57 Not your sweet happy end (1/2)
Seb and Erica were finally sober enough to take their own sweet time to stroll the way home.
Erica's shape was better and it was kinda nostalgic for both the pals since they have taken a late night walk together. They walked and talked through the journey.
Seb revealed everything Erica blurted out in her drunken state and scolded her for not informing earlier.
Erica just laughed and waved it off as if it was nothing. She didn't bother with it much.
Her innocent laugh clearly said that she didn't want to trouble Seb with the petty problems when she's been busy enough.
Her time was more important than aiding Erica.
Seb blamed herself not realizing this intimate friendship earlier.
Her sentiments strengthened more as she assured that nothing was more important than Erica.
Everytime there is new friendship born, certain incidents occur during that journey of the friendship.
It either ruins and end it, or strengthens and makes the bond more unbreakable.
This time, Seb's and Erica's bond went up to the level where they will have blinding trust no matter what.
”Next time if there is any McGrover around you, then watch me close”, Seb said.
Erica sulked and shrugged her shoulders, but she was pleased inside.
With her near, it was really a pain. Seb would surely take well care of her!
”They won't even dare to cross your path ever...”, Seb broke her knuckles and laughed.
This time, Erica was little terrorised by the look on he face.
”You...don't have to go that far”, she said.
”You don't tell me”, Seb shut her up,”You've done your part, now I'll do mine”.
Observing Erica's shunned face she continued,”You...don't have to carry both of our problems on yourself form now on okay? Let me do the heavy work for you”.
And that brought a polite smile and a nod from Erica.
Even though Seb was trying her best to act casual, it's not friendship if the other half can't tell your mood without asking.
Erica was clear headed enough, and she was best at judging Seb's mind through her face. No matter what hard she tries to pretend.
This time too, she knew Seb was blabbering way past her limit.
That was not what describes her.
She's being bothered.
And she's trying to get that out quick by talking a lot.
And for the time, there was only one thing which could disturb her.
Erica didn't want to bring it up since Seb wasn't willing, but it couldn't be helped.
What's the point if only talk out about the problems of one of them.
Though everything happened because Erica started the conversation being ignorant, Seb doesn't have to suffer like this.
It needs....healing...from both sides.
It's only up to Erica now to settle it down.
”How can you do the heavy work if you yourself have such heavy weighted head?”, she spoke.
Seb looked up at her with big eyes as a confusion.
”Have you ever tried to know where you went wrong?”, Erica directly jumped to the point.
Just then Seb knew what was she directing at.
That's one question which is still haunting her.
Their last conversation was recalled all over.
Such a vain to throw it back, it returned again!
Her heart contracted with pangs of pain.
-This time, you know that you are at fault right?
Seb just nodded hesitating.
The fact that she was guilty was killing her.
Erica was purposely scavenging it out so that she can face it head on.
-Did you ever try to know what he felt beyond your point?
-I just let things be how they were.
-You never took the initiative...
-...nor did you let him....
-The things he said me, I'll never understand him. Do you?
-Getting a moon crater is easier than that.
-But you know what?
-I could say one thing from how Iven appeared today.
-Being such a difficult person, he only and solely expects you to understand him. Doesn't matter who he is, or what he did...I can tell he is openly honest only to you. So are you. And whatever
happened today, because he's never received what he deserves from you. That's what driven him to his limit.
Seb looked in Erica eyes with her pitiful ones.
She siding with him after what all he said?
Or it's just piercing her because whatever she said was indeed true and hurt the ears.
Why is he the victim up to such a point?
-Didn't you hear what he said he did to me? Yet you're rooting for him?
-The matter between you isn't that simple. And if you seriously had detested that, you never had to hide it from me. You're not that weak to succumb to him. If you wouldn't have settled it already,
there was no chance that things were still so smooth between you two.
-Your investigation level is beyond expertise!
”That's not the point here”, Erica was serious this time,” You let him get away with that because you didn't want to resist, am I right?”.
”Don't remind me how degrading I've been”, Seb shook her head away.
”It's not the term, it's because you don't want to”, Erica said,”Do you not realize it yet?”.
-You, will never cease to act on impulse Seb!
-I know.
-One thing, say, what is it that you feel now if I say his name?
”It...aches”, Seb took a while to say it,”My.....heart aches”. She closed her eyes.
”Because you miss him”, Erica guesses,”Did you two argue ?”.
Seb didn't reply any further.
She couldn't.
The thing which could have been solved with being hyper, she led it to it's utter destruction.
She remembered his eyes, which looked so lost and broken the last time she saw him.
But only now she can realize it.
Everything, his every move and expression with a inside meaning to it, only now she can understand them.
But it was too late....!
”But....”, she spoke under her breath with regret,”...I let him go”.
Erica slowly turned at her with an unexpected look on her face.
”I let him leave me Eric”, Seb confessed with remorse,”I walked away from his life”.
-He said to get out of his life, he didn't want me anymore!
-He said those?
-And you even believed him so easily?
Seb raised her eyes at her exclamation.
She nodded bewildered.
-Didn't he try to stop you?
-It's all over already.I left him in the same dungeon from where I worked hard to drag him out from.
-No...it means it all just started for you guys. You can bring him back again.
Seb was a twinkle of hope in her eyes.
Erica chuckled at her own theory.
Seb stared and waited for her to explain clearly.
-Even though I can say that none of your words were truly meant merely driven by rage, you still believed each other without a second thought. Is it that easy to drive someone important out
from your life with just a gush of words?
-He....didn't mean them?
-Trust me Seb! Iven must be suffering way more than you are now. You are feeling guilty, but he's bearing the fault. After all when he shoved you out with those words.
-.....Are you saying true?
-All you guys need to do....is talk now! Trust me on this.
-And....will it work?
-This time, you need to take the initiative. Because, he won't do it!
-What if.....he really meant what he said???
-Iven is not that courageous! He must be tearing hair off his head now.
-So.....should I?
Seb was showered with hope.
Erica managed to bring her old self full of confidence back on track.
Else she was depressed to the core this time.
Never been this down before!
Slowly, a faint smile painted on her face....
Erica smiled brightly at her.
-If you say so....let's go!!!
-Go where?
”Go and meet him”, Seb was beaming with excitement.
-It's too late!!! Just give him a call.
-Why call him? Since he lives nearby!
-Here? It's an isolated area Seb, no one lives here.
-10 minutes walk from here!!!
-It's only the Dockyard ahead!!!
-That's right! Wanna dare to go?
Erica couldn't have said no.
She just smiled giving in to her.
Seb went ahead and held Erica wrist and marched forward.
Erica adjusted her jolted spectacles and tried to keep up.
She sure got her spirits back!
But all of a sudden out of thin air, a shadow appeared and blocked their way!
It has casual locomotion style, not seeming in a hurry.
It happened to stand without any move.
But it was clear that it had business with them.
The area was desolated for natives to walk around at that hour, so it was suspicious enough.
It made the 2 lass immediately go alert and pause on their steps.
Erica was unable to clasp the situation, but Seb has constant eye movements and kept herself on guard!
Slowly the individual started approaching them.
Seb took a step backwards.
He made his way purposely under the lamp post.
As soon as he revealed himself and came into vision, Erica could relax her face with ease.
She seemed relieved.
As soon as she turned her face gleefully at Seb, her face lost it's previous ease.
Seb's expression isn't what it should be.
There was an alarmed frown on her face.
She was not keeping it cool.
Her hold on Erica's wrist tightened too!
”Iven?”, Erica nevertheless started to speak,”We, ...I mean Seb...was just coming to see you”.