44 The other turn gone wrong (1/2)

All of them stood totally gaping at the place Seb brought them to.

It was something beyond their world. A whole new place for them, different from where they have always seen. Nothing familiar, huge...and interesting!

It was the same amusement Park which Seb and Iven visited earlier.

'Here we are!!!”, Seb announced.

”Why are we here?', Yuka took the initiative to ask.

”Have you been here before?”. Seb asked back.

”We never visit public places much”, he replied.

Seb sighed,”That's probably because Iven doesn't allow. It will be different from now onward when I'm around. You guys are busy as it is and he let you in this crappy job, just deserve a break!”

All of them gave her a pretty much confused look.

Seb continued,”Just enjoy while you can with me. Iven is selfish enough to let you do that”, that was clear enough for them.

Yuka's phone beeped once. He checked the text and immediately put it back at once. There's was no doubt who the text was from. He stood stealing glance from Seb.

Seb spoke again,”Also, turn all your cell phones for the time being”.

”Seb...”, Yuka said,”...we can't do that. We can ignore him for today but at least one phone needs to be on”, Yuka voice said that he was interested in Seb's idea of the outing. Also, they were on the job that was assigned to them. But it will be a catastrophe if Iven gets hold of it sooner or later.

Seb took out her own phone and shook it at them.

Yuka looked down and smirked at the idea, Seb is never gonna pick his call! And she can dare to do that too, unlike them. Within a moment, all the phones were out.

All seemed to be in the idea. They rarely get such a chance, and wanted to utilize it. Being with a girl is considerate enough than their big arrogant brother.

Seb checked her watch,”It's 3pm, meet me here at 6pm. Don't get lost!”, she sounded like a guardian.

”Will it be okay for us to do this?”, Mak sounded a bit unwilling.

But when Yuka himself winked at him, he forgot all of that. After all, if Yuka dares to oblige Seb, they can too. He's like Iven's right hand and the most mature of all. They don't have to worry if he's equal in crime with them.

”We will stay around Seb”, Yuka assured.

”Don't bother, I'll be fine', Seb said,”Just forget it for today and take a break”, she smiled politely.

Within a second, all of them scattered off on their own. They looked really happy. Seb was feeling a little pity on them. Iven, such a jerk! Always dragging others in his useless things.

Hamish, Jose and Kenny departed together.

Mak and Yuka strolled along.

Only Noah stood beside Seb alone.

”Won't you join them Noah?”, Seb asked softly. She really like the beautiful boy out of all of them.

”Can I hang around with you?”, he asked a bit shyly.

Seb laughed,”Of course not! I'm glad you want to give me company”, saying she ruffled his hair.

Noah smiled brightly,”Yes!!! I will protect you too”, he's really brave. Seb laughed shortly and held his arm.

”Alright my Knight”, she said,”Let's go, we'll have fun together”. Noah nodded.

The next 3 hours were to be called the most enjoyable in all of their life. Even for Seb, lots of people are more fun to be with. It's different with Noah than with Iven. He's still young and needs to experience a normal teenage boy's life at least once in a while. He's always surrounded by big guys, a presence of a girl will make him feel cared for.

He's really a quiet and curious boy. Every where Seb took him, he enjoyed it very patiently and didn't seem to get bored at all. But since he was not used to the rides and a calm boy, he even threw up after riding few of them. Thus Seb had to avoid the rides. Other than that, his eyes shone at every thing they did and Seb could bet that she has never seen so honest and bright a smile coming from him. Seb brought ice-creams for him, and he had two.

Iven is really very insensitive! He might have given them a proper home, but he failed to build it properly, meeting what they needed in real.

It was 5:45 pm already, time flew real quick in all the enjoyment.

The park closes at 6:15 pm.

Yuka, Mak, Hamish, Jose and Kenny were there at the appointed place at time.

Seb and Noah were last to reach. As Seb reached them, she laughed after seeing their conditions.

Mak and Yuka had their hair fully messed up. Their face looked stretched with shrunken eyes.

”We took five rounds of the roller coaster already but the man there won't let us in anymore”, Mak confessed innocently.

”Seriously five round?”, Seb laughed again,”You overdid did I guess”, their taste of fun was really contrasting from what they really appear in real life.

Mak who is so rouge and gruff usually prefers violent rides too. And this side of Yuka is so sneaky. He's the smartest of all and collected, he also prefers stuff like this. Through this outing, their real interests are revealing them.

On the other hand, Hamish, Jose and Kenny overdid something else of their level.

Their hands were full of uncountable bags, looked like gifts.

”What did you guys do?”, Seb questioned with a gesture.

”We won these in the shooting range”, Jose explained,”The owner was so devastated that he offered our money back in exchange of leaving”.

”You guys are too good for places like these”, Seb let them know.

”Well we didn't miss a single target though”, Hamish said proudly as he and Kenny showed off in front of others.

”Let's go, I bet Iven is probably boiling by the time you kept him out of reach”, Seb suddenly dropped a bomb on them. In a moment, their relaxed expression stiffened and disappeared, exchanging places with a serious look.

They had completely out Iven this whole time outta their mind.

Such a wonderful time, with a miserable end?

They haven't yet considered the idea of facing Iven yet.