60 Just for you (1/2)
I .... Don't want to eat ! Can't you understand !” Alisha spoke with her mouth full .
”You will regret later. I don't do such things quite often . Who knows when I'll do this again ? So when I am at it shut up and obey !” He smiled . That was the most brilliant sarcastic smile she had ever seen . After that she couldn't resist . She spoke nothing and obeyed him .
”You must be bored roaming around the palace . I'll take you somewhere . Mind you I'm sparing time from my busy schedule just for you ”
”You will take me somewhere ? Just you and me ?”
”You want Rose to accompany us ?”
”Why her ? No I mean.... Will It count as a date ?”
”Who can say ? May be ? I have to see my niece . Let's visit her together ”
”Oh you mean we are going to see Alvyn and his family ? ”
”Precisely ” He replied stuffing her with another spoonful of rice .
” You better apologise to him then . I really don't appreciate you being so rude to him ”
”Yeah yeah I know that . Don't lecture me . That's part of why I wanna go see him and it's been a while I went out on a holiday . ”