9 Guess who-o-o?/Elder centipede 1 (1/2)
In Williams inner world 2.514 years before canon. William walked around aimlessly in a graveyard. He eventually saw a throne and approached it... sitting atop the throne was a man in front of a tv. wearing a red hat a red trench coat and what seemed like a half-suit underneath. He seemed to be enthralled by whatever he was watching. For a few minutes, William watched at the tv. it was showing some kind of children's cartoon. ”umm. Are you my zan--” the man immediately without turning his head said ”shhh--shhshshsh-shhh. It's almost over we can talk my adventure is timed out, okay?
3 minutes later it cut to credits. And the man turned off the TV. okay, let's get this over with. My name is _ now get out...” William responded with a confused look and said ”um I didn't quite get that.” the man looked genuinely angry.
He responded with angry words in avenomous tone ”it's ALUCARD! Damn it. you fucking 'soul reapers' are so goddamn weak and stupid you can't even hear my name... you know what. When my Hashtag life-hack malfunctioned I have been stuck talking with one soul after another! Soul after soul, after FUCKING soul, trying to make them not bug me with their problems. And when I was done? You know what I got? Stuck in a multitude of these damn swords. And not ONE of you has been able to use me as a weapon. You know, at least I can watch adventure time in peace. So I guess it's not bad. So-” William interrupted.” I heard you the second time. Alucard is a cool name, but why is it Dracula backward? Is it like a pseudonym or something?” utterly shocked. Alucard stared at him. In disbelief and said ”I'm not dealing with this I'm granting you access to my Shikai, which will unseal it permanently, no take-backs. No oopsies.
Now go away.” he then shoots me in the head with a .44 caliber handgun that appeared out of nowhere. And I immediately am shocked out of my meditation. I heard blaring alarms all around. ”REPORT TO S CITY! I REPEAT REPORT TO S CITY A-S Must enter combat. C and B will be evac and rescue support. Threat level DRAGON! I repeat! Threat level DRAGON!”
I open up my notifications because apparently I did something big and I got rewarded. Either that or I fucked something up. betting the latter I open it. ' I've never been so happy to be surprised about being wrong. Legendary Immortal soul Alucard tamed. Asauchi has evolved into Zanpacto you have learned gun-fu you have learned Shikai corresponding chant--Release restraint 1, Alucard!--
*warning effects permanent and will cause a 3 times multiplier to all stats. Completing a hidden quest→ unlock shikai. You gain 10k animeP.'How much for shundo? System?'*level one is discounted to 10k due to an emergency.*
'at this point, I don't care that it takes all my points. I need to get from point A to city-S almost now. Literally now actually purchase and skip the yes, no crap just grab it!!' *shundo has been added to your list of active skills*
Release restraint level 1, Alucard! His new sword transformed into a gun and a scimitar one in each hand. The scimitar has a chain attached to its hilt that wraps around my waist and the gun glows with a supernatural light...
William Winds.
Level 1 High Shinigami 0/50 exp
Level 1 Martial Chi-god. 0/50 Exp.
STR 51