255 250 Public and private matters are separated, but it doesnt mean I dont have to worry. (1/2)

When it comes to the act of fighting, the concept of distance becomes very important.

Like the distance of your attack, the simple fact that your attacker's attack is out of reach is an advantage to reduce your damage to zero.

Also, not having to worry about your opponent's attack gives you the mental space to make your next move.

There is no end to the others, but being able to manage the distance, the advantage of being able to attack from a greater distance than the opponent's attack makes a difference in the effort required in combat.

That is why firearms have become a mainstream weapon in modern times.

The ability to inflict fatal wounds on the opponent farther and faster than the opponent.

In the beginning, the bare-handed and clubbed methods of attack gave birth to swords and bows and arrows, and with the passage of time, the gun was born.

As time went by, the distance for the means of attack increased, and now humans have created a weapon that can strike even on the other side of the world, the intercontinental ballistic missile.

Now, if you ask me whether the story is different in a fantasy world, I can say that there is not much of a difference.

The only difference is in the means and process.

The modern earth world uses weapons and the fantasy world uses magic.

That's the only difference.

Now, I've talked long and hard, but what I'm going to say is.


”Sweet! Watch your opponent's movements when you use magic! That's not even a check on you!

With magic as a long-range attack tool, I'm in a much better position to fight against the supervisor than I was the first time I fought him.

When I beat the supervisor's magic sword with the mineral tree, I'm going to take the distance that I wouldn't have done before because I knew it would put me at a disadvantage.

You are able to thrust out your left hand and concentrate your magic power there to instantly solidify the image, and a charged blue-white spear is created at the tip of your hand.

You can also have a look at the following tips to help you get a better understanding of the situation

The magic is just a blow to keep you in check, and I didn't expect any damage, so I'm going to challenge the close combat.

Thus, being able to choose the distance at will gave me more scope for battle, both mentally and practically.


Being given more breadth gives you some leeway in your thinking.

I glanced at the supervisor's face.

I only saw it for a moment, but the expression on his face was so serious

He seemed to be concentrating on teaching me.

Despite that conversation that day and that time we talked in the bathroom, our relationship hadn't changed.

My fiancé's status as a fiancé of the superintendent is not public knowledge, and only the superintendent, his parents, and the president, the demon king, know about it.

The reason for this is that the nobles around you are bound to oppose you if this news gets out.

That's why I'm fighting the superintendent as usual to complete my training.

You're distracted, focus!


Thinking about that, it was pointed out to me that my concentration was disrupted, and now I'm going to skip that from my mind and refocus on the fight.

Just being able to use magic has given me a greater range of tactics.

This is how you can regroup.

Step through the steps and fire a quick shot of intermediate magic to keep it in check while you partner up with another.

Before, you used to spend all your time thinking about how to close the distance, but now you can re-partition the distance or use magic to intercept and not be worn out at long range.


And you're also wearing new skills.


I've managed to formulate the costume magic, taught by the supervisor and instructor Fusio.

It's still in the trial and error stage, but it can be used in combat.

Activate the wind medium spell before you and the supervisor get close enough to activate it and take hold of it.

The magic that rages in your hand is circulated through your body as if circulating magic, blending in with your body's surface and draping it over you.

It's not a spell that will disappear in an instant, but rather a storm armor that feeds on my magic and constantly swings the stormy winds.


Its armor is a combination of offense and defense.

Its wind prevents your opponent's attacks and the storm rides on my shots.

If you swing the mineral tree just in time to avoid swinging it, its slash will produce a blade of wind and, if you swing it continuously, a storm with its blade.

If it were an ordinary opponent, I'd be confident that this is enough to shred them to pieces.

”You look cool!

To me, it's practically a breeze.

It's a good thing that you are able to break through the storm with a cool face even in the face of such a deadly blade.

Although it is now possible to fight not only at close quarters, but also at long distances, it is still not a ticklish realm.

There has been a slight awkwardness in switching distances from near to far and from far to near.

There are differences in experience, training, and skill.

It's a challenge that can be improved upon.

In the course of my studies, I've developed a technique that I haven't told my supervisor about.

One more step and you'll have the interval between swords.

If we're about to come to blows and shoot large-scale magic from this distance, it's no wonder he's about to self-destruct.

The supervisor calls it a breeze and comes through.

I'm going to be able to make a decision here, and I'm going to put my body into the air, and I'm going to jump in front of her.

I also take a deep breath to intercept her.

I'm not going to be able to get a hold of you.

Release the yell.

The magic-laden yell is a jolt that can frighten your opponent. It will fade away for lower-ranking undead, but for supervisors, it's no more powerful than a false alarm. It's just not going to work.

Yes, if it's just a yell.

This isn't just a yell.

I didn't mean for it to happen on my own, but it's a compounding effect I just happened to discover.



The effect of the technique was the best achievement ever.

That supervisor let out a gasp of surprise.

That distance, and the quintessential surprise attack of the chicanery.

How about an imitation of ...... dragon breath?

Let's be honest, I'm surprised.

She put her hand over her mouth to wipe it off, spilling the residue of magic from her mouth, and asked the supervisor what she thought of it, a satisfied smile on her face.

I was able to unleash a pseudo-dragon breath by combining the Monkey's Scream and Clothing Magic.