134 130 Sometimes it doesnt work even if I say Im not in charge (1/2)

I'm not sure if the angel's first attack is an iron ball, but if the armed seemingly armed iron ball at the end of the chain that restricts both hands, I thought it was appropriate to wield it as a weapon and reacted with my body to deal with it.

I've been expecting a more intense battle from the wounds of the spirit just now, but the angel's attack was unexpectedly lukewarm.

I'm going to be able to see the iron ball that is flying through the air crushing the air, and even if the iron ball that is used to restrain the angel is not supposed to be made of iron, and I've decided that flicking such a thing with the mineral tree will damage the blade, so I'm going to give priority to avoiding it for now.

I'm not sure if the evolved trees could cut it in half, but I don't have enough information to speculate.

The rain of the iron ball, which swings both hands around and harasses you without pause so as not to become entangled.

You'll be able to run through the gap between the two, but the short chains of the angel's legs, which are floating in the air, are like whips and won't let you get close to the mineral tree.

You're going to be able to get a good deal more information on the best way to get a good idea of what to do.

At the very least, there should be a way to attack as good as that without an explosion.

It's unlikely that an iron ball would have caused the explosion.

”Not much magic? No, restricted?

Fighting a low to high opponent is disadvantageous due to the increased power of the gravity acceleration conversion, but it is also an advantage.

Swinging down is certainly powerful when aiming at a low enemy, but the opposite is true: swinging up is required.

You have less than a tenth of a second to do so.

I noticed that the main purpose of that restraint was to suppress magic.

The restraints are carefully placed on the palms of your hands to prevent them from being removed, restricting your freedom.

Even so, you can still feel some magic, which is probably because your opponent has a lot of magic in his possession.

How many senses do you have left? Sight and hearing are prevented.

While listening to the sound of the ball passing by with a buzz in your ear, you measure the distance with your sense of touch and modify your evasive motion, thinking you can get a little closer.

Is it only the sense of touch that's alive? Taste is not supposed to mean anything. But how can you find my position so accurately?

I'm looking for an opportunity to strike a blow while organizing information and measuring the distance between me and my opponent while muttering about the current situation.

I'm sure you're not going to be able to duck.

The power of the ...... is bone crushing if it hits.

You'll be able to measure the power by the impact of the bullet, and you'll know that it's more than just a simple matter of receiving it with your armor.

You'll be able to see that it's not just a matter of time before you're able to get a good shot at it, but it's also a matter of time before you're able to get a good look at it, telling you to stay calm and fix your gaze on the angel.

You can handle the speed.

You can't deal with power if you eat it.

Magic only needs to be guarded if the situation is sealed.


The information is somewhat coherent and seeks the best move in the current situation.

Make a quick decision and take immediate action.

Make the best move in the present situation and strike the opponent with the greatest and fastest move.

This is the best! Let's go, buddy! I'll give it everything I've got!

I tighten my grip on the hilt of the mineral tree and let the magic flow through.

The root of the mineral tree smoothly twines around my arm and forms a circuit to circulate magic power.

The light green magic begins to circulate and the sharpness and strength of the mineral tree increases dramatically.

As if in response to this, the other party's magic power, which had been quiet until a while ago, is now pouring out as if it were a lie.

”Kaka, I knew they were on alert too!

As if a faucet was forcibly opened, the magic power ran out of control, and at once the angel's surroundings were flooded with yellow light.

The fact that I was hiding my hand was mutual.

Just when I thought I would give it my all, the other party also brought out a way to defeat it.

I couldn't help but smile at that.

With the mineral tree slightly extended by magic power in hand, I challenge the angel with the maximum speed you can now muster.

”Kaa! It's so cool!

The first time I stepped into this fight, I ducked the iron ball and the chain as fast as I could, and the first blow I struck was hard.

I didn't think it would cut off, but I didn't think the magical barrier would protect me.


I didn't think it would still cut it.

Your opponent is not perfect either.

The barrier itself is hard, but not too hard to deal with.

It also increases the speed and power of sword fights by increasing the magic circulation.


A storm of all-out slashing combined with screaming monkeys.

The attack is your best defense, a killing attack.

I'm confident I can mince them in the blink of an eye if I enter that storm of blades in the flesh.

I'm confident that if you enter the storm of its blades in the flesh, you'll be able to mince them in the blink of an eye.


For some reason, I felt as if I was looking at the angel.

I couldn't see her face through her mask, but I was sure she was right.


And then, suddenly, my opponent stopped moving.

That made me stop attacking as well.

There was a clear opening, a blank space where I would have definitely received a blow if I had been attacked.



But the angel didn't do anything, as if the initial attack was a lie.

It's a funny thing to feel the gaze through the mask, but there's no doubt that the angel in front of me is looking at me.

...... What do you want me to do?

The hostility that existed earlier is gone.

Is it a sign of disillusionment or is it that the opponent is no longer willing to fight?

It's strange that they attacked us and then suddenly became quiet.

I have the mineral tree at the ready just in case, but I think we'll be okay.

Ah, ah, uh-uh.


One minute or enough?

They stared at each other for a moment, but then a change occurred.

I heard a voice from the angel who had been silent all along.

I have no idea what it's saying through the muffled mask, but it's trying to tell me something.

Your hands are covered with restraints, and you put your ungrasping hands against the mask.

You want to take them off?

The gesture allows you to figure out what the angel in front of you wants to do, but you're not sure if you can help it.

You're not going to be able to joke about releasing the enemy, even if it's a situation where you have a slight advantage.


But when you see her desperately trying to unmask me in front of me, who was fighting just now, it's clear that she has a reason to be.

''Oh! I get it! I get it! So don't be so rough on a woman's face!

I had to snap as the unmasking became more and more violent.