30 28 Call for holidays, people call it holiday work (1/2)
Tanaka Jiro, 28 years old, single
Her Suela Hendelberg
Memory Tris
Occupation Dungeon Tester (full-time) + Recruiter
Magical aptitude 8 (general class)
Post Warriors
The essence of a person comes out in an emergency situation.
It is often said in cartoons, animations and novels that when an emergency occurs at a theme park or other entertainment facility, most of the people in the general public are worried and confused and will not be able to move in an orderly fashion.
It's not going to happen.
Jiro, what's wrong?
No, it was just a little escape from reality.
She turns to me and picks up my words, shakes her head and tells me it's nothing.
With that, she goes back to her work.
What was once the guise of a garden bar has been transformed into a conference room with a simple arrangement of tables and chairs.
The lights are dimmed, but that doesn't mean the magic is disabled; the facility staff and some employees (the Demon King's Army) have split up to light the lights.
In case of an emergency, they will not panic and deal with it well.
You can take a good look at how well educated they are.
Let's see what's going on. First, the entire telepathic system is on lockdown.
”There's something wrong with the magic circle. Otherwise, there would be no power outage in this facility.
The concentration of magic seems to be lessened as well.
At the head of the line are Suela and three others.
Without giving the slightest hint of the atmosphere in which they were playing, they gather and compile information that can be confirmed.
What's the situation, that is?
How would you know?
At least it's not an event.
Well, I don't know if there's any other humans around except us, but I don't think there's anything normal about it.
”So that's the trouble, huh?
Goblins, lizardmen and humanoid demons, familiar to demons that are close to humans but with wings and tails, are gathered here.
There's not much they can do to help them as they lead the other races from one group to the next in their various tasks.
All they're doing is making sure the dungeon itself works.
There's very little we, as non-professional staff, can do about it.
So we're holding a small party meeting in a small circle.
Let's go over what we know.
”We are trapped in this facility, that we are.
And the lifelines are down. We have no electricity, water, or gas available.
Fortunately, they have food, and with magic, they can cook it.
There's plenty of water to rot in front of you, but as I've just heard, there's a problem with the dungeon facilities being so dysfunctional.
To sum up, being trapped and waiting to be rescued is possible, but being trapped is pretty bad in itself.
The mental load of staying in the same space, but not a closed space, is high, where endurance battles are to be avoided if possible.
Let's brainstorm without denial.
”Are you sure?
”There is too little information to even begin to examine the possibilities. Suela and her colleagues are full of institutional jargon. It's out of our hands. As laymen, we can do what we can to preserve our strength and be ready to move in an emergency. And to do that, we have to consider all possibilities.
...... Well, it's better than sitting back and doing nothing.
”It's just an accident,
I hope so, but from what I'm seeing, it seems to be artificial, that it is.
On what basis?
The idea of a victory accident was the first thing that came to mind for me too, but I feel that something other than thought negates it.
Rather, something human-made in the south is more in line with my intuition.
This is a dungeon, that it is. The facility is powered by, shall we say, magic power, right? It's crazy to think that all that power is going to be cut off, that it is.
That's true. If it's a fantasy promise of this kind, it's a rebellion.
”I sometimes wonder if Kaido-senpai is going to erect a flag willingly, that I am.
For me, that's the worst kind of 'one step closer' thinking, but for now, let's listen to it.
Is that all right? The reason why I used the word artificiality is because I don't want it to happen, that I don't want it to. The promise of these events is that what you say will come true! It's a so-called death flag, that it is. Kaido-senpai has just erected it, that he has.
”Yes, Nan-chan, that's very impressive.
”Sweet! Sweet, that is! It's sweet enough to throw extra condensed milk and honey into MAX coffee, that it is!
It's already a different drink when you get there.
At least I don't want to put my mouth on something so nauseating.
Coffee is just a little sugar, that's my justice.
Those who deny it will fall, that they will! Even now the senior is steadily building a mountain of death flags, that it is!
”Oh no, I have a lot more to do! There's a lot of restaurants (18) that I want to go to.
How can this guy show his intentions behind the scenes so clearly in a serious space?
Even if it wasn't me, even Katsu and Kitamiya would have figured it out.
I'm sure Katsu and Kitamiya understood that. Let's just wait and see how it ends, even though we can feel the situation getting worse.
I'm going to teach my seniors how to flag crash, that I do.
Just to do that, you need to be prepared for your seniors, that I do.
”What! I think I can do most things now!
That it is, that it is, but first transfer about 100,000 to this account.
How did that southern guy come up with a fantasy-style money transfer scam?
In the meantime, it's best not to leave it any longer.
To the South, who executed the mandatory intervention and started the shenanigans.
Don't get carried away.
Let's try to adjust the course of events with the sanction of victory.
Be serious.
I'm not a fan of seriousness, that I am. ...... I'm going to be serious, that I am, and I don't want you to look at me like that. We can only predict from, that is?
Okay, so you're the one who knows the most about fantasy in this place. It's a fine line with me, you know.
”Reader's expectations? What is that? I'd like to hear it for your reference, that I do.
I'm thinking of the possibility that the facility was affected by an attack from an enemy of the demon king's army, in this case, a nation or organization that summons heroes, such as a god.
I see, more than the inside, that is.
If you suspect your people first, you're in for a real treat.
In my previous company, it was my family members who were the first to suspect.
”Hey, Kaido, put the word boss on your head, there were very few cases of failure in the field.
”Leader, he's coming back, that he is on the verge of darkness, that he is.
I told myself to take it serious, but I almost fell into a gagging phase on another level.
Sorry, keep talking.
I can think of several things, that I can think of, but I think the most likely one is a faction war, that I can think of.
”Why? From what I've seen, I think that president put it together pretty well.
”Sweet, that it is.
That expression (cao) is so annoying!
”Mmm-hmm, good? If you turn the history of the world over, there is plenty of racial discrimination, that I know of. It's not surprising to see conflicts overflowing with the same people, if they are different in appearance.
Put aside the smugness of the critics and the smugness of the South, but the explanation certainly has a point.
In a famous story, the story of a black man comes up.
On a more familiar note, the story of the people of Osaka and Tokyo do not get along with each other is mentioned.
There is no end to the question of whether human beings can be compatible with a species that has human form but no human shape.
It's not only a problem from the human side, that it is. There are also emotions from other species, that it is. I often say that. It is the high road of the fantasy element to be represented as a sub-species of human, that it is.
”Guessing from the South's point of view, the point is this rebellion or strike? Are you saying that this behavior is the behavior of people who want to change the status of our testers anyway?
I expect so, that I do. But if it changes, it will definitely change for the worse.
”Ugh, the deterioration of the working environment is the worst.
It's just a wild conjecture, but in reality, it's just a wild conjecture that makes no sense, but my idea and Minami's prediction make sense in this company.
And except for the accident, the consequences of the outcome of the projections will be harmful to us all.
My idea is probably for the purpose of rescue, in the name of saving the deceitful heroes, and after being rescued, under the guise of protection, the words ”return home” will be applied, which is less likely than winning the first prize in the lottery, although it is unknown until then.
The South's prediction would still be benign if we could say that the strike ...... was started by a group of people who don't like using humans to guarantee their status, hawkish thinking, and view humans as subordinate, but if we're going to go this far, we should at least look at a coup or terrorist attack. It has to be.
When it succeeds, we testers will be at best fired from the company and at worst, headed straight for slavery.
Explaining it out loud, we had to be silent because the situation was worse than we thought.
The situation is just what we imagined it to be.
But it's hard to find anything to deny in this company where a typical fantasy world development is so real.
No matter how much Suela and her friends are around, you won't have to worry about a sudden ending, but it's not something that can be wiped away.
If it had been wiped away, we wouldn't be so silent.
...... Now, what to do, I don't want to speculate too much.
As is his usual habit, he rummages through his pockets, but his current outfit, a bathing suit and a hoodie, should not be equipped with a cigarette, and he substitutes it by scratching his head.
”I'd like to get my equipment ready for now,
”Yes, that's true, that's true.
”You're not a woman.
If you don't tell me, I won't be able to do it, that I won't.
Do you want a beer?
I am a minor, that I am. If you have been drinking, I will lecture you on the floor, that I have.
I'm just kidding.
It is a vicious habit of businessmen to reach for a beer when they hear that they can't do it.
In response to this line, I offered him my remaining mug of beer on the table, but he refused with a straight face.
”You can't even go to your locker ......
Yes, the transition camp in the swimming area and locker area has been sealed off, so we have our own space. The only clothes sold at the stall are like swimsuits and hoodies, and the only weapons we had were water pistols.
At the very least, if you can change into civilian clothes, you will still look and defend yourself better than a swimsuit, but it seems unlikely that the wholesaler will let you down.
You will be able to find a number of different types of shoes that you can use for your own personal use.
I hope it was an accident, but if it was an accident, it would have been an accident and the worst case scenario.
”The worst?
Oh, the dungeons are formed by clearing land in different spaces. If it's an accident, it's the only place where the connection is lost.
”Isn't that bad?
Yeah, I don't think we're going to be able to take it easy either way, accidental or intentional.
I'm not Kitamiya, but I can't help but imagine the worst, because I've worked for a black company, or maybe it's my intuition that keeps on ringing the alarm bell.
It's not an accident.
Where you are distressed, a change occurs.
The air was previously tense, but apparently the tide of the situation has changed.
We've made contact with an employee outside the facility. Have you?
What's going on?
There's no need to be a question mark.
Suela's face tells me that.
I'm not torn between to say and not to say, but perhaps I should say, but I don't want to.