26 Daily life with a twis (1/2)
*Sigh Sigh* by Seb.
”Seb, Seriously your cousin is the hottest person I've ever met. Why didn't you introduced him to me before?”, Erica giggled.
”Eric!!!”, Seb scratched her head roughly,”you're saying this for the 4th time now”.
”Yeah but...”, Erica nudged her head,”...I can't resist. He's so cool!”.
”You just said he's hot!!!”, Seb was losing it.
”It's an irony Seb. He's physically hot and emotionally cool”, Erica taught.
Emotion my foot!!!, Seb thought to herself, if only Eric knew what he's really like in real. That was all fake from the other night.
”His name is also so sharp....Iven, so heart piercing!”, Erica added.
”How can a name, be sharp???”, asked Seb uninterested.
”Don't spoil the fantasy Seb”, Erica beamed,” You have no idea about boys, you don't see him the way I do because he's your cousin. If he wasn't, and if you would be a normal girl, you would know how lucky it is to meet such a boy”.
Don't see him the way she does???, Seb sighed within herself, how would she know how I see him. If only he were my cousin. it's not worth describing how I actually see him as!
Seb chuckled as she recalled her past memories with Iven.
”What's so funny?”, Erica snapped.
”Nothing, carry on with your fantasies”, Seb said.
”When are you going to meet him next?”, Erica asked with curious eyes.
Seb's heart bumped at the question as she suddenly remembered something.
2 days ago, morning 7am:
”You look sick”, Iven said,”Your eyes are bloodshot, aren't you getting enough sleep???”
Seb yawned and replied,”sort of. I'm little stressed out. Football and Taekwondo practices, along with college works, are really keeping me busy”.
”Why don't you take a break?”, Iven suggested.
”Not a chance. Not until the tournaments are over. I thought of skipping morning runs, but then I won't get any other time to meet you”, Seb said casually.
Iven smiled within himself. She sacrifices her sleep to meet him just. That's very much like Seb.
”You don't have to”, Iven rubbed the back of his head.
Seb looked at him and smirked,”So, you'll be okay if I stop coming here?”. She had him trapped.
Iven looked down and laughed nervously. It was a direct no from his side. He didn't ever wanted that.
Seb laughed,”No, it's fine. Also, if I don't come I'll grow lethargic”.
Seb studied her watch,”Oh, I must get going”.
”Time already?”, Iven asked.
Seb stretched herself and stood up,”Hmm”.
For Iven, time seems to shorten day by day.
Even though Seb had been spending more time lately, and reaches college late.
”Coming tomorrow, right?”, Iven was sure that the reply would be positive.
Seb paused on her steps and slowly murmured,”Uh...no”.
”What do you mean by no?”, Iven went a bit hyper.
”Well you see, we're going for morning practices for a week. So I won't be able to make it”, Seb explained.
”A whole week?”, Iven asked disappointed.
Seb nodded,”Honestly, I hate it!!!”.
-What, the practices?
-Nah, that I won't be able to come here.
-So you like playing football so hard?
-It's totally pointless. I just have no choice.
-Alright then. But can't you stay a while longer?, since you won't come for a week?
-I'll seriously have to go today. But i can offer a compromise.
-What's that?
-You have time this Wednesday?
-Why Wednesday?
-Are you? Tell me the time when you'll be free.
-Tell me your time, I'll manage mine. I work only when I want, unlike the busy you.
-Whatever, Wednesday 6 pm sounds cool?
-What at 6 pm but?