38 Rere 2 (1/2)

When they arrived at Renae's house, both Matthew and Renae received a text message. It was from an unknown number. The message read, ”Hello Matthew and Renae, this is Ms Lee, your lawyer for this case. I would like to inform you that the court day will be tomorrow at 3pm. Please be there! Thank you.” Once they read the message, Renae asked Matthew, ”Hey, it's getting late, do you-”

”Yes! Yes! I want to stay over,” he excitedly said.

”Woah okay.”

The reason as to why he wanted to stay over was that he wanted to play with Rere. Matt was carrying Rere and they walked into Renae's house. As expected, her parents still weren't home.

They sat down in the living room and tried to teach her some tricks. The trick was 'sit'. They tried using treats to lure her into doing the trick a few times but it didn't work. Rere got confused with her own name and the trick's name. Well, it was her first time, and at least she was trying so they were satisfied.

As Matt was teaching Rere the trick, Renae poured some water into one of the bowls Uncle Julian prepared for Rere. Rere hastily ran to the water bowl when she saw water being poured. She must be thirsty after trying to learn that one trick. Once she finished drinking the entire bowl of water, Renae took the bowl and filled it up to the brim again for her to drink. Matt then asked a question when she was pouring the water.

”Can we take Rere on a walk? She hasn't went on one before!” Matt asked eagerly.

”OK, I'll get newspaper, some plastic bags and her leash,” Renae replied.

A few seconds later, Renae said, ”Let's go!”

She put her collar and leash on then out the door they went. Matthew and Renae chatted as they took turns to walk Rere. She peed on the grass but there wasno poo after half an hour so they decided to head back to the house.

They were walking in a comfortable silence and Renae was in a slight daze as Rere obediently followed them. Matthew was walking on Renae's right side and Rere walked between them. They were about to reach the house when Rere darted towards the right, directly across Matthew and to the grass. ”Woah!” Renae exclaimed as the leash pulled her along with Rere. Matthew tripped over the leash as well and pushed Renae away a little so that she'd land on top of him and not hurt herself.