25 Fatigued females (1/2)

It was getting very chilly and Seb was only in her Jersey, with a full sleeve thin cotton inner from inside.

Iven couldn't resist to issue worry for her.

”It's freezing!!! Why are you dressed so lightly?”, he asked.

”Ah, I was feeling stuffy until the practice”, Seb said,”But my sweater, ...actually your sweater, is hanging onto my bike”.

”My sweater?”, Iven had forgot about that as he rose his eyebrows.

”Don't you remember?”, Seb looked disappointed.

Iven tried to recall it, when the image of their first encounter came into his mind.

”You, still wear that!!!”, he exclaimed,”It's even strange that you still have it. I thought it's already been burnt or trashed out”.

”Why do you think so?”, Seb asked curiously.

”To extinguish your grudge against me of course”, Iven replied,”It must have reminded you of....of my....sick deeds”. He looked down and fumbled a bit.

”True!”, Seb nodded,”It reminds me of you, but not your deeds, .....but your kindness”.

Kindness!!! Iven's eyes went up. That's the oddest compliment he has ever got. Handsome and sharp were his compliments. Cruel, rude and cold were his criticisms. He was familiar with them well. But kindness wasn't something he was told often.

”And you know...”, Seb spoke again,”....The sweater is really useful. But...if you want you can take it back”.

”No it's fine”, Iven quickly denied,”Just have it. I'm glad it's useful”.

There was no way he could take it back and let such a compliment coming from Seb just wash away into nothingness. Moreover, it's her who is using it. He was too glad.

”My bike!!!”, suddenly Seb exclaimed and took off fast.

Iven pulled back his mind and checked the situation. He saw the bike too, totally unharmed, leaning onto the wall beside the lane, and his sweater hanging onto the handle. It was safe after all. That was the 1st thought that came in his mind.

The 2nd thought was that, it was the end of his journey. He only promised her to walk her up to her bike and then go separate ways. He quenched his eyes till the time Seb was busy embracing her bike, till she would walk up to sat bye to him. Just a moment long.

Finally Seb walked up to him with her bike beside her and the sweater covering her.

”It's suits you”, Iven said.

Seb rubbed the back of her head due to embarrassment.

”Well then, I should get going”, Iven said it though he was the one who didn't want to.

”Leaving?”, unexpectedly, Seb had the same thoughts. Her face fell.

”Yeah! You found the bike safe and sound. You don't need me to ride it all the way to your house”, Iven tried to sound cool. It didn't work. He rather sounded as if he was forcing himself.

Seb was no naive. She caught it instantly.

She is one of those rare ones, who speaks straight forward on the spot. She handles the consequences later and blurts out what she actually feels.

”Just walk me till my house, will you!”, it was like an order from her side.

Iven flushed. Even Seb feels the same way as him. But he didn't want to expose it so openly,”Is it a very good idea?”.

”Won't you?”, Seb answered his question with another question as well as succeeded in her motive. That was a trick. It was full proof technique which never failed her.

And after a while, they found themselves walking towards Seb's home. Seb wasn't riding her bike, and Iven kept his hands pocketed the whole time. It defined their personalities each.

They talked about silly stuffs and guffawed on what they said. Strangely, they both found themselves admiring each other for no such trait expressed. They just discovered the uniqueness within their point of view. It helped to blossom their untitled relationship even more.

All of a sudden, Iven paused on his tracks alarmed. Seb had also noticed the reason.

From the pitch darkness, a shadow was emerging right towards them.

”Stand back Belle!!!”, Iven hissed. Seb although maintained her current position.

Seb had pretty impressive eyesight. Even in the dark, it didn't defy her. The approaching figure was of a female's. Seb gasped on her breath when she realized the person.

”Hold on Iven”, she said to stop making matters worse.

The female was in front of them now. They could see her stunned expression. She looked at Iven once and switched to Seb. The situation was on hold for a moment. Then she looked at Iven again and kept staring.

Iven had no idea what was going on. He felt little uncomfortable with the continuous stare of the women on him. He leaned down to Seb's ears and whispered,” Belle? I think she's checking me out”.

”Shut it Iven!!!”, Seb spoke through her teeth.

Then she took a step towards the girl with an nervous smile,”Eric....uh...I can explain”.

Iven recalled the name. Seb mentioned it once. It's her best mate. He couldn't control his weird sense of humor during that moment,”Ah!!! Things have gotten a lot more interesting”.

Seb turned back immediately. Her eyes were shooting laser. Iven looked away and shut up. But Erica had already started walking. She was clearly annoyed at being kept in secret.

Seb shoved the bike on Iven, who caught it off guardedly , and chased after Erica.

Seb reached up to Erica and blocked her way with her arms spread wide.

”Stop!! You've got it all wrong !”, she said.

”Are we even friends Seb???”, Erica asked rolling her eyes.

That pierced Seb like a sharp dagger. But she resented to answer too quickly, lest Erica would leave. She controlled her emotions,”It's a misunderstanding. I was about to say you soon”.

”When is the soon?”, Erica beamed,”So that's why you have been acting so strange lately. I'm not telling you not to mess with with boys, but you kept it all away from me, WHY??? Will I interrupt that badly???”.

Erica started to leave again.

Seb caught her wrist.

”Let go!!!”, Erica yelled but she had no power to free herself from Seb's iron grasp.

”You've got to listen to me”, Seb begged,”Trust me like you always do”.

Erica lost it. She was frustrated.

”I've been doing that this whole time Seb. But what did I get in return? Am I not trustworthy enough to confide what's going on in your life?”, Erica said,”How can you be so selfish?”.

Seb couldn't contain it longer. She possibly couldn't tell Erica about the meet with Iven and how they came closer. She'll feel more betrayed. She said whatever she could to save herself from the situation.

”He's my distant cousin dammit!!!”, she lied unintentionally. That's the best she could do.

Iven had reached up to them and had heard Seb clearly.

I'm her....what???.....he thought to himself. I thought I made myself clear hat I won't take her as a sister. What a shame!!! Now I'll have to give in to her insignificant lies. What a drag!!!

”How did you come to know your so called distant cousin out of the blue?”, Erica wasn't still ready to buy it.

Iven was about to open his mouth to Seb's rescue, but she beat him to it,” Bro called me up. He sent him with some errand and asked to meet me. He came himself as Bro asked him!”.

Iven had to admit. Seb had an excellent ability to form on spot lies and make them look true. The challenger will have no other weapon to attack with. Now she will have to believe her. He was right too.

Erica's voice softened a bit,”So, why didn't you tell me earlier???”.