14 Magic Summoning (1/2)

”Congratulations, Goldstein-san, you managed to summon forth your light magic!” Ms. Nunnally congratulated Mai who expressed a proud grin. It was a new day and the class was in the middle ofBasic Art of Magic class course as today's lesson was about them summoning forth their magic. So far Mai was the eighth person to have successfully summoned forth her magic; a bright yet small ball of light could be seen floating in the palm of her hand.

”Let's see, next on the list is Snow-san!” announced Ms. Nunnally as gracefully making her way forward was the famous Beauty of Winter. Standing expressionlessly in front of the class and taking no heed to Ms. Nunnally's instructions, in a matter of seconds a sphere of water formed in her hand. Water which suddenly transformed itself into an ice globe, showing off her Bloodline Magic which was Ice Magic.

”Very good! Very good! Now let's see... Can I have Rosendrey-san come down next?” Maria felt nothing but nerves when she heard her name get called, though felt a little happy with the warm support Mai gave her. Maria was making her way up front just as Elsa was making her way back to her seat. Throwing cold glare at Maria back, who felt a shiver run down her spine for some odd reason.

”Okay, now clear your mind and concentrate on that tingling feeling you feel in your body. That tingling feeling is your magic and you need to draw it out. The only way you can do that is if your mind is clear and you concentrate.” Maria listened to Ms. Nunnally's instruction, closing her eyes and clearing her mind as she began to concentrate on that tingling feeling she felt pulsing deep within her.

Sweat dripped down her brow as Maria had a hard time grasping that tingling feeling to summon forth. Everytime she grasped it, it kept slipping from her reach, making her frustrated. 'Alright, Maria, you got this! Calm down! Calm down! Calm down! Gotta keep your head clear and concentrate,' Maria repeatedly told herself, forehead covered in sweat, minutes passing by until finally, Maria got a firm hold on that tingling feeling.

She cracked open her eyelids just in time to see a bright, shiny, red light emitting from the palm of her hand. In just a few seconds, the light vanished and Maria felt something warm lying in her palm. Bringing her palm up to her face, Maria was shocked to see a small, marquise cut, bright red jewel.

Basking in the light made it seem as if the jewel was on fire, pulsing like a heartbeat in the palm of her hand. Wide-eyed emerald eyes stared down at the jewel with utter confusion. 'A... A ruby?!' Maria mentally exclaimed.


”Whatever Celestial being you summoned seems to still be in its dormant state,” answered Julian, who today wasn't stuttering whenever he talked to them. It was now lunch and the group of three was sitting in their same spot from last time as Maria was staring at the ruby jewel that she had summoned, feeling it pulsing under her skin as if it was a human heart.

”I wonder what type of Celestial being it is. Hopefully something strong, big, scary, and tough looking!” suggested Mai as Maria and Julian couldn't help but have their imagination run wild, each conjuring a different image based on the description Mai listed out.

'Denied!' Just the image alone put a sour expression on Maria's face while Julian trembled in fear at the image he conjured. Wanting to get rid of such an image, Maria found her gaze pointed down towards the lolita doll Julian was clutching to his chest.

”What a pretty doll. Have you given her a name yet?” Maria asked Julian, whose cheeks turned a light shade of red, bashfully holding his head down.

”This is the first doll I ever created with my own two hands. Though she might not be perfect, she's special to me. So... I'm thinking of n-naming her MM...”

”MM? Why that name?” Mai stuffed a crispy chicken nugget in her mouth, while Maria took a bite of the strawberry shortcake that was placed in her lunch box.

”'C-Cause both of your names s-start with M-M and b-because you a-are the first friends I e-ever had.” Upon hearing this, both Maria's and Mai's eyes instantly became watery.

”Ah, what a pure heart.” Mai placed a hand over her chest.

”Such innocence. I must protect at all cost!” declared a crying Maria as Shirone and Kuroka tried to wipe away their ojou-sama's tears. Julian felt bashful at their overdramatic reactions yet also very happy. Each was in their own little world that neither took notice of the shadow that loomed over the table beside Maria.