26 Daily life with a twis (2/2)

-Meet me at Rouque Berry avenue.

-Just to meet? Fine by me, but you'll come just to meet???

-No silly, let's go out!

-Go out as in.....

Iven felt his heart in his mouth. Was Seb offering him a date? Was it something like that? His ears started turning red. His ears always turn red whenever he is embarrassed.

-As in, go out and have fun. Like a date!

Iven choked on nothing. She's so cool even when asking out for a date.

”Ok”, he managed to reply quickly lest Seb change her mind due to the delay.

”I'll there then”, Seb face lit up as he replied.

Saying she prepared to leave.

Iven folded his hands and watched her go.

”Belle, 6 pm, don't be late”, he called from behind.

Seb didn't look back and waved her hand once.

”6 pm, Rouque Berry Avenue”, Iven shouted again. Seb didn't reply this time and continued walking. She understood that it was his first and he was looking forward to it really. He seemed in high spirits.

She's really changing me all over, Iven thought, I too want to be the one she wants me to be.

Back to present time:

”What day it is today?”, Seb asked suddenly.

”It's...Wednesday. Why do you ask?”, Erica said

”Just...”, said Seb and started organizing her stuffs. She had a date with Iven today. Her first date ever, perhaps Iven's too.

The day was hardly passing for Seb.

It was finally 2:30 and Seb was preparing to leave, when suddenly Jane and Renee blocked her class door.

”What?”, Seb asked in a hurry.

”Let's go”, Jane said without any explanation.

”Where?”, Seb asked confused. She clearly remembered that there was no practice of Volleyball today.

”What do you mean where? You don't remember?”, Renee snapped.

”What to remember?”, Seb snapped back.

”We said you, didn't we? We have a club match today!!”, Jane said with raised eyebrows.

”No you didn't!!!”, Seb burst out.

”Well,...sorry. Now we have, let's go”, Renee said,”You don't seem busy anyways”.

Seb felt lava boiling down her skin. The guts of her team was raising a lot lately. They even dared order their Captain.

”No!!!”,Seb protested loudly,”I've appointments. I can't come”.

”And how are we supposed to play without our captain?”, Renee said,”What's with you? You've never declined playing in 'The Aphrodites” ever before”.

”I had no prior information”, Seb argued,”I don't even have my Jersey”.

”Doesn't matter, we're getting new Jersey today. Don't delay, let's go”, saying Renee grabbed Seb's hand and started walking.

”But...no, wait...”, Seb resisted and tried to get free but Renee was very serious about her game. It was impossible to deny her when it comes to Volley Ball.

I'll be late!!! Seb thought to herself.

But she had no choice. No one will agree to leave out the captain and star player out of the game even once.

Seb had to play!

Within no time she found herself in the attire of her new Jersey.

”Guys listen!!! Can't you leave me out just this once???”, Seb tried for the last time.

But every one mercilessly ignored it.

Seb sighed heavily. There is no more way. She had lost her chance of escape.

She has to play!!! No more choice left. She could pray that the game would get over soon and she would get barely enough time to change and meet up Iven.

But for the time being, she must not take the game loosely just for her date.

She switched herself to game mode in an instant!!!

Whenever she plays, she is totally into her game. Thus she prepared herself for it!

She's the captain after all!!! She should retain her position boldly!

'The Aphrodites' is under her control, and she can bail them out!

”We've got a game to win”, she finally said. Everyone howled and cheered wildly.

But somewhere deep inside, she was still under the worry!!!