243 238 The power of the dropped bomb is known best by the dropped side (1/2)
It's just fortunate that Haruna's bombshell didn't change her expression.
Even I couldn't have predicted the statement just now.
Although I was internally upset, I took a positive view of the current situation, thinking that the fact that my expression was no longer on display was one of my growth.
While everyone in the store is looking at me, I desperately think about this bombshell.
This demon girl asked me to introduce the demon that was reflected on my back.
And the reflection on her back is probably the reflection associated with the blow that slaughtered the giant demon.
There's only one demon target in my life.
The strongest demon in my life and my instructor.
The demon king Raido, whom I call Kio, has determined that Haruna has some connection to the demon and has requested its existence.
No, let me correct that slightly.
If you look at Haruna's earnest expression in front of you, it looks as if she's convinced by a sixth sense or a hunch.
In fact, it's not funny because of the connection to me.
I'm not sure how I should respond to her statement.
If this were a company and the other person was one of your relatives, you could check if he or she is sane or not, and if so, you could ask him or her if he or she is ready to lay down his or her life and leave all sorts of common sense behind before you introduce him or her.
But this is the outside world.
Besides, it's not your people.
I don't know how that came about, but while you can rest assured that you understand what's going on here, it's clear that you can't take that option.
And the natural course of the conversation is to say no: ......
That denial is hard to make on this watch.
A careless denial will reveal the presence of an ogre in my connection.
So it's hard to confirm or deny.
My mother would like to ask you why you let her say such a thing in such a troublesome place, but she is not allowed to do so when her gaze is under observation.
”I don't know what you're talking about,
A move that can be made here is a deceptive move.
Neither deny nor affirm.
I will say that I don't know anything, and I'll assume it's for the best.
Fortunately, no one from the company was present at the scene.
We're lucky we had the foresight to act on our own and not let the company's secrets get out to others.
Under that condition, all I had to do was just shake things off, and if I didn't say anything strange, I could handle this question.
I admit that the other party was honest enough to ask for my cooperation without probing, but I can't respond to their spirit right now.
You're going to be able to get the most out of your time with the help of a good friend.
It's not just a matter of time before you get to the point where you'll be able to get a good idea of what you're looking for.
But I am sure that at that time
And it's to be expected that you will be dissatisfied with the answer.
There is no way that's possible, and Haruna tries to push me into it, but...
I'm sure you're not the only one. We have to talk about the future, so you should take care of that first. I'm too old to take a break, and I want to go back to the hotel afterwards to get some rest.
I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make use of it. I'm happy to see that the eyes around me look at my mom slightly reproachfully, but she pretends not to notice that I'm not looking at her like that, including Haruna.
But then she made a gesture that bothered me.
You will find that this is a natural gesture as well as a natural gesture as well as a hand on your shoulder because you are tired afterwards.
If you're a woman of your mother's age, at one time or another, you've probably done this gesture at least once or twice.
At first glance it wasn't a strange behavior, but then my mother smiled.
I didn't miss that smile.
I instantly thought there was some kind of meaning to the gesture, and when I watched the gesture, sure enough, it sent a message.
When I rubbed your shoulder, your index finger pointed in the direction of a certain building when you touched it, and three fingers stood up when you rubbed the shoulder a little.
That corresponded to the location and number of people I was told to watch the building.
I didn't notice from that distance.
I force myself to suppress a tug at my mouth and sigh at the specs as usual.
In addition, I rubbed my opposite shoulder and turned my head to look out for a second.
Perhaps he's telling the personnel in front of the store that he's noticed them as well.
At the end of the day, they are laughing and drinking coffee as if to say there's more to come, but I can't help but sip my coffee while maintaining my poker face, as I can't laugh right now.
You've been beaten, and at the same time you're impressed by your mother's skill in getting your point of view across.
Haruna would like to have the help of my connection, but I don't want to expose that connection to the world.
That's why she put on a show.
All I had to do was give the Japanese a hint that there was something behind my back, and I let the company know that I wanted to be contacted by having Haruna say those words.
My coming here means that I'm here in anticipation of the surveillance that will come with it.
The men around you are ostensibly to watch Haruna to make sure she doesn't escape, and I'm sure they are also investigators to find out what happened to me, but my hat's off to my mother for sneaking through the door.
I'm going to be swallowed up, but I'm not going to complain if it ends this way because it's still acceptable.
”And then? I understand that she doesn't hold a grudge against me, but should I listen to the rest? From what she's telling me, it doesn't sound like there's anything I can do to help.
I go along with my mother's story with a nonchalant face.
I didn't show any signs of nervousness and maintained a poker face, thinking that people around me could only be fooled by this.
My guess is that the Japanese think that my mother knows some information about me, but she will continue to duck and dodge, hoping to beat me to the punch.
I know, I've said that Jiro is out of my league and I'll take care of it on my own. Kirie told me to talk to you too. Otherwise, they would not approve Haruna's adoption, that's why I came here.
So it's a lost cause. I don't think I can help you with your organization on my own.
But, well.
That's it, if you knew that, you wouldn't give it away.
I suppose so. Well, I think for me, just being able to tell you that the case is under control and that she doesn't hold a grudge against me is enough to put this behind me.
”Yeah, I worked my ass off. You can't make me work anymore.
You relax your shoulders and completely engage in small talk with your mother.
Pretend you are talking naturally, without thinking, and do not spill words to others who are paying attention to you.
”I have a reward from Kirie, do you want it?
”The kind of thing that gets added to your taxes?
No, I told you to set the procedure up that way. Yes. Wouldn't you like it if it added up?
No, I just thought it would be too much trouble.
Here's yours, here's your share, go buy your wife some clothes.
I will.
I won't give you that rag.
I'm going to get a lecture from the supervisor if I let you out.
I pulled myself together, and my mother handed me a thick envelope.
At least a million dollars.
There's probably some money in it too.
He's so stingy too, he's only prepared with five hundred.
”Don't say that I'm only talking about an amount that would make a salaried worker's year. It'll make you sad.