13 Returning Back Home (1/2)
Seeing that the small group had finally fled from the area, Shirone's face returned back to normal, offering a kind smile to the boy on the ground. ”You are safe now. Though the one you need to offer your thanks to is my ojou-sama. It was she who ordered me to come to your aid,” gently said Shirone, returning the doll the three bullies dropped on the ground when they fled back in the arms of its rightful owner.
Julian was surprised to hear that someone actually sent their maid to come to his rescue. Due to how most people tended to keep their distance from him, labeling him weird and frowning upon his interest in dolls. ”If you follow me, I can take you over there so you can express your thanks, and do not worry. Our ojou-sama is very kind and understanding,” explained Shirone as the boy timidly began to follow after her.
In just a few seconds, Maria saw Shirone making her way back over, spotting the quivering little lamb behind her. 'Ah, he's like a precious little cinnamon roll that needs to be protected,' inwardly squealed Maria when she saw Julian poke his head out from behind Shirone when he felt her gaze on him.
”Would you like to take a seat with us?” Maria kindly asked the adorable little lamb, who seemed taken aback by the sincerity of her words and actions, sensing zero hostility from the emerald-eyed cinnamon brown haired girl.
”If you sit with us, I'll offer you a piece of my steak!” offered Mai with a large friendly grin on her face. Julian was always used to others showing him hostility that the kindness the two girls gave him left him baffled. Yet also... he felt a nice warm feeling sprout in his heart.
”Ano... T-Thank-you f-for s-saving me.” Julian felt himself blush as he stuttered over his words, expecting the two girls to regret their decision of asking him to come over. Only to once again be taken off guard when instead he received nothing but friendly smiles from the two girls.
”Maa, I can't really say that I did much. I mean Shirone was the one who did all the work. The main thing that is important now is that you are safe and are happy to join us. Oh, I'm Maria by the way. Maria Rosendrey, and this is my friend Mai,” Maria introduced both herself and Mai to the boy.
”I'm J-Julian Chevalier!” blurted out Julian, clutching the blonde lolita doll to his chest.
”Well Julian, it's nice to meet you, and if you don't mind, we would be happy to have you join our little group. By the way, want some macaroons and cake?” Once again Julian felt that warm feeling that had sprouted in his heart and began to spread, bobbing his head up and down adorably as he took a seat that was close by Maria. Taking out his own lunchbox, the three children began enjoying their lunch together.
From afar, a certain redhead was taking a stroll and also trying to evade his fangirls, when he caught sight of a familiar face. ”Maria?” When Richard said her name, a smile began to form on his face, unable to explain this feeling of happiness he always had when he was around her.
”Oh? Who is this Maria that you speak of?” Upon hearing that sly-fox like voice, Richard was no longer smiling and instead turned his eyes to the person standing beside him. Standing there was a boy around the same age as Richard and even though he was quite young, he held a very beautiful appearance with black hair worn in a small low ponytail, a piercing in his left ear, and dark eyes, that if Maria saw him she would without a doubt dub him as a Japanese Prince.
”Akihito, did you follow after me?”
”Of course! After all, best friends always stick together~!”Akihito swung his arm around Richard's shoulder before taking a look towards the direction he was staring at earlier, only to spot three first-graders and two neko maids.
”So which one is Maria-chan?” inquired Akihito who Richard could tell was definitely up to no good and was happy when the school bell rung signaling that lunch was now over.
”No one who you should ever meet. Now let's go, our next class is about to begin.” Dragging Akihiko by the back of his collar, Richard sent one last glance at Maria and sighed at his lost opportunity of speaking with her.