1 Milan
2 Loves you two a lot!!!
3 Any objections?
4 As for the father of my kids
5 The phone call
6 It seems?
7 I feel like going....
8 Queen of her kingdom
9 Ultimate desperation!
10 Idiot! How can you break your own leg?
11 Papa!
12 Wedge......
13 Have a Happy life!
14 Nothing?
15 Baby, the flight is going to land
16 My wife and my kids are tired
17 Arenst they cute mom?
18 How dare...
19 Can you get out please?
20 Shame of you Ria!!!
21 Where the F**k have you been?
22 Shut up
23 Brother-in-law, alert!
24 Agree to the marriage.
25 Is this jealousy, Sweetheart?
26 Pain, Pain Gho Awaay!
27 Keep it up sweethear
28 I know!
29 I hate him!
30 Who needs you?
31 Apologies, my Queen!
32 She is my wife, Rianna Raj
33 Want to work for me?
34 Where is Mommy?
35 Scoundrel ah?
36 Ism almost there!
37 I got you.
38 Get the f*ck out, Mr.Kozhaksi.
39 Cancelled
40 Is your model dumb?
41 I dare you to call him!
42 Rascal
43 Want to or not?
44 Go to sleep
45 Ism going to kill you for sure!
46 I heard it!
47 Then Papa?
48 Ofcourse you will!
49 Nice scenery, Anna.
50 Good night, mi amor.
51 My kittens!!!
52 And also give me a kiss.
53 See you later!
54 Are you marrying him?
55 Surprise!
56 Is Mama Shtill Shleeping?
57 It is a date, Baby
58 Your friends name?
59 You look like Demon king
60 Ism not finished!
61 Ism sorry
62 Are you...
63 Lu?
64 Lucianna madam
65 He is your patient?
66 Can we sleep with kids?
67 If that guy doesnst look good!
68 An unrequited love.
69 Sounds like a plan, Beautiful
70 Everything has a YOU in it!
71 When did Anna leave?
72 You are leaving soon?
73 Oh! Please!
74 Donst cry Please!
75 Surprise!
76 You better be !
77 We still prefer Frosting right?
78 Ofcourse your king
79 Something Old
80 Coming, Ria Darling!
81 No need!
82 No need, Cancel it!
83 I... I was... I...