38 Rere 2 (2/2)

”Are you okay?” Matthew asked, his tone was sprinkled with tints of concern. ”Ah!” Renae realised she was leaning on Matthew and quickly got up, the leash still in hands. ”I'm fine... but are you? I fell on you!” She exclaimed, extending a helping hand to pull him up.

Matthew took the helping hand, but because he was stronger, he accidentally pulled Renae back down on top of him. This time the force was so strong that their faces were a few centimetres away from each other.

They stared directly at each other's eyes. They both felt flustered, yet they couldn't look away. ”Oh... erm... I'm sorry,” Matthew tripped over his own words as he apologised. ”It's fine, it's fine. Rere needs to be disciplined,” Renae sighed as she said.

They got up again, this time no one fell down. They turned their heads to see Rere peeing continuously at the same spot of grass. ”Why do you she's doing that?” Matthew asked, tilting his head curiously. ”Another dog probably peed there, so Rere felt the need to overwrite the other dog's claim of territory. It's normal for dogs, I was just blanking out so I was caught off guard,” Renae explained. Mathew nodded his head. ”Let's head back in then, it's pretty chilly tonight,” he said, looking towards the house.”

After some tug of war between the small dog and Renae, they finally left the grassy area and onto her front porch. Renae was the only one who felt as though she had lost her arms. How could a pup have so much energy? She thought to herself as she helped Rere take off her leash.

After doing so, she fell flat on the couch. ”My energy has been drained,” she mumbled. Matthew heard and it made him chuckle. ”Wait till she grows big, how will you handle her then? You're gonna need my help then,” Matthew said half-jokingly. ”Sure, if you're willing to play tug of war every single evening then sure,” she replied, burying her face in a couch pillow. ”Oh Gosh... maybe... 3 times a week? Other than that, it's up to you,” he replied, joining her on the couch.

”Oh, I should tell my parents about Rere.” Renae pulled out her phone and called for Rere, but she didn't come. She was still getting used to it, so Renae wasn't surprised.

Renae looked around and found that Rere had found her way to her bathroom and took a wee by the toilet bowl even though they just brought her out for a walk.

”Rere! Oh gosh... oh my...” Renae exclaimed when she caught Rere. She wasn't potty trained yet, so she didn't look guilty at all. ”Aish, I'll clean that up later. Come, Rere. I'm calling for you! Let's take a picture,” she said with a soft smile as she picked Rere up and walked to the living room.

”Rere peed in the toilet. I'll clean it later,” Renae said as she placed Rere down on the couch and tried to make her sit and stay, but she wouldn't. ”Matt, get the treats for me please,” Renae called. ”Mmh..” Matthew grabbed it from the kitchen counter and passed it to Renae. She thanked him and took out a treat.

After preparing her phone to take a picture, she gave the treat to Rere and she stayed still as she munched on it. That's when Renae took a picture. She looked at it proudly and sent it to her parents. She sent a message along with the picture. ”Mum dad, I got a dog as a birthday present from Matthew!”