56 Lost lass (1/2)
Seb was walking through the corridors, with the flow not knowing where she's going.
There was no way out, she followed only one way. Her eyes fixed down. Her mind blank. No one else in sight. And she had nothing to think about.
What was that? What was that a while ago? what just really happen? Did they fight? Did Iven and she really say those words to each other?
Did he,....ask her to break up with him?
But why?
Why all of a sudden?
He's been so supportive and understanding this all time no matter what Seb did!
.....no matter what she did.....he always gave in.....always.....
Is that why he got tired of her?
Her throwing tantrums at everything he did?
No matter how reliable he's been, did she ever take his side or made him feel needed?
....did she even, once, understand him?
but always expected him to understand her point?
....always making him portray as the perpetrator...when all he did was be by her side?
.....Is it really her fault?
It's really my fault....
I let him go...I don't even deserve him....
Seb mumbled the only conclusion in her mind.
This ultimate argument made her realize what she never did and should have a long time back.
She lacked whatever they needed to hold them together, not Iven!
And now, she's the once who ended it.
Not him....Iven....
Seb firmly held herself back from turning behind and return to Iven once again, making everything alright.
She wanted to correct her mistake this time properly and ask for the forgiveness.
But invisible shackled bound her back.
Her courage was drained, she couldn't face Iven anymore now.
Her steps slowed down.
Two drops of tear fell on the ground, when she realized unknowingly that she's been crying the whole way.
Balancing herself on the wall, she breathed heavily. She didn't sob or sniff.
She's one of those whose heartbeat gets high and breathes rough when trying to hold back crying. She hasn't been in any situation for crying for years now. She waited to get hold of her
breath and wiped off her eyes.
But how can she wipe off her mistakes...and the past moments?
She always thought that Iven was unreasonable, but she was the only one who never made sense!!!
What even lead them to this rueful end?
All Iven did was reveal the truth which was indeed suppose to be exposed a long time back....it was again yet Seb's fault.
She lead all of this to happen.
Even Erica...the poor girl's kind intentions were just cruelly stamped upon!!!
Where was she?
A flick in her mind brought her to her priority at that time.
How foolish, Seb shook head roughly, I almost forgot about her!!! I even left her when she required me the most!
Her injured steps quickened in search of her.
I destroyed everything!!!
I couldn't be anyone important to Iven! I left him!
I couldn't be either the best and only friend Eric needed....
I even destroyed myself.....
I've so selfish...so self centered this whole time.....the people around me...I can never hold them back along with me....Eric....
Seb picked pace!
Please Eric, be there!!! Please...., Seb prayed!
She took a swift turn turn at the corridor, and she was there!!!
Erica was still there...
She's always been there....
Always...before too, now too!
Only Seb had to see!
It crushed her heart to find her back.
She was sitting leaning at the wall, her face stoned.
It was unexpected for a sensitive soul like Erica. It must have been a huge blow from Iven to take, explained by that expression Seb has never witnessed before.
That's why instead of escaping it, she waited.
She awaited to grasp it....or for someone to explain it to her.
Her face was pale from the shock....
Seb had no idea how to approach her.
She did this to her.
She never trusted her or told her anything, but that wasn't her intention to bring things how they are now!
Only if....she knew....
This time, Erica might not even forgive her. She indeed had it enough with Seb.
This also might, end their friendship!
Seb hesitated taking steps at Erica.
Erica sensed her, and turned her head at her.
Seb paused on spot, her head hung low.
”You can really do better than that”, suddenly Erica spoke with an unusual normal voice.
Seb stood without any words.
She looked up at her.
Her face lost.
”You don't need guts to face at least me, come”, Erica said earnestly.
Seb walked up to her with shaky legs.
She knelt infront of Erica, still searching for words.
”Erica...I...”, she started to speak but was interrupted.
”Since when you call me that?”, Erica blasted,”And whats with that tone?”.
Seb sighed.
She really was lost for expressions.
She only wanted to know if Erica was still willing to believe in her.
”Eric...”, she started this time with much thought put into it,”Do you still trust me, after all happened?”.
Erica kept staring at her. Seb didn't know that look.
Slowly, Erica approached Seb with both her arms wide open.
She gently wrapped them around Seb's shoulders and held it with warmth. The answer was clearer than ice.
”Of all people...”, Erica spoke,”...even if the world is against you, I'll always trust you. Let alone a guy for two days. He's no right to interpret between us, right?”
Seb sighed amused.
Her fingers clasped Erica's waist as she fell on her limbs.
Her emotions got the better of her.
She wasn't able to hold it in anymore
”Don't sit here, you're injured. Doesn't it hurt?”, Erica tapped her back.
But Seb wasn't listening.
She was already shaking, crying quietly hiding her face resting on Erica's shoulder.
Her heartbeat was faster and Erica felt it beat against her chest.
She sighed like a mother would sigh when her child would realize their mistake.
She must have felt very so guilty of herself for what happened.
So even if Erica wasn't angry, the forgiveness really shook Seb to the core.
All she held it in, was revealing out through tears.
”You've suffered enough Seb, now there...”, Erica held her closer,”...I'll be always here because I know you're not wrong”.
That's right.
She'll always be here, she's always been there.
At least, she's one whom Seb really needed. She could make her stay.
If Erica would have left, she would have nothing to rely on anymore.
She's proved it totally.
She's been wronged.
But not anymore...
Never again....
”Seb...”, Erica whispered,”....let's drink, no metaphor”, she suggested shyly.
Seb's sob started to fade away slowly. A sad smile was took over the corner of her lips
”You, as well as I need to vent out something, right?”, she continued.
Seb just nodded once over her shoulder.