26 Pain, Pain Gho Awaay! (1/2)
Ria was so irritated and depressed on knowing this. She was sure she heard him correct. But what can she do? He has her kids now, she has to listen. She calmed herself down and then said, ”Okay! I will be there shortly”. After she hung up, she took the car with Emma to 'R&R' mall.
This time as soon as she entered, she made the call. ”Where are you? I am at the first floor.” 'R&L' shopping mall was one of the Raj's so she knows about it inside out. But this one, it is new so she has no idea. She thought, 'Giving in to him is better than opposing him. I will have my time for revenge'.
Ren replied calmly, ”Orion garments is the one we bought clothes for my kids”, then he hung up. Ria asked several people and searched for the shop. Emma and Ria spilt up at the entrance to minimize the time. Ria found the shop, it was on the 5th floor.
When she asked the shop owner, they said, ”Young master has already left. It is been 20 to 25 minutes”. Ria was so angry, 20 minutes means he left even before she left 'R&L'. It only took 10 minutes to come here, as the mall was in the same area as a competitor for 'R&L'.
She called Ren, ”Screw you! Where are my kids, Ren?”. Ren was just walking out of 'R&R', the kids were eating cake in the opposite shop till now. When he heard Ria's words he smiled instinctively.
He turned around and looked back, then he said, ”Chill, Sweetheart. The kids were hungry, so I took them to Cake Park. If you want you can have a bite too”. Before Ria could say anything he hung up. Ria was practically boiling she wanted to throw her phone.
Her phone rang that time, it was Emma. She then said everything to Emma. They now started to search for Cake Park. The thing is if she was calm and collected, she could have found have the shop opposite to her in the 6th floor next second. Yet she searched for another 30 minutes.
She called him but she found that they have left the mall and she became more frustrated when she saw the garments opposite to her in the 5th floor. He now told her to come to the Toys World showroom. It was another 30 minutes travel from here.
She went there but again he left before her. He told her to come to V-DR resort. It was one among the famous resorts in the Asia. It was the main branch and property of Rajs. When she went he had left after having a meeting in one of the best private suites.
Then he called her to come to the Kozhaksi horse riding club. She drove as fast as she can yet missed them. She knows the fact that he tells her to come to the place only after he left there. So she has no chance of catching them, yet she kept moving.
She already broke her phone, she is now using Emma's phone. The next place is a Pet Shop near a Amusement park. She subconsciously knew she can't catch them. So she stopped at KFC to grab something only for Emma to eat. Since they both didn't have lunch and she was upset so she couldn't eat anything.
Ria drank some energy drink there. As usual when they went to the pet shop, he was nowhere to be found. Emma was a bit worried, she wanted to call Ren and tell him, not to pressure Ria this much. He then said to come to Kozhaksi Mansion.
She thought at last, she can see her kids. But he was also not there with the kids. They left to the Main branch Office. She went there to find an empty CEO room. She became so much angry and broke Emma's phone too. 'I will sue you, Ren. For sure, I will sue you'.
She collapsed on the floor and started to brust into tears in his room. Ren was watching this through the camera in his room. He had this angry expression in his face. Both Varun and Diya was sound asleep in his arms.
They kept asking about Ria, the whole day. Everything they bought, they ate, they saw led them to talk about their mama.