13 Returning Back Home (2/2)

'Well there is always tomorrow.'


”In this world, other than Astral, there exists other nations such as: Sakura Kingdom, Cloud Empire, Azure Kingdom, Fairy Kingdom, and Sun Empire. Oh and there exists one more nation, Grēks, though for a thousand years they have isolated themselves from outside affairs.” Maria was in History class listening to Ms. Nunnally's lecture.

”A thousand years ago, there was an event called, The Great Disaster. A grave threat that almost destroyed the world if not for these six nations banning together and sending out their best magicians and warriors. The battle was fierce, thousands of lives were lost on that day, each nation suffered significant losses. Especially our very own, Astral's first SS-rank magician and founder of Diamond Academy.” Ms. Nunnally showed a grieving expression; whenever one talks about times of war and loss of lives, expressing grief was unavoidable.

The rest of Maria's day was spent with Ms. Nunnally giving a lecture on the rest of the remaining subjects, and before she knew it, her first day finally came to an end. Having her onii-sama come and pick her up as she said her goodbyes to both Mai and Julian, before heading back to the Rosendrey manor. After returning home, Maria had changed clothes and decided to assist Lance with making some sweets while explaining her day. Right now the two were in the middle of making Matcha Chocolate-Chip Madeleines.

”Oh, I also made a new friend today! His name is Julian Chevalier!”

”Congratulations, ojou-sama~!” Lance offered his congratulations, piping the matcha cookie mixture into a silver madeleine mold pan.

”I'm happy that my dear Maria made a new friend!” Maria's mother also sat in the kitchen, snacking on some biscuits, about to take another bite only to pause as she repeated the boy's last name.

”Chevalier? Ah, then he's from the Chevalier household. The son to Marquess Bernard and Marchioness Catherine Chevalier. Such a cute couple~! Maa, does my dear Maria want to know a secret concerning Marchioness Catherine?” There was a crafty glint in the Countess's eyes, shooting a sly smile towards her cute daughter.

”Marchioness Catherine... is part of the fairy race; in fact, she is the Fairy King's younger sister.” Maria was not expecting this time-bomb to be dropped on her, almost dropping the bowl of icing in her hand. ”Part of the fairy race?! Then doesn't that mean Julian is also part of the fairy race as well?!”

”Yep! Oh, didn't you discover your magic type today?”

Upon hearing this question, Maria was brought back to the question of why didn't she possess the same type of magic as the original Maria. ”Yeah, I learned that I have Celestial Magic.” Maria handed over the matcha icing mixture, unaware of how both Lance and her mother's eyes grew large at this news.

”Celestial Magic?” Maria saw her mother's face marred with a worried expression. ”In the past Celestial Magic was a rare and prized magic, but times have changed since then. Maria, as you get older, please promise me that you'll be careful whenever you use your magic.” Seeing such a serious expression on her mother's usual cheerful and overly emotional face, Maria nodded her head. Confused about why her mother would make such an expression.

'Is there something wrong with having Celestial Magic?'