59 We are all wrong in some way (1/1)
Alisha sat in her balcony as cold wind hit her . The sky was black with many stars twinkling . She could see the lights flickering from the town . She was sad . She couldn't understand anything and the way Zen treated her made her more insecure every passing day . Zen was resting in his room . He was very disappointed in himself . He realised he was throwing tantrums on Alisha for no reason of hers . Neil walked in with a hot cup of milk.
”Your Majesty! .. Are you feeling any better ?”
”I'm fine . Where is Alisha ”
”She is in her quarters . It's way past dinner time and she refuses to have anything . ”
”I see. It's my fault ” He looks aside to his right facing the window . ”I'm such a horrible person . Why do I lose my cool so often ? Alisha probably hates me . I don't want her to curse her life because of me . I just want her to be happy . ”
”We are all wrong somehow or the other . None of us are born perfect . When we try to mess things up then we do possess the power to rectify them . Don't fret over such things My lord. I'm sure you will he able to convince her . Make sure you drink your milk sir ” Neil leaves with those meaningful words which gives Zen a new ray of hope . He stares at that cup of milk resting silently on the table . Letting out a deep sigh Zen gets up from his seat . Alisha was just about to fall asleep but woke up suddenly by the slow creak of the door.
Her heart raced when she saw Zen . A scary feeling made her finger tips cold . Zen sat before her dragging a chair from the room in the balcony the Milk still hot in the cup he was holding. He placed it on the little table separating them .
”You will catch a cold . A balcony is not a place to fall asleep. Drink that milk while it's hot . ”
”I don't want . Why did you even come ? Sneaking in the middle of the night . What do you just want ?”
”Right now I want you to drink that milk . If not .... I won't do anything . Please drink . ” Alisha glanced at him . The aroma from the sweet milk grumbled her stomach . She couldn't resist and drank it fully .
”Good . The dinner should be arriving soon. You will eat it too won't you ?”
”Listen . I don't want . Just leave me alone . I have had enough of your ruthless acts . I'm amazed how quickly you shift your personalities . ” She rolled her eyes .
”Give me your hand . ” He said confusing Alisha . ” I won't do anything . I just want to apologise . ” She trusted his words but the moment she extended her hand all the horrible events came t her mind from the past 3 days and she quickly took her hand back . Zen realised she was scared . She shivered slightly .
”It hurts me when you do that . I don't want you to be scared of me . I know I went all crazy . I shouldn't have pushed you . I have no right to be so violent. I'm sorry . Please forgive me Alisha . Please don't distance yourself for me . The reason I go berserk is the thought of you leaving me . The feeling of separation . When it comes to you I can't bargain on anything and you should know that . So why do you do things that only make me mad ?” Zen was so soft Alisha could hardly believe it was him . She looked at him in disbelief . His is innocent like a child and that clear face under the moonlight . With hair flowing by the gust of wind . He was indeed handsome . Their talk was interrupted by the maid who brought dinner and arranged it on the table . Maira left . Alisha was still looking on the other side fidgeting with her fingers .
”Now .. won't you eat ?”
”I said I don't want anything . No matter what you do I'm not gonna ease up this time . I'm glad you realised but everytime an apology won't work ”
”My ...My .. alright I figured you would say that . Fine I'll feed you then . The least I want is for my wife to sleep with a grumbling stomach . ” Zen took the spoon filled with rice and curry and took before her forcefully making her eat .