89 85 Some things appear when you set a goal (1/2)

Tanaka Jiro, 28 years old, with a girlfriend

Her Suela Hendelberg

Memory Tris

Occupation Dungeon Tester (full-time)

Magical aptitude 8 (general class)

Post Warriors

Yesterday's mock battle with Suela gave me an idea of where I'm headed.

Then I decided that I had to do it.

So I decided to pick up what I needed to do right away.


”Huh? What, huh?

You're usually a very serious person, but sometimes you're an idiot, right?

A junior colleague called me an idiot when I brought him in because he said he was free.

”OK, you want a fight?

”Hey! I mean, who wouldn't when they see you dressed like that! It's a good idea to train with such a large weight. ...... It's funny to think about training with such a large weight. It's not just a matter of how much you can do, it's how you can do it.

”It's not a weight, it's an anchor. Can you or can't you try and do it. That's all.

”Wow, it really is a lot of fantasy.

Instead of lowering the anchor directly to the ground to catch your breath, you hold it on your shoulder while creating a gurgling, dull wind pressure.

You're going to be able to find out how many people on the planet think about training with this kind of thing as per Kaido's suggestion.

I'm lacking in everything.

There's no shortage of things I lack, from strength to skill to knowledge.

I've been thinking about how to make up for that lack.

But I realized that the idea of making up for it was passive.

You change your mind to think that you should master it, not supplement it.

Then, the next question is what to master.

Master everything.

If I was talented enough to talk like that, I wouldn't have been bothered in the first place.

I can't wear a sleeve that isn't there.

Henceforth I'll be a specialist.

There is a tathagata of the teaching style called Unyo's sword.

It teaches you to swing first, even if it's only by a hair's breadth.

Follow this.

You have been swinging with the anchor of a ship that weighs a ton, which a human being could not normally carry, just for the sake of swinging down.

You will be able to find the best way to get the most out of the situation.

It's a good thing that you're not going to have to worry about the fact that you're not going to have to worry about the fact that you're not going to have to worry about the fact that you're not going to have to worry about it.

”No problem,

Of course, it's not something that can be learned overnight, and you have to learn other skills such as footwork and how to use the sword.

The path of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

In fact, if you can see the final product, there is no reason not to aim for it.

In addition to this, I believe that if I can make a contract with a spirit that strengthens my body, this configuration will become much more vicious.

Stepping in at an imperceptible speed out of time, you'll be able to split the bamboo with a well-honed blow.

Finally, this is my goal.

Shouldn't you work out a little?

Wielding a weight greater than that of the mineral tree means that you have to be mindful of your overall balance.

It's easy to say that you should swing down and up as if you were tracing the midline, but it was much harder than I imagined.

You can take on the afternoon dungeon with no problem in terms of physical distribution.

I don't know if you can call it proof of that, but there's plenty of room to talk while wielding a ton of stuff.

Well, in other words, I can't do much more than that.

No, you can't ask me for that.

From what I've heard, succubus prefers a well-developed body, though.

”Senpai, I'll do it too. Do you have something a little lighter?

”That's a cash fellow.

However, it is difficult to concentrate on the monotonous training of just repeating the gestures neatly like this.

I know that if you ask me to take it seriously, that's the end of it, but even so, if I can continue to be more efficient than necessary, I'll be bored.

If I was doing this alone, I would just give up and do it quietly, but fortunately I'm not alone, so I'll just let you pass the boredom by.

So, if you play along with what Memoria told you, there will be one more idiot who will take off his jacket and start pretending to be with you, just as you expected.

After spending the morning and eating lunch as planned, we were already in a dungeon for the unknown number of times.

”Hey, you overdid it and your sword is very light. It feels really strange.

Get used to it.

I can't hate this kind of honesty.

There is a saying that even a pig will climb a tree if it is cajoled, but Kaido, who was swinging at a good pace while humming the phrase ”irresistible and irresistible,” felt uncomfortable with the sword he had pulled from its scabbard.

It's no use.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's been wielding a sword five times heavier than that one.

A discomfort or two will come up.

And I wonder if you noticed the other discomfort as well.

”Kaido, are you aware of this?

”...... isn't here.

”Oh, it's too quiet.

Normally, we would be in a position where we would be able to make close contact and fight two or three times, but we haven't been able to find a single insect since a while ago.

Just the thick forest creates an eerie silence.


”Hey, Kaido.

”What is it, seniors?

”I have a really bad feeling about ......

”Me too.

The unusual atmosphere gives you a strange sense of déjà vu, and you look around to make your way out.

If you listen carefully, you can hear what sounds like something fighting in the distance.

Are you fighting ......?

”Is it another tester?

It's no surprise that there are other testers in the dungeon besides us.

It's just that it was my job, and my schedule just happened to coincide with it.

It's not hard to understand why it's so quiet when you consider that those testers attracted the entire enemy.

But my gut tells me otherwise.

”Sir, is the sound getting closer and closer?

Maybe so, but with such poor visibility, I can't even see.

I tried to climb up the tree to check on it, but it was impossible to do so due to the similar height of the trees.

I had no choice but to keep an eye out for the direction of the sound.

After a few hundred meters, you arrive at a high point where you can look down at the scene and see


We were forced to silence.

A black shadow took shape.

It was preying on the monsters in the dungeon.

It would swallow army ants by the head and devour them, and when it was in the middle of eating, it would decide on its next prey, and then it would attack another ant with its body, preying again.

Naturally, other dungeon monsters are attacking, but the attacker's attack is too weak to do any physical damage, so it goes forward, and this time the dangling mantis is devoured by its predator's vanguard.

And its shadow is increasing in volume.