22 A huge family (2/2)
The guy was little surprised and confused by the sudden question coming from Seb. He had no answer ready and he fumbled,”Yeah...Yes!”. He wasn't meeting her eyes.
”Wanna go for a duel with me?”, Seb challenged suddenly.
The place was berserk for a moment. The one Seb challenged was Mak, one of the most skilled in the group. They thought that Mak would get insulted by being challenged by a maiden. They fixed their gaze firmly on him.
Mak was totally clueless. He didn't know what to do. He was indeed thankful to her for Noah, but how could he fight with someone he just met? Also, it's a women. He looked at Yuka with questioning eyes.
Yuka stepped in,”Of course he will, won't you Mak?”. It wasn't a question, it was a clear order. Seb read it well. Mak shot a quick glare at Yuka promising to get him later for that because he was expecting Yuka to bail him out. But he couldn't disobey him as he nodded.
”Do you know Judo?”, he asked Seb.
”I'm an Taekwondo artist”, Seb replied confidently.
”Let's have a go then”, Mak wanted to finish up quickly.
The only reason Seb was doing all this because she wanted to win their trust. She wanted to befriend them.
The other ones cleared out the middle arena and formed enough space for the combat to take place. Mak and Seb took their respective positions and prepared themselves. Seb knew that Mak would be pulling back his punches, but she won't let him!!!
Yuka gave the signal as both of them formed the postures of fight.
”You can go first”, Mak said as he wanted to finish it up as early possible.
”Why?”, Seb shot,”Isn't attacking your style?”. Mak's jaw tightened. He didn't reply.
He dashed up to Seb and held her wrist loosely. That was the last mistake he could commit, letting his guard down and underestimate her. He had no idea what Seb is capable of. Every time she is taken as weak and underestimated.
Mak's intention was to pin her down with the least possible damage.
But before even he could carry out what he intended, within a flash of second, he found himself thrashed on the floor already. It was too fast to even get what just occurred.
”I'm going easy on you since you don't seem so skilled”, Seb said. It was the line Mak decided for himself after his victory. He didn't take the joke lightly.
He jumped up and stood steady. All the others were stunned enough. Mak was pinned down, by a girl. He was supposed to be skilled enough. Seb wasn't ordinary, she had something in her guts. The fight twisted around.
”I wasn't in my full form”, Mak excused.
”Don't pull back now”, Seb said.
Now she has dragged Mak's real interest in the fight. He rushed at Seb again with a cool speed, but Seb escaped easily. She grabbed Mak's arm without him noticing, and kicked on his feet making him lose balance. Once he was loose, Seb didn't put much effort in swinging him up in the air above her and thrashing him down!
”Still not ready yet?”, Seb smirked.
Mak has been defeated twice but he still held on. He wasn't giving up. This girl is a piece, he thought,it's gonna be fun.
He smirked back and said,”You've got skills. This time it is on full force”.
”Bring it on”, Seb accepted as she noticed that Mak was having fun in the fight.
Every one else had stopped what they were doing and focused on the duel. It attracted their interest too. The match was getting dead cool. Yuka wasn't so sure about Seb in the first place and was still in doubt that how did she beat up so many guys all by herself. But now he was smiling as he studied her. Her tactics were too good to beat. Her skills were too good for them.
Again Mak charged and launched at Seb. This time he seemed more determined. This time he will be hard to beat, thought the boys, but it was not thus for Seb.
She ducked again and slipped through Mak's grasp easily. Then she kicked behind his back which made him stumble. Seizing the chance when his guard was down, she grabbed his waist and fell back. Mak underwent a rapid somersault and tumbled on the floor.
If only the floor wasn't carpeted, Mak's skull would have cracked open.
After that move, when Seb got up, she found all the boys gaping at her with blank faces. She was confused. May be she took it too far. It wasn't right to defeat him in front of them so mercilessly. They might not have taken it politely and found it humiliating.
But suddenly, all the boys started howling and cheering with enthusiasm. Few of them clapped as a compliment. To Seb's surprise, even Mak got up and started clapping. There was a genuine smile on his face. This time they all seemed utmost.
Yuka nodded his head as he understood that the boys have accepted Seb. They were overexcited and impressed. Seb was successful in her intentions as she bowed to them and smiled politely. She rubbed her head due to embarrassment.
Mak walked up to her and led out his hand for a friendly shake,”It was really cool. Sorry to look down upon you in the first place. We've never met any women like you before. It feels as if you're one of us.....”, Mak lost his trail as he couldn't recall her name.
”.....Seb”, Seb completed it for him.
”Seb”, Mak continued,”I should have known better when you saved Noah. Your skills are flawless”.
”You're pretty good too”, Seb said,”Don't lose your head every time. All you need is strategy”.
All of the boys surrounded Seb,”You hav to teach us your skills sis!!!....Yeah they are deadly!!!.....I wanna duel with you too sometime.....The last move was so cool sis....” and they went on.
Sis??? Seb smiled to herself. That was an honor. They're all so cute.
Yuka sat down to watch as they all got engaged with her. They started enjoying her company. Seb felt so safe with them too. And when the atmosphere was starting to lighten, the door opened.
Standing was the person whom Seb was expecting but the others were not.