348 339. The policy is based on the opinions of all people. (1/2)

Another side

”Well, so the new system has started right away, but I guess it was worth it just to see the initial reaction, I guess.

The scene on the wall of the president's office shows what each section of the dungeon tester is doing with the help of a demon.

”So only section two is the one that started working immediately? Yeah, judging from his way of thinking, he's got a priority in the field.

Only one of the three sections has embarked on a dungeon attack.

This action itself is within the realm of expectation for the demon king.

Here's the fun part.

The second section is not just recklessly going about its business, but is focused on getting used to the atmosphere of the field. The first section is the one that is not in a hurry, but rather, is carefully preparing to establish a policy first. And .........

It's hard to tell whether he's pleased or mocked by the fact that he keeps smiling at a single image, but the demon king doesn't think it's offensive.

”Three sections of disagreement from the very beginning.

Apparently, a group of first-year dungeon testers and a man of the demon tribe who was appointed Chief . I think it was the eldest son of the duke family .

He didn't seem to get an ounce of insight from the prideful demon tribe, even though he was expressing his opinions on the field.

Yeah, that's okay too.

If it were true, dragging each other's feet might be an action that the demon king should avoid, but he had a feeling that this action would not be in vain and would become a touchstone in his mind.

That's why I didn't reprimand him, but watched him.

There are three different ways to act.

This is a result of the characteristics of his top management.

The actions of Jiro Tanaka, who was assigned to the first section, aim for harmony.

The tiger beast, Falgore, sticks to the principle of practicality.

Jurgen, the son of the demon lord, is a believer in his own thoughts.

Well, I won't complain if you get results. On the contrary, it's all up to you,” he said.

The eyes of the demon king with a smile on his face start to become sharp.

”There are many people gunning for your seat. I sincerely hope you don't forget that.

Did it mean a pep talk or something else?

There is no one to know.

I'm sure I would have seen a different reaction if I had my aide, Evvia, or my old buddies, Rideau and No Life, but that's beside the point.


”Ha-ha, what is it?

No, the story would not have changed even if Evvia had been by her side.


”There are some documents for you to approve. I'd appreciate it if we could end the break now.

”Uh, Evvia, are you mad?

”Do I look like I'm in a good mood?

”Uh-huh. No desire to be seen?

”If you have time for such a joke, please look through as many documents as possible.

It's because Evvia appears in the air with a pile of papers in an onomatopoeic gurgling manner.

The air is filled with a vibrating rage, yet her face is blank.

But she has an atmosphere that makes you understand her emotions, which is a problem.

It's a good idea to be able to have a good time with them.

”Okay, okay. Can you leave the papers there?

Naturally, the demon king does not take damage with such a degree, but you can't say no to her spirit.

A single smile is enough to make the president's yellow voice rise, but not to disregard his smile.

Evvia tries to perform her duties with a blank expression on her face, as if to assert that it's not worth a penny.

On the desk you're instructed to work from, one by one, you create a pile of papers, filling the ornate desk carved out of a single piece of wood with piles of paper.

......... Evvia, maybe it's just my imagination, but isn't this more than your usual amount?

Yes, since it seems that the Demon King wants to prioritize his work, I have prepared an amount of food that will allow you to work hard for three days.

It's a good thing that you've got a good idea of why you've brought three times the amount of sweat you normally do, thinking that the sweat on your forehead must be cold sweat, while the mouth of the demon king, who knows why you brought three times the amount of sweat you normally do, twitches with a twitch of his mouth.

It's a good thing that you can't see Jiro-kun's sunny day, or was it that disappointing?

It was the demon king who went to step through the mines.

”Yes, really.

The answer to that is .

”I'm sorry,

If it was an ordinary demon, Guillory would have cowered and looked at you with such an eye that you would have immediately tried to flee.

It was Evvia who responded by summoning more than twice as many documents.

It was nice to see emotions that the old girl would never show, but in return, it was the demon king with a firm quirk in his mouth.

I'd like to have the confirmation by the end of the day.

You'll be able to get a good deal more out of it than you ever thought possible.

It's not just a matter of time before you get to the point where you'll be able to get the best out of it.

・・・・・ I thought you've been quiet lately, though.

But when he saw a document in his hand, his expression did not change, but his mood changed as if he had seen something disgusting.

That document proves that this mountain was not built out of jealousy.

When the demon king glanced at Evvia, she nodded silently.

”You're not going to make it.

The smile became a wry smile and the time for fun was over and now it was time for work.

Another side End

We were unaware of the current situation of the demon king, and we were unable to make a decision.

I thought it would be cheaper to specialize in this field.

But just in case.

”Can't we just adjust the duration of the rotation?

”You could do it, but how soon will you set up the time frame?

The newcomers, who were silent at first, started to express their opinions like fish in water once they got the information.

Satisfied with that, the question now becomes how to put this development together.

If I give my opinion, then we'll talk about what the hell their debate was all about.

I can't help but be frustrated and keep my head down.

But it's true that if things continue like this, it will take a while.

It's getting pretty exciting, isn't it?

From now on, we're going to follow you, Kitamiya?

In such an atmosphere, our party members are quite relaxed.