207 203 見ることもまた仕事だ (1/2)


Hey, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?

Amelia, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up.

She bounced off the quilt and got up.

I'm going to call out to her to let her know that you're smoking because she's looking around.

Jiro, sir?

”I see you've come to your senses. Looks like all the hard work was worth it.

She was still dazed, or maybe she was still unfocused when she looked at me.

But the tone, the mood, I was pretty sure it was Amelia.

Although I've received a seal of approval from Instructor Fusio and the president, I feel more comfortable talking to her face-to-face like this to get confirmation.

What is this?

Devil's Castle Infirmary. I saved you, but you've been asleep for three days now.

”Three days? I'm sure,

Well, for you, it might only be a moment.

Slowly your head is awakening, or maybe you're starting to piece together information about what you've been going through, or maybe you're starting to swallow the situation.

Can you see and hear Amelia? Slowly she nodded her head.

She doesn't seem to be in bad shape, and she seems to be able to talk.

If she's going to be sick on the way, just give her a break.

So I thought, and I began to tell you what happened up to this point.

That was three days ago.

Let's go back to after we managed to rescue Amelia.

Jiro, this place isn't safe. I'll take shelter at the Demon King's Castle right away.

”Yes, it seems so, I can feel the disgusting air in the air.

I would have liked to have had time to have a smoke anyway, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

The air is screaming, or should I say the air is screaming, this place was indeed close to the battlefield, where a disquieting atmosphere was in the air, but now I feel as if I am standing in front of a bomb.

You don't even have to think about where that air is coming from.

The space is so noisy that you can see it even from a distance.

The space where the president and the brave men are fighting has begun to operate in earnest as if the warm-up is over.

It's like a volcano on the verge of eruption.

I know firsthand that this place will soon be a place to fight, and when I look at my instructor, he silently begins to prepare his transference magic.

I'm carrying an unconscious Amelia on my back.

”Himikku, I'm sorry, can you leave them to me?

Okay. But are you sure?

The fact that the instructor doesn't say anything means it's okay if I take the blame.

I have one instruction for Himik, who has removed his helmet to reveal his true face.

Himik's sister, who had been evacuated and protected from the aftermath of the battle, is restrained by Himik and is asleep, but they too are cutthroat angels.

They're bound and put to sleep by Himiku, but they're also cutthroat angels.

It's clear that their power is so great that it's not even worth comparing them to ordinary people.

It's also true that they are a rival organization.

It is wiser to cut them down here than to bring them back.


I made a promise to you.

The ”Lord

I said I'd take him home and take care of him.

There was no going back on that word.

Did he understand my resolve, or did he think it would be more interesting to leave me alone, I have a feeling it was the latter, but the instructor just glanced in my direction and then clicked his jaw.

It's a bit of a letdown for me, as I was expecting to be the first to be told to cut off, let alone not to take them back.

Himiku holds the twin angels in his arms and Amelia is on my back.

And .

”I'm alive, I'm alive.

Well, I don't know why we're still alive, but we are.

”...... is not actually a real place, but hell, isn't it?

”Don't be afraid!

The three of us who had struggled to survive became quiet and acted as if it was strange to be in five bodies.

Well, no matter how much I supported them, they had been fighting for hours against a superior opponent.

I guess my mind got a little tired.

”Sir, please.

”Kaka, yes,

The place where we were brought in by our instructor's transference magic.

It's been years since we've had a human in our midst. What do you think, Jiro? What are your thoughts on entering the Demon King's Castle?

If you wander into a strange place, you feel like you're going to die.

That's mostly right. There's a lot of secrecy in here. Curiosity shortens one's lifespan.

I'll keep that in mind.

It is the last stronghold of the Demon King's army.

The castle to protect the demon king.

I had imagined that the inside of it wasn't quite right, but I was still naive.

The piercing gaze is neither contempt nor conceit, just pure caution.

We're not enemies, and Instructor Fusio understands that we're not enemies because he's around.

But we're not even welcome.

I don't need to tell you what will happen if you behave in any way suspiciously.

Somehow, we manage to let out a bitter smile at the instructor's words and walk out with the instructor leading us to follow him.

And I was led to .

. here.

Jiro, put the girl on the bunk over there. Jiro, put the girl on the bunk over there.


A strange space, just white, with only one bunk in the center.

You place Amelia on the bunk as instructed by your instructor, and when you leave, a ward is placed over her.

This girl has indeed survived, but her soul is badly exhausted. This is a place to heal the soul. She'll need to rest for a while, but she'll be awake soon.

A pale green light radiates from the warding, and that light envelops Amelia.

Knowing that it was a healing act, we naturally let out a sigh of relief.

I'd like to treat you next, but we're running out of time. Follow me.

And we thought we were going to be next, but apparently not.

Only the dangerous Amelia will be cured.

We'll be taken to another room.