21 A coincidental encounter (1/2)
-Are you listening Seb?
-Yeah, I'm. Carry on.
And that was happening all over again. Seb wasn't listening at all. She was busy thinking about the meet with Iven that morning. He had marched up to her nervous and with a concerned expression, asking,”Belle...I've meaning to ask this for a while now. Well....it's just...are your arms still sore?”
He had suddenly dropped the question out of the blue because he has been noticing that Seb only wore long sleeves even it was Spring ongoing. Not once she wore half sleeves clothes. That caught his attention.
Seb was confused at him first but then she had replied by pulling up her sleeves and exposing the bruises she was left with. Her injuries really heal fast but these were serious enough to take such long time, without even any treatment. THe once dark violet bruises had turned light vermilion, clearly recovering but not yet fine. Seb was looking at Iven's face when he was looking at the wounds, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. He was repenting sincerely.
That's when he made a promise to Seb,”I cannot turn the time or take back what I've committed Belle. I don't even have the courage to apologize too. But I'll grant it to make it up for it and up to you. I swear, from now onwards, I'll never hurt you even if I lose my temper to the limit. I'll never let anyone hurt a hair of yours, it's my word to you!!!”
Seb was little shocked to hear him. That's not a thing people say to anyone everyday. Why did he say such? What does he owe her? Was his remorse for his deed so strong? Or something which Seb isn't able to figure out yet?
Her thoughts were interrupted at that point by Erica where she wanted Seb to accompany her to the launch of her favorite band's 'Heart core's' new CD. She was blabbering this whole time about the lead singer, Jon Robbye while Seb kept on thinking that how much Iven had changed since their first meet. He was no longer the same person with the dark merciless eyes!
”What the hell is wrong with you Seb!!!”, Erica lost it, ”Nowadays you're not at all yourself. You seem so lost”.
”You're imagining things”, Seb replied calmly.
”No I'm not”, Erica snapped, ”You've become so quiet, like a robot. You come to college, do all your duties and practices, and go home. You've lost your humor too.”
”Have you seen me practice? I'm as energetic as ever”, said Seb.
”I feel as if you're brainwashed. You've lost your mental lustre”, Erica pointed out.”Why???”
”.....I've my reasons”, Seb said looking down after a pause.
”Reasons?”, Erica calmed a bit,”So there is something going on. Tell me now”.
Seb snapped out of her thoughts when she realized what she had done. It was bound to happen someday and Erica is yet to know. but, now was not the right time. Seb had to cover it up.
”I will tell you Eric. But now is not the time. You'll have to trust me till then”, Seb said.
Whatever Erica was, she had a trait of a very understanding friend. and over all, she understands Seb pretty well and never pushes her for anything. She was in a dead habit to trust Seb in any endeavour.
”I'm your friend Seb”, she said,” I worry and trust you. So please don't go through everything all by yourself and let me be with you in your hard times. That's what I'm her for. I know you don't express your emotions much but don't push it too far. Tell me when you feel like it, but make it fast okay? I won't be able to control the curiosity for long.”
”Thank you Eric”, Seb smiled sadly.
Seb hated doing this to Erica when she had been so understanding and loyal to her this whole time. She was really a jewel among friends to find. May be she wasn't so worthy of being her friend. But she couldn't tell her. She promised that she'll tell Erica as soon as possible.
7:20 pm
Seb was really exhausted after the football practice. She hated it. She left playing the game after while joining high school and never thought that she had to play it again in this shitty college.
She could have reached home by 4:00 pm, but the game kept her away. She was so desperate to reach home fast, that she didn't even take off her jersey. Dripping with sweat, she cycled on. She played well, but she didn't want to play. It was too stressful.
When it was about 5 minutes to her home, she took a turn through a lane.
Suddenly, her sharp eyes caught a scene in the pitch dark lane.
Some figures were in motion and the voices told her that a fight was going on. Seb was supposed to ignore it and that was the first choice that came into her head. She remembered the last time when she dragged herself into something which was of no concern to her and ended up in a pathetic situation.
It was the best idea for her. She was about to get going when a light voice reached her ears. It sounded like a boy, but his shrill tone said that he wasn't a grown up, nor the fighting material. Clearly, he was one ta take the beatings.
Seb immediately reconsidered her decision. She swung her bike, and without even parking it she rushed to the lane.
The figures were little more visible. Seb was right. The younger boy was the victim. He seemed like a teenager, minor...a kid to be precise.
The other ones were pretty huge and muscular. They were mercilessly kicking him while he lay down on the concrete clutching his stomach. That gave Seb the disgust. She couldn't just stand by and watch.
She couldn't control herself and shouted,”Hey!!!”.
The men looked back once and completely avoided her. They continued their job.
Seb didn't like being ignored. ”Hey!!!”, she yelled again angrily,”You bastards!!!”.
That indeed gained their attention.
”Listen lady!”, one of them roared in a rough voice,”You've got no business here. Get outta of here!!! Leave!!!”, as soon as they turned again and before they could start hitting the boy again, Seb said coldly,”I'll leave....along with the boy. Let him go!!!'.
”You've no idea what you're getting yourself into lady!”, it was a clear threat.
”Same goes for you”, backfired Seb without removing her eyes.
”Such an annoying pest!!!”, another exclaimed angrily,”Go get rid of her!”. One of them approached Seb immediately.
The man looked really bulky and enormous. But there was no sign of fear on Seb's face. As soon as he cane, he caught Seb's wrist, with the intention of throwing her out.
But Seb stepped one step back. Within an instant, suddenly he found himself flying in the air over Seb.
He was completely thrashed by Seb whereas she stood normal as if nothing happened. He was totally clueless.
”Who's next?”, Seb snapped her fingers and invited coldly. The men looked stunned. A women, so young and fragile, overthrew one of their most ferocious one? It was a severe insult for them!!!
”Heeld!!!”, called the previous man fuming,”Get her”, he ordered.
Another one ran at Seb like a mad bull. Seb was ready on her toes. Before she could grasp her, she changed her position. Leaving the man totally confused, she tripped him with her leg and he fell on his face.
Seb led out a smirk,”That's the best you've got?”, she mocked.
Now she had their full attention. They had left the boy and had turned towards her. They all looked scary, covered in scars and scratches.
”Hugo!!! Luu!!!”, shouted the man. It was a signal. Two of them ran at Seb at once this time. No difference, they met the same fate by Seb. One of them even hit the wall and probably broke his nose.
”Oh!! Sorry, I forgot to hold back a bit”, she said jokingly.
The leader lost his temper. He himself charged at Seb finally. Seeing him attacking her, the other two joined him.