58 Under uncontrol (1/2)

Iven's knuckles were bleeding profusely.

So were the walls of his room. It seemed as if somebody had printed dripping red on them.

He was lost of his.

His only wish, was to take back the very words he himself had said!

He is unaware of what had possessed him to make him turn out that way.

He forced himself in to the same dungeon from where Seb had put her risk and effort to drag him out.

The only regret he had, that he didn't even put any kind of effort to even stop her.

If he did, perhaps the result could have been different. Things could have not how they are now! He could have changed the end!

But he...just let her walk away on him!!!

He told her to get out from his life on impulse, but she?

How could she just blindly obey him? She believed him so easily???

It was like a dagger piercing through Iven when Seb had said that she failed him and failed to change him for better.

It wasn't her fault!

It was completely his.

He couldn't lock it up from the beginning, not even for her.

That's she whenever she was with him, he often lose his calm and hurt her.

He made her vulnerable to himself, unable to protect her even from him! She wasn't even safe with him, how disappointing that could be!

Iven fought with himself, resisting the urge to call her up.

After all he did, he didn't have any courage to even listen to her voice.

It was impossible!!!

To stop himself, he vent out his frustration on every possible concrete he found around in the room.

For an instance, he even felt sorry towards Erica and wanted to apologize.

But he knew, that nothing would help at the moment.

He had ended it.

Ended it all.

He shoved the only person out of his world who showed him the world!

And now, he can't take his words nor her back anymore!!!

His phone started ringing.

He was breathing heavily balancing his bloody hand on the wall, reminiscing the past a while ago.

It kept on ringing.

His pupils moved due to irritation.

It rang on.

He was no suitable mood to talk to any one. He knew that any one non guilty on the other side would be just blamed with no reason.

It was still ringing.

Finally at his limit of frustration, he growled out a bark and grabbed the phone.

He decided to greet as rude as possible to give the person a clue that he's not interested for the moment at all!!!

But as soon as his eyes fell on the call name, his frown melted.

His face relaxed and he finally felt pain on his fingers. His eyes bloomed as he sighed amused!

It was her.


She was calling.

She was indeed calling!!!

It was complete something unexpected.

She must have hurting and suffering herself too, and couldn't take it.

Iven's joy knew no bounds till limit.

He broke free from his daze realizing that the phone was still ringing, he quickly picked it up!

”Belle?”, he breathed out his voice,”Oh my Belle....”

He received no reply as soon. Only a faint breath was heard from the other side.

He could feel it from within, it was familiar. None other than Seb!

”....Iven...”, came a lost, almost inaudible voice.

Iven's heart skipped a beat, but he immediately knew that something was wrong with her!

Her voice was cracked.

Even if she would be hurt, this won't be her self.

Iven excitement disappeared in thin air within no time.

On the other side Seb had her corner of a lips puckered into a small smile.

So Erica was true.

Judging by just the words and his voice, it's obvious that he didn't mean anything he said.

He's been suffering more!

It's a huge relief to know that he is longing for her like she is. But it was only a matter of time!

But Seb had no strength left to speak all of that thoughts to him anymore.

She would be lucky enough just to let him know her situation at the moment.

She could barely force voice out of her mouth.

”Belle”, Iven spoke before she could,” What's wrong? Where are you???”, his worried voice warmed Seb up to the core. He understands her even without saying, just with her voice.

-Please.....get me....

-Where are you???


-Near the Dockyard? I'm here too...

-I wish....I could come to you. But....the thing is....I can barely drag myself right now. And....it's only...a matter of time.....before....

Iven's hand tightened on his phone.

She's hurt!

And she's sure hurt bad which made her not even able to speak properly.

Her words were giving pangs in his heart.

She is in danger.....

And he knew only one person who could do this nasty deed.

He blamed himself furiously and neglected her safety.

It completely slipped his mind that she was still being targeted.

His personal emotions drove him to distraction!

Suddenly a rough voice reached Iven's ears from her side.

”What's that? The bitch has her phone on!!! Did she call someone?”, said one.

Another different voice replied,'She is!!! When did she??? Stamp on it!!!”.

And then....there was nothing more heard.

Not Seb's voice, nor her faith last breathing.

”Belle? Belle!!!.....No, no!!!”, Iven threw the phone across the room with flaming rage,”Iason....”, he whispered and stormed out of the room.

There was no time to waste at all.

He had already started running.