43 Things to the other turn (1/2)
Later that day, Seb was early to return since she skipped her 2 hours of practice. Erica had to leave for her urgency at home for which Iven had to treat Seb with lunch which is the most unique combo of food. His expression was price less before and calm enough later to see her so exhausted everyday.
Next day
”Why do say off for the whole day everyday?”, Iven dropped the question after the whole day when he met Seb finally.
”I can't help, I stay busy enough”, Seb said sipping her cup.
- Don't you exhausted?
-If I would, I wouldn't come to see at early morning everyday.
-You have got some energy.
Their topic switched to Seb's choice of lunch out of nowhere and an small argument based on that. Even though it was childish, Iven found it cute. And Seb was mad on the fact. To her, it was like made fun of.
Finally Seb got all riled up and based on her character, she swapped the topic to a one, where she can attack Iven's weak point.
-Why do keep following me?
-Can't I?
-Clearly you don't need to study here, you also have a job. Did you forge your documents?
-I did not....
-Don't lie
-.....Yuka did.
Seb sighed. That's all the same anyways. They are all under his order anyways.
Iven continued,”They needed a break. They didn't seem to mind when I told them. Also, they can do pretty good without me. Moreover to add....”, Iven leaned towards Seb's face,”...I don't need permission to spend more time with my girlfriend no, do I?”.
Seb's face was immediately flustered. That's one of her habit to get flushed easily to flirtation. She blinked with popped out eyes and quickly turned away her face embarrassed.
”You'd rather...”, she mumbled,”...not say that here Iven”.
Seb seldom takes his name. When she does, it's a cue that she's being serious.
-Why is that so?
Seb looked behind with a complete change in expression. Unlike Iven, she's far sighted. She thinks of the consequences before taking any possible step. And regarding Iven, the results struck her since the first day.
”Are you embarrassed of me?”, Iven hit her soft point.
Seb was quick to reply,”Don't misunderstand!”.
-You can say me what's bothering...
Seb bit her lower lip and looked right through his eyes and started explaining from the first level,” You see, people here knows that our first encounter was on the day of the match. Also, I am known quite well here, so even if I try, I can't avoid gossip. We just got together, that's not possible so soon, they will know that we have been acquaintances from before....and the rest....you can leave it based on your predictions....”.
Iven's mind was always based on facts. He'll believe anything with a logic, and Seb explained it in full. Moreover, what he's got is a very understanding nature towards Seb. Thus, he got her well.
Iven nodded with agreement and smiled to assure Seb.
”Since that's cleared...”, Seb began,”....my turn now”.
Iven was confused and gave a perplexed tilt of head.
”What's the actual plan for you to came here?”, Seb was against beating around the bush.
”I told you”, Iven repeated,” I just wanted to be with you more”.
-Is that the only reason?
Seb stared at him for a while still giving him a chance to speak it out, else she'll have to. When he didn't, Seb finally had to break her mind to him.
-Aren't you actually here to look out for me? To be precise, to look out for.....Iason? If you tell me it's not true, I won't believe you.
-Well....you are sharp Belle. That is...true too....but trust me, I just wanted to be with you!!!
-Can't you have little faith in me? I'm not that weak, as you're thinking.
-No!!! Belle, you're not weak at all. But, Iason....he's not what you think...
-But I can handle him.....
-Did you.....when last time you're almost taken by him???
Iven's last line was a scold. Seb shut up, she looked down.
Whatever he said, makes sense. She was helpless when she had an encounter with Iason last time.
If Iven wasn't there by time, she would have surrendered.
Seb is herself not sure why she couldn't resist that time....why???
Is it because...they are alike?
No! No, they're not alike at all....then why couldn't she....
Iven studies Seb's fallen face and spoke,” Belle, look at me”, Seb hesitantly looked at him,” It's not about about you being strong enough to look after yourself. I just want you to rely on me a bit, else the guilt of not being able to take care of you will always haunt me. I just...want to protect you by myself.”
His words, were comforting enough.
Thoughts were storming inside of Seb's mind.
She didn't know how to sort them out.
She hated herself for not being able to give Iven the chance to protect her, even though his words seemed utterly sincere and honest. She needed him, she knew that. But it wasn't her fault that she's not ready yet to depend on anyone. Her independent nature and knack of doing things all by herself has gotten the full of her. It's hard to get rid of such a thing which she practiced since young, even a bit.
But still, It's Iven after all. Isn't it alright to let go a little?
She indeed trusts him.
Then, why can't she rely on him?
”Huh...Belle?”, Iven's voice was soft and weak,” Let me be the one around you okay? You're strong and smart, but it is my duty too”.
Seb was against the thoughts inside her head that moment.
She was annoyed with the though that she has to depend on someone else. That place is not even given to Erica, Seb is used to keep things to herself all this while.
Iven's intentions were safe, but the fault was within Seb.
She detested the idea.
She was irritated with herself, confused what to confirm...and totally wanted to escape the situation and let out her anger on something soon.
But her outside face was completely faking it.
She didn't want to disappoint Iven, he forced a natural smile on her lips to assure him of the situation for the time being. It was a acceptance of his proposal.
Iven returned a polite smile as well. It was sincere.
He casually wrapped his hand around Seb's shoulders and pulled her closer.
”Lucifer.....”, Seb murmured.
Iven laughed,”When you'll stop calling me that?”.
Seb escaped from a harder snuggle as she broke free from Iven's arm.
”Get going now, I'll have to go”, She said.
-Aren't I walking you home?
-Did you forget? I have practices.
-Right, the model girl! You barely give me any time.
-Sorry Iven, can't help.
-Should I wait until you're done?
-Will you? For minimum 4 hours???
-You seriously need to grab a break. Will you be able to go home by yourself?
-Have been doing for 2 years now...
-....When this things were not around.
Seb was hiding her emotions. Every time Iven expressed caution and worry, he wanted to get away from him. She doesn't like such treatment.
”I have my bike here”, she said to have him leave quickly.
-Give me a call when you're done.
-Will do, go now...