144 140 Change of mind, sometimes good change. (1/2)

I came back and joined Suela and her friends three days after I left for the continent.

When I returned to my room in the company dormitory, I immediately contacted Suela and Memoria.

I was kind of hoping that you wouldn't come back without incident, but this was unexpected, or how should I put it, Memoria.

Well, in my opinion, it's a bit off the charts, wouldn't you say? What do you think, Jiro?


This is the result of all the reactions we've gathered, but it can't be helped.

After a mess, things tend to settle down, or maybe it's a bit of a hassle, but I was able to come back to the company safely.

No, not the company, but Suela and the others.

After defeating the golem, I immediately started preparing to go home, but I couldn't just go home and do nothing under the circumstances, so I had to ask my trusty guild masters to take care of the rest.

I was half in tears as I was about to ask them to give me a break, but after poking at the guilt of forcing me to fight everything, I told them that the wreckage of the golem was my reward, and their reluctant face turned into a dollar sign as if to say, ”I'll leave it to you to go ahead and do it,” and they sent me off.

The economic situation must have been very bad.

I wondered what the ownership of the golem was all about, but that's just the meritocracy of the demon king's army.

It seems that the spoils of warfare belong to the person you beat.

I was thinking about how to explain the bomb Himik on my way back home, but I came to the conclusion that a bad excuse would complicate things.

I didn't hide anything about the situation, not even the details of my contract with Himiku.

It was a decision that a man would take the condemnation with open arms.

I sat down on my knees and explained the situation, and I got a big sigh.

I'm not quite a victim, but it wasn't a situation where I could say it wasn't my fault.

So I apologize frankly.

No, I should have been a little considerate. Looking at your mother-in-law's qualities, there is a possibility that Jiro-san is a person of heroic descent.

I don't think my family was unique: ...... or my mother's side of the family was rather unique.

If you have a family of shrines and some dubious anecdotes, you would be one of the most unique families in Japan.

The word pops up like a game setting and you quickly deny it and think back to your own family tree, but you remember that your mother's side was unique, let alone your father's side.

But even so, I don't think there is such a thing as a brave man in my ancestors.

It's probably not what you imagine. The lineage of the brave men does not mean that they have a brave man as an ancestor. The lineage of the brave that we say is a generic term for people who can be brave, or have the potential to be brave. Although it is a statistic, it is more common to have brave ancestors who have such aptitude. However, it's rare that someone with high aptitude for magic can become a hero, so your mother-in-law fits that description.

”You mean that I, the son, might become a hero in the future? ...... At this stage, it's just a possibility. I thought you were going to tell me to save the world and be a brave man or something.

”Then you'll have to challenge the Demon King, do you want to?

”No, thank you, because you could turn into charcoal in seconds.

It's amazing to be able to fight a demon king for a few seconds, though.

I don't know how much 500 gold is worth in Japanese yen, but I don't want to see the future where the salary is just that, and then I'll be self-sufficient.

The word ”reckless” can't even begin to describe the recklessness of challenging the president when even the instructors can't help you.

Now, we may call Jiro's case an unfortunate accident, so let's conclude later and move on to the matter at hand. How shall we treat her?

Well, it doesn't look like it's going to do any good to put it off.


”You like ......? Dorayaki

”Oh, this sweetness is quite good!

I see.

My treatment is not to be acquitted of the crime, but we'll talk again later to settle the matter first.

Leaving the Lord in his seat, I turn to the fallen angel (Himikku) who is enjoying the long-awaited sweetness of dorayaki, leaving the Lord to receive a sermon.

He is eating the dorayaki on a small plate on the table provided, carefully tasting each bite of the dorayaki.

The gesture is as expected of an ex-angel, or should I say, eating elegantly.

At first I was going to say something in response to that, but with each bite, her eyes sparkle and her happiness aura is on full display.

I'm not sure what it is.

Happiness is something you can visualize.

Maybe it's because she's a former angel, but her smile just shines through.

As you're watching this scene, she notices my gaze and turns her head to me, but I can't tell her to take it seriously because she's showing me an innocent smile despite the fact that she's a fallen angel and a one-handed Dorayaki.

When it comes to Memoria.

”Here's your tea.

I'm sorry.

No, do you also want to eat this sponge cake?

Don't miss it!

Such a smiling Himikku is being fed.

The fallen angel sipping green tea in a teacup, although the picture plane is amazing, the discomfort doesn't seem to do the job very well.

How about a fallen angel that looks good in a teacup?

From now on, you may have to be careful about the combination of Himiku and sweets.

The supervisor said I'll handle it, but ...... what do you think Suela?

”I'm not sure I'd be able to handle being asked to manage a fallen angel out of the blue.

”I know.

You are leisurely eating sweets like this, but from the point of view of the demon king's army, angels are a symbol of fear.

Although they have fallen and moved their thoughts to our side, their performance has not changed.

You will be on guard if you wonder when that power will fall on you.

It would be reckless to integrate such a being into the organization.

This alone could cause a rift.

But that doesn't mean it's right to make them live like caged birds at best, or NEETs at worst.

He says he's good at fighting and can do paperwork, but he hates it. I doubt that the fight will be easy to handle. He can, but he swings a hundred times too wide. I'd rather have him charge into a dungeon to get the job done.

We could get some valuable data here too.

”I wouldn't expect much detail.