16 To become better for someone else (1/2)

Scared or tensed Alisha wasn't sure what emotions were running within her . Zenia kept on talking with Zen as she observed them . She even gave him a hug which made Alisha furious and wondered why she was so intimate with him.

”Abhara ? Princess? ! ” She exclaimed unable to accept the reality before her . Neil nodded and replied in a soft tone .

”Yes My lady that's right . She is His Majesty's Cousin and they both are close friends since childhood . I must warn you things won't go easy on you in her presence . I regret not informing you about her beforehand ”

”Hn ... in other words My rival !” She murmurs to herself and began marching outside . Zen noticed her retreating figure and stopped his conversation.

”Alisha ” He called loud enough for everyone to hear. She stopped but didn't look back . ”Where are you going ? I haven't introduced you to Zenia yet ” She couldn't move ahead and walked up to him . Zen pulled her slowly next to him .

”Zenia she is Alisha my soon to be wife since you weren't able to meet her I think you must know each other well. ”

”Ah so it's you I thought you were one of Zen's secretaries anyways nice meeting you Lisha ”

”It's Alisha ! ” She corrected extending her hand . ”Nice to meet you too Zenia ”

”Ahaaan! It's princess Zenia . Only selected members of the family call me by my first name I think you should know that ” She says releasing her hand from hers . Alisha frowned she wanted say something but chose to remain silent . ” Anyways Zen let's have lunch together as long as I'm here you should be spending time with me ”

”Yeah but ... let me finish the paperwork first ” He hesitated .

”No excuses come on !” She dragged Zen along with her as Alisha stood still . She was unable to hold herself anymore .

”My lady I think you should join them as well ”

”No need Neil I'm not hungry at all ! I think we will finish today's classes first ”

”What ? Seriously ? .. Okay then as you wish .” Alisha then finishes all her daily work . After resting for sometime in her room she decides to walk around and as she was walking through the hallway she glanced out of the window to her right . One could easily see the view of garden from it and she loved watching but her eyebrows furrowed and fingers formed fists when she saw Zenia and Zen walking together . Alisha was angry but at the same time sad .

”He doesn't have time to spend for me but he can easily ditch work when he is with her . I honestly have my own doubts on him now . This is so unfair . Anyways why am I getting so hyped up for I think I should trust him a little it's just his cousin after all !” She says moving away but she sees Neil coming her way .

”Do you need anything my lady ?”

”No Neil I was just walking around what about you ?”

”I just came here to see His Majesty ” He says and excuses himself . Zen goes along with him . Zenia notices Alisha and goes upto her .

”Oh hey good timing you know I was just about to meet you ”

”And why would that be ?” She asks raising her eyebrow .

”To know for myself the reason Zen chose you . I really don't know what part of you interests him . ”

”I don't know that myself to be honest but if you are so curious why don't you find out and let me know as well . ” Folding her arms she says with a smirk changing Zenia's soft look .

”You are not even a princess do you know table manners ? I think I should test you out ” Zenia drags Alisha and asks her to show her . Alisha does but it doesn't satisfy her . She then moves to the bookshelf and picks a book for her .

”Can you read this poem ?” She said giving her an ancient book .

”Which language is this ?”

”You are going to be the queen and you do not know  about the history of Isla what a shame ? ”

”Oh common how would I ? When I came from a different land ”

”That's not a good reason to escape anyways can you play the violin ?”

”No but that doesn't mean I'm not fit to be ....”

”Oh please you don't become a prestigious member of the family just like that . Since you are not from a royal family you will never understand what it is to be one . From my opinion Zen only sees you as a concubine and nothing more because as soon as I took birth I was destined to be Zen's wife and that is why my name is Zenia which has Zen in it what do you have ? You have nothing ! You don't even know Zen as much as I do You know nothing all you have is a seductive ability that lures men I'm sure you used that on Zen as well ”

”Enough ! ” Alisha screamed . She couldn't bear her insult any longer. She was almost in tears .

” You don't know anything at all may be you should ask your brother first and then talk to me . He forced me into this marriage I wasn't interested to marry him at all do you understand ? Dare you say any nonsense about me again !” Her forefinger warning Zenia Alisha leaves to her room. Zenia was happy as things went exactly as she planned . She could use Alisha's frustration as an advantage to her plan in order to separate those two . Alisha silently wept in her room. She even refused to have dinner when Reesha came to call her . Zenia sat on the place Alisha sits on the dining table before Zen pretending as if nothing happened.

”Where is Alisha ?”

”She said she won't have dinner tonight Your Majesty ! ” Neil replied wondering what happened to her .

”Is that so ? ”