103 99 Fire extinguishing is important!! (1/2)

Tanaka Jiro, 28 years old, with a girlfriend

Her Suela Hendelberg

Memory Tris

Occupation Dungeon Tester (full-time)

Magical aptitude nine (quasi-magical grade)

Post Warriors

The luxury of sitting at the counter with a beautiful woman and a beautiful girl, drinking a glass of wine, passed.

The content of the conversation was not very s*xy, but it was fresh and interesting in its own way.

I'm talking about the word 'faith' in a rather corny way, but no...in this case, it's against faith. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having faith?

As I was beginning to drink more and more, I said something that occurred to me.

Normally, religion should not be mixed with merit, or selfishness.

To a religious person, a wish to win the lottery or to find the perfect lover may be a greedy wish.

It's a good idea to have the gods and goddesses fulfill your human desires in a certain way, such as praying for a good harvest or praying for rain. ......

That's right.

I guess it's .......

In the back of my mind I thought that maybe I would be warned that such a thing was impolite, but they didn't seem to mind and slowly put down their bowls and began to think.

The common denominator on the merits would be the blessing.

Memoria, who had spoken of the benefits earlier, pointed directly at her own skin.

We vampires, along with the vampires of Jiro's world, are vulnerable to the sun, that is, to the extent that it interferes with our lives, but we can mitigate that disposition by obtaining blessings.

Memoria's pointed skin is so white that it's hard to believe that she traveled with that sunless Isreal.

It's so white that even with a good application of modern sunscreen, it's hard to believe that it can remain this white.

There are many other forms of blessings that can take place, but the basic idea is to have your body protected by a divine blessing.

”I see.

Sunlight is certainly a disadvantage for vampires.

If it can be counteracted or mitigated, that's a pretty good advantage.

The famous exception is also the blessing of the brave. The gods give strong power to greatly increase the performance of luck and magic aptitude and strengthen the body. As a reaction to this, the convenience of the gods is incorporated into your body, so your constitution will be involved in some kind of commotion. So even if your luck is high, it is not always an advantage.

As if to take advantage of the story, Suera also talks about the merits of blessings.

What came out is the story of the famous blessing of a brave man, which is understandable considering the job of a brave man who is given a mission by God to lead an unconventional life.

It's also a good idea to have a good time with them.

The downside is that it still takes some work to maintain faith in ....... Offer prayers. Offer offerings. Fulfilling our mission. Show your faith. It comes in many forms, but the stronger the blessing, the more important it is.

There are no certain common ways to give because people have different tastes. So that's what you need to know. Master Louina is testing the quality of her blessings.

”I see.

Of course there is no such thing as a free gift.

The only way to earn a profit is to deliver and sell the goods.

Memorize the advantages and disadvantages while listening to Suela and Memoria's explanation.

Whether you need it now or not, I have to make sure I have all the information that would be too good to ignore.

You have to follow the proper procedure when receiving and returning blessings. If you skip the procedure, the nature of the blessing will be reversed and it will become a curse.

”God's curse or something, it's ridiculous.

Even in business, unilaterally breaking a contract is a matter of lawsuit.

The same is true for people and gods, who need to make arrangements to convince the other party.

From what Suera said, it seems that blessings are useful to have, but you need to keep them firmly in mind to maintain them.

There are plenty of stories of heroes being cursed and wreaking havoc in Earth's mythology.

We laugh at Suela's story, but it's no laughing matter if it's someone else's story or if you're part of it.

You'll be able to find a few of the best ways to get your pancakes to work.

You're going to be able to find out if the contract with the spirits that Suela mentioned is also a part of that belief?

That's part of it. There are various ways of contracting with spirits, such as faith, service, and equality. Basically, if you're a top level spirit, you're an object of faith, a medium level spirit is an equal, and a low level spirit or fairy is a messenger. Please, Jiro.

Thank you ...... and

The empty sake cup is poured into the cup, and you appreciate it, and now you taste it as you lick it instead of going at once.

From what I've heard, it doesn't look like it's going to go away any time soon.

Well, it's a common practice now, but we've been doing it since we were kids.

But if we're going to hit the dungeons in the future, we'll need a blessing.


You may be okay now, but you don't know what's ahead.

Maybe there will be a limit to how far you can go with just one sword technique.

Then there may come a day when the difference between having a blessing or not will be the difference between victory and defeat.

You may not be able to learn it overnight, as Suela said, but as Memoria said, there is a high probability that you will need it in the future.

I've come to the conclusion that at least I won't choose not to do it.

So, I remembered that I was going to ask you about it when I was planning my next work schedule to search for materials in my spare time.

”Suela, the supervisor said something that's been bothering me.

As I was about to listen to it, I suddenly had a bad feeling and, as if following it, Suela and Memoria all took action.

We each took a cup of sake cups and a bowl of oden and stood up and quietly got up and sat down.


A second later, something came flying through the door and slid across the counter table.


What is it, a fight?

It seems so.

”It's annoying.

You calmly analyze what happened while covering the flying pieces to prevent them from entering each vessel.

Seeing that something beyond the broken door, instead of panicking, I plucked the chikuwa from the bowl and threw it into my mouth.

Suela sips the sake she's quietly secured, while Memoria looks out at the hustle and bustle outside and lets out a sigh.

The next thing you see is the identity of the thing that flew at you.

The man who flew at you is a familiar colleague (tester).

The shopkeeper, who was also watching, wrinkles his brow and casts a spell, and the man is carried from the floating counter to lean against the wall.

In the meantime, the door is being cleaned of dust and debris, so it will be difficult to eat at the table for a while.

The three men who had eaten earlier are in a drunken stupor, but they have firmly avoided the situation and gone outside the restaurant with a bottle of oden and sake in hand.

As we followed suit, we quietly looked out the broken door and saw a fight between testers beyond the hustle and bustle.

I mean.