360 351 There are many cases where you cant do it before, but now its possible now (1/2)

I'll take care of it, Jiro, what do you have in mind?

Standing still and turning to Suela, I assured her that I would help her, I replied honestly to Kaylie, who asked me in a worried voice, ”No ...

No. . I'm going to think about it now.

There is no basis for this.

Just because I promised, a declaration without reason or basis would have sounded irresponsible to her.

But I've made up my mind and I'm not going to hesitate.

”You know there is no doubt about it! Suela is still in danger! One false move and she's in danger! It won't happen again! So yes, if you could help, we wouldn't be so distressed because Suela said so!

Of course, my words will be hard for Kaylee to accept.

She exclaims that it's ridiculous to put your best friend's life on the unknowable possibility that it may or may not exist, even if it comes from your best friend.

That's probably because Kaylee cares about Suela from the bottom of her heart.

The usual aloof smile is absent from her face as she turns me around, her footsteps ringing wildly and grabbing my shoulder as if to vent her frustration, her face showing her anger.

......... So, if you say you can't do it, I will! I pulled the child out of Suela's belly.

The anger asserts that even if your best friend hates you, it's better to do so than to put your trust in a reckless scheme that would endanger your friend's life.

I will, I will, I will.

But .

Ms. Kaylee.

That anger did not last.

The sudden anger burned away so quickly that all that was left was the determination to do it and the fear of what would come afterwards.

She had to do it, but knowing the consequences of doing it, Kaylee was shaking her shoulders, unsure of where to direct her emotions.

I call her name softly, ”I would help you if I could.

I would help you if I could, but I can't, and if you stop here, who's going to help Suela?

You know,” Kaylee said, not knowing what to say, but she turned her head down and pleaded with me to understand.

I'll help you.


I tried to appeal to her again, igniting her anger to deny that she couldn't do it if I told her again to show my resolve, but when her angry gaze and mine met, Kaylee was unable to say anything.

......... has a face.

I'm aware of it.

The fork in the road to do or not to do is long gone.

You can't help Suela by being prepared to stop at such words of recklessness and recklessness.

Now that we know that, it's pointless to ask questions here.

”You can really help, right?

”I can't do it, I can't help it. . that's all.

”......... would have been in love with you if it wasn't for Suela.

Wavering is futile.

I assure you I will help you.

As I was about to do it, Kaylee snapped in front of me.

She was crowding in, gently pushing her arm away to get away from the distance.

And instead, her right hand swings lightly and lands on my chest near my heart.

Then show me you can help me. If I can't, you know what I mean?

Without being told.

Perhaps this is as far as I could go.

Even if I wasn't going to do it, there's no turning back now.

I've given up the right to whine and regret here.

”......... Jiro, I understand your resolve. But what are you going to do? Kaylee is right, just trying to do something in the dark isn't something you can do about.

There is no policy or anything.

Understanding that, Evvia, who is more opinionated than Kaylee, asked me

My action is an action that could certainly save a life.

If you act recklessly and recklessly, I'll look you in the eye and answer you, as if to say I'll stop you.

I will use the wisdom of the sage and the power of Valus.

”! Okay, maybe we don't have it, but maybe.

”There are many lost technologies. Maybe there's a way to help Suela among them!

The knowledge of the wise men in Amelia is vast.

There's no choice but to find the knowledge about magic deficiency within that knowledge.

If it's not in the demon king's army, it's on the side of the heroes.

Then, with the space-time spirit Varus, you will boost the speed of that knowledge.

Memoria and Himik rejoice at the slightest possibility.

I know that ......... is a possibility. But we'll set a time limit too.

Then, as if to throw a damper on it, Evvia says with a snap.

When you hear that it's the time limit, tensions in our midst are high.

I'll do everything in my power to give you what I can, and I'll call a great doctor. That should buy us a lot of time.

Then, she glanced at the ornamental female doctor, who was in a hurry to calculate how long it would be safe to do so, and said, ”It depends on your condition.

Depending on your condition, perhaps four days, no, I mean, if you're under Master Evvia's authority, I think I can safely treat you for up to five days.

You got that, Jiro, you have five days. Jiro, you have five days to figure out how to help me. I'll put some of my best people on it.


A pep talk in Evvia's own way.

Returning her gaze from the doctor to me, Evvia smiled almost wryly at the guy who had no choice.

You've only delayed the possibility of helping Suela, that's a big help.

Then we'll have to act now.

Lord! What I can do.

I can help you, too.

Himik and Memoria, it's reassuring to have both of them to help me.

”I'll need Himik's support in my personal life, maybe not back home. I'll need her to change clothes, prepare food, and also check on Suela.

”Mm! I got it.

Memoria, give me all the magic potions you can find. The money will come from my savings. The key to the game should be how long you can keep revealing Ms. Vals.

”Okay. I'll do everything I can.

You can only have a limited number of people in Amelia's vault, then you have no choice but to act in an optimal manner without creating an overstaffing.

We're all set to do this.

The rest.

Okay, I'll take care of the work. And I'll put you and Miss Miyagawa on payroll.

”Thank you.

Don't neglect your day job and cut down on my worries.

Really, you know it's a very important time, don't you?

I won't be able to do any work for the next few days.

I'll have to accept the delays caused by that, but I'll do what I can to not make Suela regret it later.

We're going to move in the direction of helping Suela and the child.

If you ask for that last bit of help, you can look at Kaylie and see the remnants of her earlier emotional expression, but she's still laughing like she's dumbfounded.

Then, as if teasing her.

Be thankful. I'll set you apart, not just ahead of the other sections. But when this is over, you're going to work overtime. Mostly the paperwork.

I'll be prepared.

When the work piles up, he tells jokes.

You've decided? Then start acting quickly. From here on out, act as if a second can make the difference between light and dark.

「「「「「 Yes! 」」」」」

Hearing Evvia's call, we started to act.

We parted from Himik, Memoria and Evvia on the spot, and Kaylie and I ran to our workplaces to meet up with Amelia.