8 Spending AnimeP and OverP (1/1)

Sitting on top of a plush and excessively comfortable bed was William, in an apartment granted by the Hero association after becoming an S-rank hero which was basically a massive flat. It was bigger on the inside than the outside and for some unknown reason the security system would pull out Gatling guns that can tear through pretty much anything at the rank of tiger If you come uninvited Which is pretty much impossible due to the building main security. He was basically sleeping in fort chocs, which is the world's largest gold stockpile owned by the chairman of the hero association. Leaving was simple enough. Retina scan at the entrance breath scan at the security checkpoint, and bio-scan on entry into your apartment. Thinking of the two merged systems he then directed his thoughts towards them. 'System? What can I buy with the points I have. *ding current OverP: 7000 current AnimeP:50500 which shop would you like to access?

'Let's start with the OverP' *open the overlord shop? Y/N?* 'yes.' a nearly infinite list of game powers showed in front of his eyes. And when he looked at the page count out of 2.5×10^102options you have 74617 choices to choose from. Please choose a filter by each game world. 'Let's start with something simple. Cyborg Blue X Leadership mission. *1 item available. Nulls Black armor grants power at the expense of empathy and emotion. Will turn you into a 'delta-virus infected' if used too much. Costs 200 OverP.* 'no thanks. Next, let's try Last Imagination 7' *found lucky sale #10 Due to lucky sale! 10% cost on all items in the Last imagination franchise! 1 purchase will be reduced by the amount. Any further items will have to be paid at full price. Items available limit break, Tifa. 3000 OverP' 'sto-!' cloud, Limit break.5000 OverP*

'Stop, stop, stop! Tifa's limit break suits me greatly, and my LCK stat should help a lot with that!' *purchase limit break ability group: Tifa? Y/N?* 'fucking yes!' William almost shouted aloud, 30000 minus 27000 reduced to 3000. *Gained skill: limit break Tifa level 1 WARNING! Limit breaks cause exhaustion after 5 uses. Do not use more than 4 if not guaranteed victory. Anger and luck cause the reels to spin better and the limit gauge to fill faster.*

'ok! Check Last imagination 15. Skills- Noctis.' *0 items available.* 'Shit! Looks like I gotta wait. Check let's try something more obscure... Suikoden 4? Just to look around, I definitely don't want the rune of punishment. I am not a masochist and I don't want to die.' ((A/N finally a matching name. they are few and far between.)) *all skills, runes, and objects from Suikoden series after Suikoden 2 are considered dangerous to the host and contain no benefit. Refusing access.* 'about what I expected. Can I just use OverP to increase my stats?' *yes. You can currently afford 4 full start points or 40 decimal start points.* 'put them all into luck' *LCK has increased 12 →16 you now have 0 OverP*

'Open anime system shop. Bleach, Select Asauchi and purchase if I have enough points.' *deducting 50000 AnimeP. Can include Zanpacto awakening method for 500 AnimeP.* he paused and thought for less than a second. 'Well, in for a yen in for a million. Go for it' more expensive than I thought. But it works out.' William opened his eyes and summoned his Asauchi put it in his lap. And began the meditation to awaken his Zanpacto.