58 For my daughters sake (1/1)

”Zen ...” Seeing him coming out of his room boiled him with fury . He pulled her and pushed towards the pillar before she could speak . Her back hurt by the sudden hit .

”Didn't I warn you already ?!” He marched towards her but Neil held him .

”Stop It ! ” This was the first time he didn't address him as Your Highness or Majesty . That's just how Annoyed Neil was . He knew Zen misunderstood everything . He wanted to figure it out on his own but it was no use .

”Neil leave me ! What do you think you are doing ?”

”You have mistaken. Lady Alisha was just trying to help . I saw it with my very own eyes . Seriously what has gotten into you ?” Neil said in a rough voice. Alvyn drank a glass of water and came outside to calm the situation .

”Are you out of your mind Zen ? ” He said coughing after every sentence .

”I'm unwell for sometime now she just came to check on me . Let me clear this don't blame her for no reason . I have no interest in her and not in anyone else . My intentions of coming here were completely different , attending your engagement was just a coincidence . I know you probably think I'm cooking up this whole thing keeping Elise in mind but that time it was her infatuation . I wasn't at fault and still it became one of the main reasons for me to leave my home . Atleast my absence has let them live peacefully up until now and I don't intend to intervene in anyone's personal life . ” Zen furrowed his brows remembering the incident in the past causing great chaos in the family. Alvyn continued taking something from his pocket .

”The reason I came here was for my daughter .” Everyone gave him surprising looks as he took out Zen's photograph from his wallet

”Everyday she talks to this photograph . You as a kid . She knows nobody but you and addresses as her uncle . She wanted to meet you desperately as she is tired of interacting with this photo . She wants to meet you in person . I wondered if you would agree to me . This is all I came for. For the sake of my daughter . She is three years old . Also the reason I couldn't attend Mother's funeral was her . I couldn't possibly leave my wife in a critical condition. I think I was born unfortunate . I couldn't see my mother for one last time . It's destiny's way of punishing me . For God knows the sins I committed yet not aware of . ” He turned back to Alisha . ”I hope you can forgive me . My presence has caused you nothing but trouble . I don't intend on staying here any longer”

Everyone remained silent . Alisha couldn't speak . She walked with indecisive steps back to her room . Alvyn packed his luggage and left without meeting anyone .