57 Not your sweet happy end (2/2)

Seb's look was eerie towards Iven.

She didn't speak yet.

Something was amiss!

”Sure why not!”, Iven spoke,”Why don't we go to my place? You can lead Sybelle”.

Iven's mannerisms struck even Erica.

Seb had been struck at the moment she saw him.

Only to clear her doubt.

Now he made it complete obvious!

There was no illusion!

It was him!

She can never mistake those dark eyes, that heavy voice....

Seb knew who was it!!!

”Yeah right, Seb....”, Erica was on her way making towards Iven when suddenly Seb grabbed back her arm and pulled her behind herself.

She stood covering her.

”Stand back Eric!”, she hissed,”This person is not Iven!”.

”Not Iven.....”, Erica looked back at him. He was absolutely alike though,”But he....”.

”I'll explain later, don't leave from behind now!”, Seb ordered.

Erica obliged judging the look in her eyes.

Suddenly the 'Iven' in front let out a deep maniacal laugh,”You're sharp enough for your age, you could tell well”.

”It's you who is foolish!”, Seb grunted at him,”The moment somebody called me by my full name after 10 years, I knew it wasn't a good call. I can never forget those lifeless eyes which once

tried his luck already. Never again!!!'.

”Seb who is he?”, Erica asked restlessly.

”He's just an impostor, know this much Eric”, Seb replied.

”That's once thing which really makes me angry”, a smug looked appeared on his face,”I have my own identity you know”.

”You have no business here Iason!”, Seb snarled at him.

-You see, the last encounter you had with my men didn't appease me quite well. Though I wanted you unharmed, but it's a pity things had to come to violence. You guys were not obedient.

So I had to make my appearance this time.

Iason's voice wasn't liked much by Seb.

Things won't go good, she knew and braced herself up.

”I see that you haven't got your bodyguards today”, Iason continued,”My boys were even more eager to see you and them today, isn't it Heeld?”.

”Indeed!”, a rough voice came from within the darkness aside.

Seb recognized him in no time.

Heeld, the most notorious guy of the gang.

Slowly there were more who started to appear.

Seb recognized all of them.

Them, and there were more.

”I'll give you 2 beautiful choices”, Iason started again,”Either you take me to Iven's hideout...or we'll just force it out of you. I would suggest you cooperate, Sybelle!”.

”What the hell you've been getting yourself in to Seb?”, Erica scolded whispering to her.

Seb mind was messed up.

There was no way that she would sell out Iven and the others.

And with so many of them, it's impossible for her to fight her way through.

Especially when Erica was with her.

She can't get away with herself and protect Erica altogether.

She wasn't blessed with any useful idea at the moment.

Her calmness got the worse of her.

She was panic stricken, but still tried to talk her way out.

May be she could drag the time how much ever possible.

”I choose....”, she started to speak slowly,”....to refuse either!”, her reply was hell bent on.

Iason tsk tsked and shook his head sticking his lower lip out.

His pretense pity was despicable!

”My boys would be very sorry you see”, he sighed and looked away.

Seb didn't care about herself as long as she could bail Erica out of the situation.

She wasn't suppose to be here.

And she cannot be involved in this.

She started worrying as Erica tightly held her sleeve. She was sensitive and was trembling already.

She can't let her get her because of her issues.

She covered Erica's hand with hers to assure her.

The only way left....if she would give in, than she might be able to escape!

But judging Iason, the risk is too high to take.

Iven had warned her from Iason being the most cunning and untrustworthy person ever!

If the fight breaks out, Seb won't be able to fight back so many by herself putting Erica in danger.

Her leg was still injured and not treated properly yet.

She has already lost her strongest point of attack through her legs.

Things were worsening!!!

How much she missed Yuka and the others that time!

Putting everything aside, she saw that the boys were already moving her way.

She started building her strategy without waste thoughts.

There was no open way.

Only she noticed that there was no one approaching from behind yet.

If Seb can buy enough time distracting them, then Erica can escape.

That was the only way left now!!!

She turned her mouth at Erica with her eyes fixed at front, whispering as low as possible,”Listen carefully Eric, as soon as I charge, you turn back and flee as quickly as you can. Do not look

back at any cost!!!”.

”You're asking me to run away? I'm not leaving you behind!”, Erica fiercely protested.

-Not a very good time to argue” Seb clenched her teeth,”You'll have to get away fast. I'll be counting on you. Go to the dockyard when things are down....and get Iven!”.

-What about you?

-I'll manage to survive. Don't waste a single moment, and get Iven okay?”.

”Seb I swear, if you dare have a scratch on yourself.....”, Erica's voice was cracked.

”I trust you Eric, I'll be relying on you”, Seb sadly smiled,”Now get ready! Here it comes!!!”.

One of the thug was near enough and he straight went for Erica.

She shrieked out loud.

”Oh no you don't!”, Seb immediately sprang and pulled a punch across his chin knocking him down,”Not on my account. Now Eric!!! GO!!!”.

Erica was already on the move, she tripped and stumbled but still ran.

All she could do was to keep out of Seb's way.

Few of them started to give chase, but Heeld stopped them.

”Let the lass go!”, he said,”Our prey is this one. Take her down, and don't underestimate her at all!”. He said sharply.

Seb was completely trapped inside their circle.

They were walking towards her at once.

Studying their faces, they weren't going to hold back this time.

And as a trend, they carried iron rods just like last time.

Seb just smirked,”Is it fair? So many against one?”.

Iason snapped his fingers from outside,”Haven't you ever heard? All's fair in love and war. And when it comes to tormenting my little brother on the field of love for the sake of love, that's

what I'm best skilled at. You'll be the broken one Sybelle, but he'll suffer all the pain”.

”You dirt!!!”, Seb barked,”Iven's not that that weak to be broken down by this. You're mistaken”.

”No Miss. Sybelle”, Iason said,”You're mistaken! You still don't know his weakness level. You can, if you can walk through this wave now”.

”Bring it on jerk!!!”, she challenged.

The boys literally pranced on Seb like a pack of wild dogs on their prey!

But Seb wasn't anyone to let herself be preyed on.

She bounced back with equal defence.

She loathed cunning and treacherous opponent the most!

And they were just the ones to define it!

She wasn't backing off by being pounced from every direction.

Her reply of attack was intense and strong for even such an inhuman and exteme measure!

She received blows on her back, waist and arms all at same time.

It was growing difficult for her to keep every blow at bay.

There was no chance for her to even attack any move.

She was barely blocking all the beatings.

All of a sudden, her ignorance took over all the uncountable blows.

Among the showers of iron rods on herself, she started losing strength. She was avoiding the severe ones with much extreme techniques.

If she gives up, she'll be completely devoured!

None of her strategies proved helpful anymore.She was exhausted and panting to her limit.

But they kept on coming at her nonstop!

She might have to succumb to them soon any moment now!

Suddenly, Seb missed one of the swings at her, as it went straight at her wounded area.

She screamed out loudly, as she fell on one knee.

Her wound opened up again!

She was using her leg less lest it would worsen, but it didn't even help anymore!

She pushed off 2 men and tried catching her breath, and clearing her blurry vision.

But she wasn't even spared a single second.

A stinging shock passed like electricity through her spine.

Her nape has been hit with a rod!

The pain was so jolting and effective that Seb felt it up to her fingertips.

As if she's been tasered!

Her limbs gave up on her, and her senses denied to obey her anymore.

She clasped her head from behind as her sight was slowly deflecting from her control.

Her body started to turn paralyze as the world around moved in rotations.

There was no clear sense of her in her surroundings.

Without any more hope of support, Seb collapsed on the concrete!!!

The break out was rather quick this time!

Seb wasn't in form at all.

Rounds of laughter arose.

Iason finally was able to bring Seb under his control.

They stood and enjoyed while she suffered.

Seb wasn't completely out cold by then.

Her vision fluctuated, but still persisted.

Her body trembled still under the effects of that merciless hit!

She could still move her right hand up to an extent limit.

She pushed herself hard enough just to acquire enough strength to pull out her phone out of her pocket and push the speed dial in front of her mouth.

It rang!

In front of her lips!

She could no more move.

She could no more see or feel.

Only her lips shivered.

She laid motionless.

Only one thing left before she completely passed out was, her voice.

The ring was answered.

”Belle?”, said a voice which Seb pleaded to hear for a while longer if possible, but now she doubted if she was hearing it for the last time.

She couldn't answer instantly.

She took time and gathered her left over energy to call him back to her.

”Iven.....”, came her misty dull voice after a second.