331 322 Listening is a momentary shame, not listening is a lifelong shame, but sometimes it is better not to listen (1/2)
Reporting is an act that is essential for working people.
As a member of an organization, responsibility for the process of reporting is given to a greater or lesser extent.
In today's society, the value of information is sometimes more important than money.
It is a natural consequence that the process of reporting, which can share information, including the meaning of informing people about the results, is considered important.
So, have you ever thought about this?
I know what you need.
I know it's important.
But it's what you didn't want to hear.
One factor is common to all of these feelings.
When I know that hearing this is going to cause bad or troublesome things to happen.
I know very well that the report is important, but it is a feeling I have when I hear something that I can't go back on.
Of course, as an organizer, you know that you should not be driven by your emotions, but secretly, it is in the nature of a company employee to hide it.
That is.
Please make us some of those suits! Please!
Please go to 「「「「! 」」」」
When I came to report on the newcomers, there was something noisy in the conference room, my destination.
It's not a dangerous atmosphere, so I didn't care if it was just a minor trouble or something, but it was just my luck that I went inside with Amelia and the others.
You can't help but wonder how it all came to be, with one person sitting at the front of the line on his or her knees, and four people neatly lined up behind him or her on their knees, as if pleading for help.
If the person getting down on their knees is Kaido, that's even better.
I've told you many times that I didn't make it, right? And it's a special product, so it's not easy to make.
How about it! Please! Bend that line of reasoning, please to Taira, thank you!
Please go to 「「「「! 」」」」
I was beyond amazed at the theatrical behavior of the two of you, not only by your eye contact, but also by the way you kept your voices together without raising your heads to see if you were having a meeting.
And it only took a few seconds for me to realize that this exchange was repeating itself.
I have a pretty good idea what the cause is.
If you glimpse at Minami and Kitamiya who are supposed to be working together, Minami is yawning and blurry as if she's no longer interested, and she's screaming in agony from Kitamiya's elbow strike that pierced her side.
I hate to ask, but I'm going to ask anyway. What happened? No, how did this happen?
It's a trouble, but it's still better than the usual trouble.
But I don't want to hear about it because I have a strong feeling that the reason for it doesn't really matter.
So, I would like to go through with it and report it to you first, but I can't do that because the other testers have been staring at me, telling me that it's yours to do something about.
So, I decided to ask Kitamiya and the others who were working together to understand the situation.
I'm jealous of your suit, so I'd like you to tell me where it's sold or how to make it.
It's a good thing that you're able to have a good time with your friends and family.
I knew it would be something like that. But why did you bring him here? The new guys were supposed to be dismissed locally, right?
”I didn't bring him in, he followed me to the front of the conference room even though I prodded him not to tell me. I didn't let him in because I thought he'd give up if I didn't let him in. But someone somewhere let me in with a smile and said that I should listen to him, and this is what happened.
And I knew that Kitamiya was in a bad mood because of that someone else.
It's a good thing that you're able to have a good time with your friends and family.
It's a good thing that this is the result of ......... small good intentions big trouble,
I hope you're in great need of help.
I'm not going to be able to even get that taken care of. .........
But the moment I appeared, the quality of his smile flipped and he turned to stab at the stinging thoughts inside.
What could I have done to provoke such resentment?
”Kitamiya, what did I do to him?
......... I don't know if you've ever heard of Jiro. I don't think he would have done that in the past.
Is the color of that emotion close to disgust?
No, it's more of a jealousy.
Although the relationship with Kitamiya is no more than a companion, the feelings of jealousy that you would not even acknowledge that relationship.
I've had a desire to show off since the first time we met, but was it this far .........?
Well, we've got a situation for now. South.
”What is it? This is out of my jurisdiction, that it is.
I knew that sleighs wouldn't fit.
And I understand that it won't be solved overnight.
So let's shelve the fire-clearing issue for now.
Let's start from the direction that's easiest to solve.
The easy direction is, of course, the group on their knees.
We need to put out the fire before it gets even more troublesome by letting the scene go on.
But while it's easy to get rid of them by force, there are ”a few” who will talk to us at the drop of a hat, so we must choose our method.
Judging by the way they're glancing at you, I can see why you let them into this conference room.
You vomit in your mind that you have added unnecessary hassle.
So you decide to turn it over to its fundamental foundation.
And you want to get the help you need to do it.
You'll be able to find out what the other person's emotions and thoughts are, but Minami, who is good at sensing such jurisdiction, is unwilling to get involved.
Then don't ask me to stay within your jurisdiction.
”Hm? Is it any way to go?
As long as you don't get spotted by a supervisor coming after you.
”Oh, I see, that's good, that I see.
Why she does not show any motivation.
It's because she'll do something akin to hypocrisy to respond poorly, and if there's even the slightest hint of wrongdoing, she'll do something akin to a hypocritical act of righteousness at the moment.
It is the one she hates the most, the one she finds the most troublesome in the path of righteousness to deal with.
Then you can motivate the south by making fun of her haters and telling her that she can use the arrows instead of the regular path, albeit with restrictions.
You can find a number of different types of shoes and boots in the market.
It's time to end the conversation early, that it is time to go, that it is time to end the conversation early, that it is time for me to start the real work, that it is.
And just when the little two have decided to stay put, Minami moves, unwillingly.
But still, what you are saying is just the right thing to say.
You can give righteousness to your opponent by calling him a hindrance.
But you can give your opponent righteousness by saying that you are in the way.
That's why it's a good argument.
As you rebuke Kaido, and with good arguments you begin to steer the flow of this place from stagnation to direction.
There is no room for your opponent to intervene and then proceed blithely and leave you behind.
”What should I do, even if you say so?
It's Kaido who is naturally confused.
It's been a while since I've seen Kaido looking so flustered.
The purpose of this group on their knees is Kaido's transformation suit.
However, the transformation suit was custom made for Kaido.