16 My wife and my kids are tired (1/2)
The current situation is Ria with her kids and ofcourse with Ren in a car. And the car is limited Mercedes - Maybach edition. 'What a twist of events!', Ria thought.
Actually the things that happened after the little guy Varun ran over to Ren, was like flashy fireworks. Ria felt.every single cell in her body shaking from fear when Varun ran to Ren. Ren looked at the little kids at his feet and then looked at Ria.
His face was blank, so Ria couldn't read his reactions. The complete airport was silenced by Varun's one word. Ria thought Ren won't find out since she has never mentioned him about her pregnancy before she left.
Ren squatted down, picked Diya and Varun in his two hands like popcorn. The two little kids were so rejoiced to be with their father. They didn't recognize their mother glaring at them. As soon as Ren lifted them, cameras started to snap at them.
Diya gave Ren a kiss in his right cheek. Ren replied with a surprised smile and said, ”Thank you sweetheart”. Looking at Ren's reaction Varun also gave him a peck on his left cheek. He raised his brows at the little guy in his arms and said, ”Thank you too sweety”.
Ria was beyond... stupified more like sheeven pinched herself to know whether she is dreaming or not. Ren, who was holding the kids and being the centre of attention for the cameras and Media, called his vice president who is also his little cousin Darron to cancel his schedule for today.
He then walked to Ria, even though he was holding kids he gave the aura of a king. Ria took a step back, Ren smiled and looked at Mr.Raj. He asked Mr.Raj politely yet demandingly ”If its alright with Father-in-law, I can take my wife and my kids”. He purposefully stressed his every word giving him no choice to refuse with the media around.
Father Damien thought they are still together after these years and he was happy to know that. He nodded and said, ”Yeah! Yeah! you can. But Me and my wife would like to invite you guys for dinner tonight and we insist.” Ren looked at Ria first and then looked at Mr.Raj and said, ”Sure”.
Ria was tongue-tied and didn't know how to react. She was prepared to meet him but not this much faster. Something about him makes her to shiver from fear. Maybe its guilt for keeping the news about the kids or the things he said in the past or ....love.
Ren came near Ria, Emma introduced herself. Darron was so excited to see Ria as they were close in the past. He took the luggage from Ria's hand. Everyone walked towards the entrance, while Emma nudged Ria to move.
Ria nodded and behaved, as the Media was watching her. She needs to maintain her reputation for the upcoming Awards ceremony after all. She doesn't want to create a hype.
Media was going crazy on hearing Ren saying words like, 'Father-in-law', 'My wife', 'My kids'. He is a leading bachelor, of the country after all.
A reporter finally asked a question to Ren who was walking out with bodyguards in front and kids in his arms.
”Mr.Kozhaksi, Aren't you going to visit your girlfriend Ms. Katherine, who was injured in the shoot in Switzerland?”
Ren was keeping quiet about this girlfriend crap just because it was not worth clarifying. But now Ria was there and she shot a look at him like saying 'What the hell?'. Ren turned around to look at the reporter who dared to ask him a question with murderous intent.
The reporter was frightened but he still kept his mike hanging in the air. Ren cleared his throat and said, ”Ms. Katherine is one of the leading stars of our agency and nothing else between us. I'm afraid your misleading words may cause me problems with my wife and your company too”