39 A new ship has formed (1/2)

The next thing Renae knew, she received a video call request from her parents. She honestly couldn't decline, so she accepted. ”Mum, dad, meet Rere!” Renae exclaimed as she filmed Rere running around with a chew toy in her mouth. She didn't realise that Matthew was also the in frame.

”Ah... she's so cute. Is that... Matthew? Oh my goodness...” Auntie Cara said, pointing to the screen while turning to look at Uncle Mike, who was sitting next to her. ”Yep, it's Matthew. He's staying cause' it's pretty late now,” Renae explained. Matthew smiled at the camera and waved, ”Auntie Cara, Uncle Mike. We haven't seen each other in so long yet you guys seem to not have aged one bit.” He said what every over 40 year old would love to hear.

”Matthew... it's been a long time yes, and look how big you've grown! So handsome and full of energy, the teenage days were so fun. Well, you're just a gentleman, aren't you? It would be so nice if our daughter will be able to find someone like you. We'd absolutely love if you become our son-in-law, right hubby?” Auntie Cara was asking Uncle Mike, but she looked straight at Renae.

”Definitely! I wouldn't object at all if they got together. Who wouldn't want a son-in-law like Matthew?” Uncle Mike generously praised. ”Whatever. Anyways, Rere, come here!” Renae called, reaching out her arms for Rere to jump into. Rere joyfully leapt into... Matthew's arms. She pouted and whined, ”How is he a gentleman? Look, he's bullying me... he's not nice!” She pretended to be a kindergartener and pointed at him. It was like she could change her forms. In that moment, she seriously looked like a little kid throwing a hissy fit about another kid ”stealing” her toy. It was pretty cute.

”Since we're on this topic, we've never really asked, but are you actually in a relationship or anything like that?” Uncle Mike asked. Renae turned her head towards the camera and replied, ”Nope. No one has stolen the key to my heart yet. Anyways, Rere, come here now.” Her voice changed into a demonic-like tone when she said the last few words jokingly. Surprisingly, Rere ran over to her and snuggled comfortably in her lap.

”Hey... Matt...? Do you think... Rere is actually.... secretly... a.. a...” Renae's eyes were huge as she said dramatically. ”What? Just say it, geez. You're seriously an extra dramatic person,” Matthew said while petting Rere with one hand and taking a picture of her with his other hand. ”Where do you think this dramatic personality came from?” Uncle Mike asked, looking at Auntie Cara. ”Oh hush it. Renae, ya wanna continue speaking?” Auntie Cara said, rolling her eyes.

”Secretly... a... a sadist?” Renae asked, looking at Matthew with a serious expression. ”Hah! As if, dogs are the opposite of sadists. They love pats and stuff so much, how could they like pain?” He added. ”Think what you wanna, that's what I'm categorising Rere under from now on,” she said, joining in and petting Rere too.

”Hey, you have... didn't I tell you to wipe your mouth after you eat? Huh? Why is your mouth so dirty?” Auntie Cara chided Uncle Mike while grabbing a piece of tissue to wipe his mouth. ”I did! How would I know how it got there. Actually... I might've forgotten to wipe...” he replied, guiltily looking down. ”Don't look down, I need to wipe your mouth.” He nodded and looked back up.

”Okay, enough flirting in front of single people. Let's end here then, it's getting pretty late. I'll talk to you guys soon, love you! Bye bye...” Renae said, waving. Matthew waved as well. Once they said their goodbyes, they ended the call.

”Hey, who were you calling not nice just now?” Matthew asked, inching closer to Renae. ”You!” She replied boldly. ”It seems...” He put her hands above her and smirked, ”You're very much right.” After that, they kissed a little. Renae was not ready for that! It took her completely by surprise. ”What was that, huh?” She asked as Rere jumped onto her lap. ”Heh, it's nothing. I just felt like kissing you so I did,” he replied.

”Hey, you remember that tomorrow you would have to go to court again for the second time this year right?” Matthew asked, taking a sip of his water. ”Yea, what's up?” Renae replied with Rere still in her lap. ”I'm not looking forward to it at all, but if we have an activity planned for after the court hearing, then I might be more excited...” ”Oh... Mr Rose are you asking me out on a date?” She teased, raising her eye brow.

”If I say that I am... will you say yes?” He asked, getting up and holding out his hand. ”Well, it depends. What will we be doing?” ”Watching a movie. Now please hold my hand it's tiring,” Matthew complained while pitifully looking at Renae. ”With such a pitiful glace, how could I say no?” She said, gracefully placing her hand on Matthew's.

Their little act turned into them dancing. ”What time is it even?” Matthew asked. ”Almost 1 am we should probably head to bed,” Renae replied.

And so they did.