83 79 Its his duty to welcome newcomers warmly, right? (1/2)

Tanaka Jiro, 28 years old, with a girlfriend

Her Suela Hendelberg

Memory Tris

Occupation Dungeon Tester (full-time)

Magical aptitude 8 (general class)

Post Warriors

Walk through the automatic door like an asylum of a hospital, escorted by a dark elf man on watch.

You go straight to the receptionist, ask for your room number, and then stagger off to your destination.

”Amelia, what are you doing?

”Stretching after dance practice. Don't let your body get cold.

Okay, so you have time. So you come in.

”Too sudden! Or rather, what does that mean?

”Oh, I see.

”Mike knows what he's doing without me, don't you?

And I'm not going to be able to get the best of it, but I'm going to be able to get the best of it.

I'm not worried about such unreasonableness, I told myself I didn't have time to worry about such unreasonableness, and I bluntly stated my business to Amelia, who was stretching in her room.

By the way, I knocked firmly before entering the room to avoid a romantic comedy of some sort.

You will not be able to survive the consequences of a fantasy-style romantic comedy.

When Amelia came out of the door like that, it felt good in a way that she reacted as if to ask me what I was talking about all of a sudden.

Is this what it means to have a good response?

I'll explain in three lines.

Your body is starting to quit on you because of Mike.

It's in our best interest to hire you to protect it.

That's why the president told me to get a job. That's all.

”Wow, how am I supposed to react to a very dry response?

”Let me tell you how you're going to react as a member of society?

What's your reaction as a member of society?

”There is no other choice but yes, except for the exception. That's a working man.

Isn't that what causes the Japanese to work so much?

”Of course. So what do we do?

”Hmmm, okay.

”It's light.

”It's not that light. I was just talking about it with Mike.

”With Mike?

”Oh, I'm sorry to say this, but . Even though it was inevitable under the circumstances that I entered her body, I didn't want to leave it up to her to do something about it. We were talking about her future while we had the time. I'm not going out so easily. I was just saying that it's better to join this company where I know you, where you can be there in case of an emergency.

I'll have to ask my mom about it, but I thought it would be better for me, too.

It's not a good idea to go forcibly without explaining anything.

But I don't want to be seriously intimidating, so I'll jokingly and simply explain.

Like the first time we met, Amelia has a very strong sense of values for a high school student.

I think that in a foreign country, many of the children are of a higher mental age.

Well, for me it's a relief to save you the trouble of convincing them, but are you sure?

”No problem! Besides, it would be a shame to lose the ability to use magic now that you've learned to use it!

I can honestly say that's positive.

If you are involved in such a situation, you would normally have an aversion or dislike to using magic.

But she knows that it is necessary, and she finds an element to enjoy it.

This is the proof that she is able to switch her mind.

There are not many people in the younger generation who can think like this, even among adults.

This kind of thing is learned through experience, after learning how to compromise and open up.

Well, let's get on with the work tour and puns.

”Are you sure? People here tell me not to walk around too much.

”No problem. I'm still going to have some moral character in this. Just lay the groundwork and you'll be fine.

It's a bad idea to go without a permit, but if you tell them it's Scouting-related, they should be able to get it without any problem.

The cell phone is useless in this company, so you'll find a nearby extension and use the one provided in your room.

Yes, this is Suela from Tester Division.

It's Suela or Jiro.

”Jiro-san! What's going on?

”No, the boss offered me a job and I'm here to scout out one of the brave men. So I contacted him to ask for permission to tour the company: ...... Is everything okay now?

It's okay. So it's a tour of the company, right? We'll let you know if there are any problems with the underground facility and the dungeon gate.

”I'll take care of the rest of the dorms, and since they're going to be in my party, I'd like to put the current members through their paces.

Okay, I'll take care of your side. I'll take care of your side, too.

”Please, I'll see you at night.

”Yes, see you later.

Permission was able to be taken honestly, as expected.

The question is.


Yeah, well, we got the green light. Let's go.

”Yes! Love talk while walking!

Do you want to

It's a good thing that Amelia's tension was strangely high as she listened to the conversation.

I'm not old enough to be embarrassed, and I'm proud of her (Suela), but I don't feel the need to feed her.

You'll be able to find a lot more information on this topic. If you're a high school girl, how long have you been dating?

This is the underground facility.

”Oh, wow! Sounds like a fantasy!

”Did you forget where you were just the other day? Dementia?

”I don't have dementia! Because I've been in the building all my life because it's dangerous outside until I got to a certain level of strength, so this kind of thing is new to me!

”Oh, I see that's what you're talking about. ...... Then how did you stay out of the house and train and stuff?

I was basically taught how to use magic and how to wield a sword, and then occasionally I would slay a goblin in a cage.

That's appropriate again.

Once you get to a certain level of strength, you can certainly get out.

I don't know if it's in human form or not, but at least it's not a black joke to say.

But it's hard to tell if that kind of training will make you better or if it's just the first training.

After all, my first training was close to death by those two instructors.

There's no doubt it was abnormal, but that doesn't mean that Amelia and the others' training was normal, either.

While chatting with them about the underground facilities, you won't go inside the stores, but will instead visit weapon and armor stores, tool stores, food stores, otherworldly cosmetics stores, and various underground facilities that women are also interested in.

As expected, when we saw the mucus from the dungeon elevator in the store, we pretended it wasn't there for each other.

I didn't know that Jiro-san is a two-timing man.

...... I'm annoyed at myself for not being able to tell you to stop with that distance, but I have an excuse. Suella and Memoria are both consensual two-timers.

”Heh, really, Mike?

To my knowledge, polygamy is commonplace in Ithar. So his situation is a common sight to me. But I don't know what they're going through. Whether they are really convinced or not is something only they know.

In the process, I feel like my reputation has been turned into a two-timing bastard, but I can't deny the fact that I'm prepared to accept these harmful effects.

But at least I vow to hit that armorer, Hands, who was teasing me with a smile as if I were a third wife, with all my might later.

Thanks to this, Amelia, who was walking next to you a moment ago, is now two steps away.

Her eyes have thinned a bit, as if to say she's the worst.


”Don't pour oil on the fire, the spirits behind it

”Hahaha I'm just answering what I know


You want to complain, but you can't say anything strong if it looks like you are complaining to the girl from a third party.

You will be able to find out the best way to get the most out of the item.

Where do we go next?

”Dungeon entrance. After that, I'll introduce my party members and that's it.

Wow, what kind of people are at Jiro's party?

”If I had to describe each one in one word,

”What if I represent?

”Ahhhh, prefects and nerds and housewives and tsundere?

'Are you talking about some villagers? It wasn't half the words I knew, but at least it didn't sound like a dungeon challenge, right? How's Amy?

”Ha ha ha, I heard that too.

It's just that they are, well, you'll understand when you meet them, they're good people.

I think I've been blessed with people since I joined the company.

I was isolated at first, but I found myself forming a group like this.

There are people I don't get along with, but I've also made friends that I can allow to be friends with just as much.

Well, for better or worse, it's like a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.

Well, I guess I'd like to meet him first! To those people.

”To Kaido and the others?