263 258. Looking back, I think it went by so quickly (1/2)
We were in the party room, not in the Jiyuan room, making a report on this training program.
Normally the party room is very busy, but now it's very quiet compared to the usual.
I'm sitting at my usual table, facing my computer screen and working on my report.
The first cup of coffee is already cold and I only bring it to my lips to quench my thirst every now and then.
To your left, Kaido is doing the same thing.
Like me, his fingers only stop to check the text once in a while.
It's so crisp and smooth that it makes you think the training at your previous company was worth it.
Kitamiya and Amelia, who are sitting across from me, sometimes stop as Kitamiya teaches Amelia, who doesn't know how to write.
At a table some distance away, Minami and Masaru are working on the same task.
Such a peaceful moment had returned.
”So it's really only been a day.
When he left the room, Kaido said that vaguely as if he spoke for someone else, even though he must have experienced it many times.
He must have been tired.
Even though the training schedule was designed to allow for adequate rest and not to leave you exhausted, it was a different environment, a different job description.
There must have been no small amount of tension and mental strain.
Unlike the supervisors and instructors who immediately went back to their workplaces, Kaido's words made you feel exhausted.
Even if your body is not physically tired, your body often feels heavy just because your mind is relaxed.
The normally dignified Kitamiya, the energetic Amelia and Katsu, who doesn't often show their tiredness, could not hide their fatigue only on the day they were released from training.
It's a good thing that you have a smartphone and a signal, that you have a signal, that you have a phone, as if you're excited after an all-nighter. As I'm dancing maniacally, my mental fatigue has been blown away by the benefits of modern technology.
Putting such exceptions aside, I'm tired as I am, but not as tired as the others, so I can get on with my work, but there's no need to move on to work as it is.
It can be said that working inadequately is not efficient.
If you are not in a hurry to work, you should take a break.
You're tired from the training. We're going to close up for the day and each of you can get your rest.
We decided to break up for the day to rest each of us, and we decided to wait three days before getting together.
During those three days, I had to be me, and I had to finish some troublesome business, so it was good for me to have more time.
This way I could make up my mind.
Unlike the others, I'm less tired because I'm still trying to keep my head up.
After all, I have to tell Suera and the others about the director.
My feelings, my thoughts.
This is going to be a hard thing to say, but I'm going to tell the supervisor, Evia, what happened during this training.
I'm nervous.
I'm going to meet Suela, Memoria and Himikku after a long time, but they didn't feel only happy to see me, and as I saw off Kaido and the others, I let out a sigh without anyone noticing.
The spirit that can rejoice in the harem in a fantasy world is honestly envied only now.
With this in mind, I set down my equipment in the party room and headed for my room at home, exchanging greetings with the already familiar fantasy employees that I pass by from time to time.
I've been thinking about how to start a conversation with him, but the journey seemed to be going faster than usual, perhaps because I was thinking.
Suddenly, the front door was right in front of you.
It's just before noon when I came back from the office.
At this time of day, the only person who would be there would be Himiku.
If you think about it calmly, Suela and Memoria are working now.
They can't be back home.
What am I doing?
Thinking seriously, I was nervous, and with a slightly distracted expression on my face, I took out the key, inserted it, turned the doorknob, and the door opened.
I'm home.
Then you walk in the door and you hear a light footstep with a clatter.
That sound makes me think of that one.
Himikku is tall and has a big stride, so I thought the footsteps should be a little more paused.
I look at the person who greets me.
Welcome back. Jiro.
Suela, what's going on at this hour?
”No, I mean,
It was Suela who greeted me, who I thought was gone.
She should be working at this time of day, but she hadn't thought back to her schedule to see what was going on.
The suit she usually wears was loosened up after her belly became prominent, but now she's in full loungewear, holiday style.
You can find a number of different types of shoes for you to choose from.
I wondered if the situation was that serious.
You don't have to worry about it, Lord. Suela just got kicked out of her office.
”No, that's a big deal, isn't it?
It's a good thing that you're able to get a good idea of what's going on.
I'm sure I didn't say it right. But it's true, so I'll have to do it. Suela didn't take care of the baby and tried to do her job as usual, so Kaylee called me and I took her in.
It's a good thing that you're able to get a good idea of what you're looking for, because it's a great way to get a good idea of what you're looking for.
Suela ......
”No, I mean, yes, I'm sorry.
I came back with my own problems, but it seems that Suela was also causing some typical problems with Suela.
Tell her, Lord. It's not just Suela's baby. I know your job is important, but you don't want it to get back to you. I think you should be allowed to take what is essentially a maternity leave.
It's a good thing that you're able to get the most out of this product.
”I wish I could, but I'm busy planning a new tester,
I see.
As the head of the tester section, Suela is in charge of filling the current shortage of testers.
To be honest, the dungeon test is currently made up of our party and a few other talented people, but
Part-time work has become a problem, and some of them do only the minimum amount of activity.
However, testers have become an indispensable part of the company.
They are an important key person.
Suela, who is in a position to manage them well and prepare them for training, was working with a sense of responsibility.
This sense of responsibility has made me forget that I am a pregnant woman.
It is also unthinkable that the body can be a little overwhelmed by magic power.
This is the reason why the situation continues, and in the eyes of those around you, you red carded the pregnant Suela and summoned Himiku.
I'm sure you understand, but I can't stand on my feet forever, so I quietly take Suela's hand and lead her to the living room.
You're not going to be able to get your hands on any of them.
You'll enter the living room with Suela, who is a little shy as she takes your hand. Himikku has spent that short time preparing tea for me.
Lord, tea is here.
”Oh, thank you.
Sitting Suela on the living room couch, I sit down next to her and Himikku appears with a tray.
You receive a cup of green tea in a teacup and take a sigh of relief.
You take a sip of green tea and breathe a sigh of relief at its warmth.
There's no more awkwardness from there, just a simple reminder to take it easy, and Suela listens honestly.
That's the end of Suela's story.
Then we'll talk about recent events at the training and what you did, and we'll continue the chatter.
We'll keep chatting.
You can't help but wonder when to start talking, but you can't help but dwell on it forever.
Suela, Himik, I have something very important to tell you.
What do you want?
”An important story from the Lord?
It would be awkward to break the harmonious atmosphere, but it's worse to hide it .
Make up your mind.
The supervisor offered me a promotion.
That wouldn't be a bad way to start.