22 A huge family (1/2)

But that's...Seb didn't have to think twice. It was Iven's hideout base for sure. So, Noah is...Iven's brother? But he mentioned uncountable brothers. Are they even real brothers? Seb seized the opportunity. She has never seen the base properly instead of that treacherous room. Now was her chance!!!

”We live there because we don't want to live among mass”, Noah admitted,”It looks worn out, but we live like Barons inside. it is really cozy from inside with all facilities. It's more than a normal home”.

”Let's go. I hope your brothers won't be mad”, Seb said.

”Do you really want to go? Well...I'm not sure...”, Noah said.

””I'll handle any problem”, Seb winked and assured. She helped Noah to get support on herself and stepped inside the ship.

Noah didn't bluff at all. the ship was totally different from inside. Like a cruise. Antique lamps lit through the corridor, the walls were tarnished but they gave a beautiful effect, the floors was carpeted.

”Whoa!!!”, that's the only comment Seb could pass.

”Told you so”, Noah said as he directed the way.

They walked on through the corridors throughout which Seb was gaping at the beauteous things around and finally stopped in front of a door.

”My brothers usually gather here when not busy”, Noah said and turned the knob.

As the door opened, seb found at least fifteen boys looking their way. It was a huge room, and everyone was engaged in themselves doing one thing or the other to kill time. Either reading, talking, sleeping or playing. They all looked tough but skinnier than the guys whom Seb fought a while ago. They were gazing mainly at Seb but with no evil intention in their eyes. Seb understood that they don't encounter women very often. They had a indication of surprise in their eyes.

”I told you not to wander off alone Noah”, one of them came forward and said. His voice was deep but polite,”You have messed up yourself again. Look how much you're hurt!!!”.

Seb liked the fact that he put the worry of his brother before their doubt. Finally the topic came to her.

”A friend of yours?”, he asked looking at Seb. He was trying not to disrespect her.

”No Yuka, She helped me”, Noah jumped into explanation,”You should have seen her kicking the ass of those bastards. And she helped me get here. I would have been beaten up pretty bad if she didn't show up”.

They all looked at Seb now. It was confusing enough. It was little unbelievable too because Seb wasn't half their size. How could she have beaten all of them single hand? That too so many of them?

”You've saved our brother”, said the man from earlier.

Seb wondered if they were one of those who underestimated women because they never met one. She had herself prepared for any sudden moves. If they are really Iven's brothers, no chance should be taken.

But the unexpected happened.

The one who spoke earlier, came forward. He had a very matured face. He said,”Noah is the youngest among us. He is barely a kid, so he keeps wandering off and getting into troubles. We are not always able to keep an eye on him and protect him”.

Noah made a face when he was called kid.

The man continued,”I don't know what would have happened if you didn't show up today. We are very thankful to you. You saved the life of our most adored brother. If there is anything we can do, please let us know. We'll be more than happy to help and will try our best”.

Seb looked around at all the boys. They all bowed their head one by one to her as a gesture of gratitude. she also studied that none of them looked alike. So they were not real brothers after all!

”May I know your name?”, Seb asked.

”I'm Yuka”, the man replied,”Is there anything we can do?”

”It would be best Yuka, if you give immediate medical attention to Noah for now”, Seb suggested,”He's hurt and bleeding”.

”For sure”, Yuka said as he signaled someone to take Noah away,”I'll talk about this to you later Noah”, he addressed to Noah.

After Noah was taken away, Yuka said to Seb,”Whom should I call you as?”.

”My name is Seb”, Seb said.

”Seb, please rest here for a while”, Yuka offered politely,”I'm afraid we can't do much for you but make yourself comfortable. Tell us if you need anything”.

One of the boys came forward and elbowed Yuka,”We don't have any problem with her Yuka, but Big Bro doesn't like being around strangers”.

Big brother? The term caught Seb's ears. Who is this person now, their leader? Is it who Seb thinks it is?

Yuka was saying,”Don't worry! He won't object. She helped Noah, be thankful. I understand that you people are not much used to women, but try to be generous, okay?”.

The boy nodded.

Seb heard that. So they indeed didn't meet any women before, huh?

She didn't drop any question and started walking around. They were trying to be humble and few of them ignored her. But none of them tried to offend her or tried to make her feel uncomfortable, since they were thankful. But Seb still felt like an outsider, which she indeed was! Their polite smiles were not sincere. As if they tried talking to her, they would annoy her somehow. But Seb wanted them to talk to her. She wanted them to ask if she was trained in martial arts. She wanted them to ask how did she manage to beat up all of them from earlier. She wanted them to have frank conversations with her. She wanted to blend in with them!

And also, Seb had this beautiful skill of blending in herself.

she knows how to create a mood with her immediate wits.

she saw something which left her struck with a fabulous idea!

She spotted two boys playing judo among themselves. if they would find out that Seb is not what she is imagined to be, then they might feel at ease to mix up with her. They are just needed to feel t.hat Seb is like one of them. She had to make them see the type of girl she is.

She marched up to the bulky one and asked boldly,”Do you play judo?”.