95 91 Try & Error, but in the end! (1/2)

Tanaka Jiro, 28 years old, with a girlfriend

Her Suela Hendelberg

Memory Tris

Occupation Dungeon Tester (full-time)

Magical aptitude 8 (general class)

Post Warriors

In a true battlefield, there is no such thing as a signal to start a war.

If I had to say, they would sense each other's deadliness and if either of them took the first step, that would be the signal to start the war.

I just run through the battlefield, remembering the words of whoever said it.

I don't know how many enemies I've slain since I entered this dungeon.

Even now, I'm cutting down one of the biggest ones I've ever seen.

Incidentally, this record for the biggest one is getting better and better as we get deeper into the game.

It was only at the beginning that it was so close.

The enemy may have held their maximum strength as well.

The time to fight cleanly is short when two opponents' main forces collide.

And moreover, the opponent's intelligence is no better than that of a beast, even if his ability has increased.

Their actions, without regard to strategy, lead to chaos, and in the blink of an eye, it was a complete war.

There's no time to be impressed by the fact that you have the ability to somehow stay safe in this situation with such a mixture of friend and foe.

If you have time to harbor such things, it's better to cut down the enemy as much as possible.

”Hahahaha, aaaaaaaa!

You can't say you're too tired to move.

Use your magic to force your ragged breathing back to normal and cut down your enemy with a wail.

Or else



It's eaten.

Even now, a black fang passed a few inches in front of his face.

The enemy could come from anywhere at any moment.

But this is still a relatively good area.


”Hahahahahahahahahaha! More! More fun for me!

Because this demon is enjoying himself to the fullest.

The deepest part where relatively high-ability individuals are densely packed.

The sight of an ogre overrunning that area would have been quite thrilling if it weren't for the fact that it was one of them.

With each swing of the club, something would pop up and a small crater would be created.

And through the space created, the army of demons marched forward.

I'm in the middle of it, but I'm forced to do my best all the time, so there's little time to enjoy it.

However, it is ironic that the area that is still opening up for the enemy general is the safest.

However, that safety also has its dangers as well.


It's no different in the air.

I'm not going to be the only one who has been able to get away with it, but I'm going to be the only one who has been able to get away with it.

You have to cut one of them vertically and use the recoil to send the second one flying towards the ground, then with a full grip, grab the nose of the last one and throw it down with all your strength.

The two evoluators that have been knocked into such a danger zone are skewered from the sky.

Finally, with a breath of fresh air, your eyes are slightly elevated, and you look around you from your foothold and in the direction your instructor is heading, you can see the master, whose huge body is unable to move.

It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on it, it's also a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on it.

But it seems to have been hit several times, but doesn't it feel any pain?

Just when you think you've survived the attack almost unscathed, you see him grab a rock and throw it back.

As usual, that's bullshit.

That's why we have bosses who run in front of us like that.

The morale of this army of demons must be high.

There is a constant shouting and screaming, but the intentions that go into it all sound positive.

I'm going too.

Maybe it's because of the atmosphere, but I still don't feel any fatigue in my body.

Maybe it's because my strength has increased physically, or maybe it's the fact that I've been fighting for the last three days and I'm overproducing adrenaline.

Either way, it doesn't matter.

Now you just have to fight as hard as you can.

To catch up with your instructor, you kick the evoluator you've been using as ground and push forward.

The enemy is moving slow.

Am I moving faster?

The mineral tree, which I wielded with the intention of slicing through even the air currents, is almost unresponsive.

You can feel the flesh tearing through your fingers as you move forward, leaving footprints on the ground as you build a mountain of corpses that cannot be turned back into magic.


The Yokonagiri sword mercilessly slices the opponent's belly in two and challenges another individual before the corpse falls to the ground.

You'll feel a strange sensation on the ground where you stepped in with the same momentum, and your body reacts before you can even think about the cause.

It's often said that feeling is faster than thinking.

Turning his wrist and switching from forward to reverse, the tip of the mineral tree plunges deep into the ground, piercing the jaw-clacking evoluator at its end.

It slowly pulls out of there, shakes once to get rid of the blood on it, and then runs again.

The force is transferred from your toes to your heels as you gouge the ground and start running.

Fortunately, your target is large, and the location of your target demon is clearly visible even in this noise-ridden cavern.

Hey, instructor, I've caught up with you!

You're too late.

”Don't do that with your instructor, I'm still in a hurry.

”Gahahahahaha! I'm not quite there yet, but I'll give it a pass!

Hi there.

Speaking of its purpose demons, the

I'm standing in the center of the crater, wiping out the enemy and stopping its footsteps, if you want to call it the center of the explosion.

I caught up with the instructor and stood next to him and caught sight of the general of the enemy, who was already right under his nose.

It's the first time I've ever fought such a huge enemy, do you have any tricks?

”Oh? You don't know anything about that?


The size of the enemy is so large it's one of the biggest I've ever fought.

If I were to take on such an enemy, the mineral tree, which is only as long as my height, would be as long as a needle.

It's a shame to expose your inexperience, but if you honestly ask the question, which is better than dying, your instructor will answer you with his usual evil smile.