60 Just for you (2/2)
”So I'll pack my stuff for tomorrow ? What kind of place is it ? Hot ? cold? filled with snow ? Windy ? ”
”Calm down . Take whatever you want . Weather in Isla is unpredictable. ”
” I see thats great . I'm so excited !!!!”
”Alright then have a good sleep we will leave tomorrow morning ”
”Ok .. ” Zen stood up .
”Zen ! ” She called and he looked at her in surprise .
”Thank you very much ” He didn't knew how to react . He was happy to bring back that smile on her face
”You are almost welcome My wife !” He leaned towards her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead patting her head.
”Good night !” He said . Alisha's lips fell apart . Heart throbbed. Cheeks flushed . She was about to faint by the sudden gesture . Zen knew exactly how to win a woman's heart . He left to his room but Alisha was frozen trying to figure out if it was a dream or a reality .