転)
292 286 花見を経験したことはありますかね?(結)
293 287 宴の後の寂しさというが
294 288 Spring comes and challenges new things
295 289 新しいことに挑むことは時に楽しく時間を忘れさせる
296 290 Experience is the result of a stroke of chance.
297 291 きっかけを掴むのは簡単そうで簡単ではない
298 292 備えあれば患いなしとは言うが、備えを潰されたらどうしろと?
299 293 Even if youre not used to it, just do it if necessary.
300 294 あと一歩で成果が出るとき、障害は立ちはだかる
301 295. The process of reviewing once is also important
302 296 損して得取れとは言うのは簡単だが、実践は難しい
303 297 さて、いざ買い出しに行くと懐かしいものを見つけるときがある
304 298 きっかけがあれば仕事のスキルを増やす
305 Celebrating the 10,000 mark, Cinderella suddenly appeared!? (First part)
306 Celebrating the 10,000 mark, Cinderella suddenly appeared!? (Middle)
307 Celebrating the 10,000 mark, Cinderella suddenly appeared!? (second part)
308 299 Sense changes depending on whether or not a preliminary inspection is performed
309 There are times when 300 oclock is a help.
310 301 What is left of physical strength and energy?Its an implacable idea.
311 302 Its a waste to give up when theres still a way.
312 303 The Cost of Dramatic Change
313 304 The price you paid will pay you a fair result
314 305. It takes a lot of nerve to face the existence of being at the top
315 306 My assessment and others assessment
316 307. This is this. This is this one.
317 308 People look at others backs and think differently
318 309 Some people thought of something when they looked at their backs
319 310 Every person has their own way of growing.
320 311 I have the impression that it is useless for meetings, but of course it can be effective
321 312 It is said that the calm before the storm, but these days we know when the storm will come
322 313 Should I wait for the storm to pass, or
323 314. And storms are created
324 315 Not a few people have different points of view
325 316 Not bad, but can be inconvenient
326 317. And the opportunity comes at an unexpected time
327 318 It should end on schedule and there should be no problem......
328 319 Difficult to lead
329 320 Instant judgment comes before thinking, but requires experience
330 321 When the hard work is over, it becomes an experience again
331 322 Listening is a momentary shame, not listening is a lifelong shame, but sometimes it is better not to listen
332 323. Who should do aftercare?
333 324. Its good to have a goal
334 325. Has the drinking communication weathered?
335 326 But drinking parties are still fun
336 327 Its better to be a little noisy when talking behind closed doors without anyone knowing it
337 328. Spending time relaxing is not bad at times.
338 329. There are many ways to relax.
339 330 If you can relax.The resumption of that time
340 331 If you can relax, maybe you can do this.
341 332. Some people work while theys time
342 333. And theres more than one place thats starting to move.
343 334 What would happen if I had a long vacation?
344 335. When I think back to the past, I realize that its very different from what it is now
345 336. The word "become an adult" means every person
346 337. Being able to grasp the future means that efforts have paid off
347 338 Detailed decisions can be made by defining policies
348 339. The policy is based on the opinions of all people.
349 340 The time to be a pioneer
350 341. If daily life is sunny, extraordinary is shaded
351 342. Its hard to afford to listen to other departments
352 343. Signs of change are easily overlooked
353 344. Watch the flow of other companies
354 345 And its hard to keep track of all the competitive trends
355 346 The difference between the presence or absence of a pilot at a business trip is large
356 347. It takes a little courage to set foot in a foreign land
357 348 Ive heard the word "Notice of bugs", but do you realize what youve experienced?
358 349 When I cant get my job done, I can only thank someone for supporting me
359 350 Sometimes I have to do it even though I know Ill have more work to do
360 351 There are many cases where you cant do it before, but now its possible now
361 352. To do something, you have to start something
362 353 It is a chance to think that the effort was worthwhile
363 354 The moment you are freed from anxiety, the load on your shoulders is unloaded
364 355 Best judgment if you dont regret what you did without thinking about it
365 356 If you feel different from the past, its a sign of growth
366 357 Is it ostentatious or well-intentioned to jump into trouble?
367 358 Have you ever experienced something strange before you knew it?
368 359 The difference between awareness and imprinting is unknown to the person concerned
369 360 When you go back, youre in trouble?
370 361. Is the criteria for determining when you take headhunt attached?Salary? Or......
371 362 Intentional behavior causes confusion
372 363 Post-processing methods vary widely
373 364 Is it because of age that makes you deeply moved when you take a new step?
374 365 The change in outlook on life is a clue
375 366. When the spirit is more than positive, I feel better
376 367. Ordinary daily life is an irreplaceable sight.
377 368. Daily rift is not born by chance
378 369. And the tear spreads with will
379 370 A tear will soon become a scratch
380 371 Scratches ooze and bleed
381 372. The blood spills up and down.
382 373. And the blood doesnt come back
383 374 Not then aware of the astonishment of the magnitude of the damage
384 375 Its often strange, but timing is important
385 376 Sometimes it is determined whether or not to act on profit and loss accounts
386 377 The cruel reality that was lacking
387 378 Peace of mind is spoken, anxiety disappears
388 379 A cornered rat bites a cat, but there is no guarantee of its bite
389 380 Preliminary information is mercilessly important