27 Unkempt wildness (1/2)
”What on Earth...!!!”, Seb screamed.
Her phone's battery was dead.
Unfortunately for her, the match was rescheduled to start from 5:30 pm. There's no way she could finish a match in half hour even if she played her best. She wanted to inform Iven about her circumstances and tell him not to wait in vain, but her phone was out cold.
why this is happening to me!!! , Seb yelled in her head as she shook her phone hard with frustration.
Poor Iven, she thought, he must be waiting. How could I ditch him like this? I was the one who offered him out and I was supposed to make it special for him! He was so looking forward to it. After all this, he'll surely despise me!! I led myself get carried away again in a mere match over him.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a call.
”Seb, It's going to start”, it was Jane,”Let's go”.
Suddenly everyone in the world seemed so evil to Seb.
She felt as if Jane were the most pathetic person ever. She felt like thrashing her Coach, and Renee is a good for nothing Vice-Captain with all talks. The other players were all wimps who always depend on her to win matches. The audience were making so much unnecessary cheering noise and even Erica! Doesn't she have a better job than tailing her back and hitting on Iven???
What the hell I am thinking!. Seb shook off her thoughts, The least I can do is win the game as fast possible. I'll have to apologize to Iven. Why did I even suggest the date and got his hopes high! It's not my fault fully. These guys never inform me earlier of any match, and then come crying to me in the last moment, demanding to play as if I owe them!!!
She got up, fuming at her own fate and rushed out to the court in a raging mood.
When the game had begun, Seb started playing in such a manner, like her teammates have never seen before. She let out all her anger on the game. She smashed furiously, yelled at anyone who missed a lift and mainly carried the game on her own.
The opposite was scared, so were her own teammates!!!
She was in full determination to finish up the game fast, though it was already 6:10 pm.
At Rouque Berry Avenue
6:15 pm
Iven was thinking, If it is Belle I'm talking about, judging how busy she always stays, I will surely give her more time than that. If Belle gave her words, she is obvious to show up.
Iven was only trying to assure himself in her favor. But it still appeared strange to him.
Belle is never late for her appointments no matter what. For an Athletic girl like her, time is basically everything.
Iven studied his watch again, though he knew that time won't run back.
I'm worrying too much, he thought, she'll be arriving any minute now.
The match ongoing...
”Seb!!!!!NO!!!!”, Jane yelled as the team witnessed a rough fall undergone by Seb.
She was overdoing things. To put up with that, her teammates were trying to cope up too. But Seb was pushing herself excess hard. That was when a smash was attacked by the opposite team.
One of the team member got confused and tried to lift the ball instead of blocking it. She missed it terribly because of the tremendous force and Seb had to jump in action immediately.
the ball was far enough, so she had to dive. She was able to lift the ball successfully towards Renee, but crashed on the ground herself instead. A sharp pain stung from under the knee of her lower limb. But she ignored it. Finishing the match was her greatest priority. It was a sharp piece of glass buried in the sand which had pierced through her limb rather deeply. The area was bleeding profusely, but Seb's focus was on the game.
She was unaware of the time, but it was pitch dark already.
I'm so sorry Iven, she said in her mind.
Her pain faded after a while and the blood started to clot too. But it didn't look so good because it bled a lot earlier. The blood drops drew through her leg and she felt ticklish. but no attention was paid.
The spectators admired and cheered at her sporting spirit.
Rouque Berry Avenue
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