200 196 予定外というのは、悪いことばかりではない (1/2)

Two lights that appear and float in the sky.

Within each of these lights, a figure appears.

With familiar wings on their backs, they are angels, no doubt.

Girls with helmets covering the upper half of their faces, wearing white armor and holding golden spears of different sides.

Their appearance was so similar that I thought they were twins.

”Sheikh, meikh.

Do you know him?

”Oh, that's my sister.

And when it comes to Himik's sister, the first thing you can be sure of is that she is a cutthroat angel of the topmost angel.

Is she strong?

Individually, she's a mid-level sister. But together, they're a force to be reckoned with.

”So that's the type.

Individually, they're so-so, but when it comes to working together, they're a pain in the ass.

Such an entity has emerged.

This is honestly not a good situation.

Ahead is Amelia, who lost her freedom of body to the demon king's soul, and behind her are her twin top angels.

Now what to do.

”Hmph, Himik.

But .

What's up, Lord?

We know what we can do.

Not yet, the game is in play, but there is no checkmate.

Can you win?

”Humph, don't be crazy, Lord.


The situation is on a bad note.

Despite such a situation, Himiku's expression behind the helmet is probably a smile.

The voice of Himikku was so out of place and calm that it felt like this.

”Tell me to win and I'll offer the Lord the victory.

And the words that were spun next had more supremacy than anyone else in the room.

There was not a hint of hesitation or desperation in fighting his sister.

”Okay, then. Will you win and come back in one piece?

That's why I dared to ask her for a difficult favor on one condition, instead of just winning.

Did she find my request difficult, or did she just do it without me having a second thought?

Yeah, I'll do it.

This way, she answered clearly.

Seeing her nod firmly.

”Yeah, I'm on it.

Then there's no way I'm going to give up on her after asking her for a favor.

I redoubled my efforts and confronted Amelia.

She's been watching the angel in the sky for a long time, but as Himikku leaps into the sky, she quickly turns her gaze to me.

It seems that the easiest one to take down first.

Well, that's fine.

That's better for us.

I glanced behind me and, perhaps sensing what I was about to do, all three of them gave me a quick thumbs-up.

You can't help but smile, knowing that you're in good company.

”Kah, well, let's get it over with!

Connection with the mineral tree.

Roots sprout from the hilt and entwine around my arm.

It begins to circulate.

The roots of the mineral tree begin to pulsate and my heart races.

From here on out, it's pure and total combat.

No thought of the rest.

Let's go!

The voice comes from the bottom of your stomach, and with a spirited look, you lean forward and kick the ground at once.

Then you produce a blast of air behind you and start running.

Now, this is the moment of truth!

Another side

Dark, heavy, suffocating.

And noisy.

That's how I felt when I started to wake up lightly.

Gradually, I'm starting to wake up, but my consciousness isn't clear.

I'm trying to remember something, but I can't remember anything.

I feel as if something is holding me down, even though it is me and yet it is not me.

I want to wake up, but I can't.

I don't want to sleep, but I'm trying to force myself to sleep.

I think something is wrong and try to squirm, but I can't free myself.

I want to reach out my hand, but I can't tell if I'm reaching out.

I feel as if I'm submerged in something like thick water.

I try to open my mouth, but I can't open it.

What's happening to me?

A flicker of doubt is priming me to clarify my existence, little by little.

But still the body does not work firmly.

My ears, which always hear the rhythm of the music, let alone open my eyes, do not hear anything.

On the contrary, it doesn't pick up any noise.

Quiet, the quietest I've ever heard.

I was getting more and more afraid of the crushing, crushing sensation.

Anyway, I struggled not to stay.

You don't feel the sensation of moving your body, but you try your best to move it.

I don't know if it moves, but I struggle to move it anyway.