10 The wings ripped off (1/2)
Seb was struggling hard as she tried to protest and get free. But her weak self didn't make any difference to Lucifer. He kept on dragging her as if he was dragging a doll and suddenly threw her on the bed mercilessly.
Seb clashed against the bed pretty hard. Her head bumped too and she immediately saw stars around her. It activated painfully. She yelped and clasped her head,” Hey...”, she yelled but her voice wasn't high enough. Her senses started to go fuzzy.
To her horror, Lucifer climbed on the bed and on top of her. He looked into her eyes ruefully.
”What are trying to do?”, Seb growled and tried to get up.
But Lucifer seemed to have no intention of letting her get away. He grabbed her arms and pushed her on the bed. He pinned her tight and left her completely helpless. Seb wasn't able to protest at all. Her little strength wasn't of ant help. She wasn't even able to kick her legs out of his inhuman grasp.
”The drug will take time to wear off and till then, you won't be able to move around much”, Lucifer let her know sensing what was she trying to do,”...and so, I'll have plenty of opportunities to make you realize your position in my domain”, he spoke in a scary threatening voice and leaned a little.
”Eh!!!”, a cracked voice emerged from Seb's throat.
Lucifer forced his full body weight on Seb, and let her no chance to retort back.
”Ah...!!!”, Seb squealed out,” You're hurting me”, that's the best she could say to rebel. Her strength was slowly degrading away.
”I...don't...care”, was Lucifer's ruthless reply to her pain.
He kept on tightening his grasp on her arms and pressured more harder. His fingertips dug into her skin. Seb tried to scream out but only clenched her teeth. She won't possibly give up to this bastard. She still had no idea what she has done to deserve this. Why this was happening to her.
But the action was wrong. Lucifer was growing more restless not getting any response from her side. Seb was already going through tons of pain but he sank into her skin more. She's indeed a tough cookie but he must make her surrender to him.
He shifted his hands a little down and grabbed another area. Then he started applying double the earlier force, on them.
Seb held back and in for a long time. Finally when she couldn't take it anymore, she cried out. But Lucifer didn't budge. There was a nasty smirk on his lips which denoted his victory. He kept on applying the tortures.
”Please...stop this....!!!”, Seb screamed out. Her vision was fluctuating due to the layer of tear on her eyes. A small streak of tear escaped the corner of her eye,”....it's hurting me...”, she pleaded pitifully.
But her cries were not answered,”As I said...”, Lucifer was colder,”I don't care! That's what my motive is!...You must realize what you have brought yourself into. After I'm done, you'll be left with nothing but a broken ego”. He seemed awfully pleased with Seb begging and crying.
Seb's eyes were shining with tears. All sorts of thought gathered in her mind. Erica, her tournament, her tactics, her Taekwondo, her team.....but nothing came in handy during that moment.
The next half an hour was horrifying enough. Seb's screams echoed within the room like a wandering lost spirit, as the monstrous tortures continued without any interval. No one came for her. It really felt like the Devil's hell. Lucifer continued his terrific actions in different areas of Seb's arms so hard, that blood started clotting pretty fast. But he didn't take any notice of those. Seb only yelled, which gradually started losing it's raise, as it's the best she could do to protest and let out her awful pain!
”Yes!!! Go on more!”, Lucifer said shamelessly. He seemed to enjoy it when Seb's voice raised up to the maximum level,” This, what is pain for you, is relief and and pleasure for me”, he went on saying fearful things as he had already marked his success on her. He had made her succumb to him and had broken her attitude. He extracted pleasure from her sufferings.
Seb finally lost her ability to utter any more groans. She dropped down to groans. That's when Lucifer prepared for his next attack. He caught her wrists and placed them above her head. He was about to clasp them too till they swelled, when suddenly a faded mumble was heard in a broken voice. It was Seb, whose tone was totally cracked.