16 To become better for someone else (2/2)

”Is this the same deal everyday ? I mean she is supposed to be eating with you spending time with you but I don't see any kind of interest in her for you Zen . Are you sure you chose the right woman ?” Zenia says picking her fork and taking a bite of the soft chicken with cottage cheese curry . Zen didn't answer her . Neil realised Zenia's intentions . Everyone go back to their rooms after dinner but Alisha couldn't get any sleep . She curled under her covers left to right but she couldn't bring herself to sleep . Her stomach began to growl which she couldn't ignore .

”Damn it ! Why did I refuse to eat ? I'm so hungry but what if there is nothing in the kitchen may be I'll just check and have some fruits atleast . It's 1:15 everyone must be asleep by now . ” Saying that she tiptoed her way to the kitchen . She poured some milk into her glass and searched for food luckily there was some on the kitchen counters .

”Ah ! It smells good Mihaya is such a skilled chef .Silver head is the only one I don't want seeing me like this ” She murmurs but gets startled when she picks a plate for herself .

”I think you need to heat it a little before having ”

”Argh ! You ?”

”Shshshshhhhh better not wake up people who are sleeping ! ” He whispers placing his palm on her mouth but she removes it and takes a deep breath .

”What are you doing here this late ?”

”I should be the one asking you anyways you should thank me I knew you wouldn't sleep without food so I asked Mihaya to keep something for us .” He says folding his arms around his chest .

”Whatever ? ” She rolls her eyes and heats the food . She then brings everything on table .

”You won't ask me to eat ?” Zen says dragging a chair for himself .

”You had your dinner didn't you ?”

”Yeah but I couldn't eat for some reason and may be I wanted to share with you ”

”As if !” She rolled her eyes again .

”What's wrong with you ? You are ignoring me for some reason didn't you say you wanted to be with me know me better and bla bla bla ..”

”Oh please I know very well who you give time and when so I no longer need to know you may be I know you better than you could ever know yourself ”

”What ?” Zen frowned he couldn't comprehend her . She didn't speak after that and Zen went back to his room after sometime . The next day Alisha woke up early and asked Neil to take her First lady training so that she won't lose to Zenia anymore . She was undoubtedly good at almost everything which Alisha couldn't accept .

Neil and Alisha were practicing their dance to the piano . It was formal dance mandatory for the royal members to know . Their steps needed to be elegant and people admired watching the dance .

”I'm glad you are taking your lessons seriously My Lady ! ”

”I don't really have a choice Neil ”

”Well it's because you ignored your lessons that you are being humiliated but don't worry you will catch up to her in no time although you still step on my foot once in a while . ”

”Yeah yeah .... I'm doing it right so stop complaining ...” She was doing it well but then stepped on Neil's foot again .

”Ouch !” He yelled .

”I'm sorry sorry !! I did it again ..” Alisha stopped as Neil was trying to stay calm but right at that moment Zenia entered the hall with Zen

”Hahaha .... what was that ? You call that dancing ? You really do have to learn a lot Alisha .” Zenia mocked . ” Come on Zen let's dance it's been so long ”

”What ? No way I have to attend a meeting ”

”Its alright ! Ease up a little ..come on ” She drags him with his arm. They both begin to dance amd everyone gather around to watch them dance . Zen's father , Rajhi and all ministers assembled as well . Alisha didn't want to admit but it couldn't be helped .Zenia was graceful and elegant with her dance patterns and Zen was too . It was true people did want them to be together , people believed they make a good pair but the fact how things were different between her and Zen was eating Alisha inside her .

Wow ! Leave to his Majesty and Princess Zenia they never fail to mesmerise us . They look so perfect Ofcourse none could beat them !

Lady Alisha could never do it . It will take ages for her to master those steps or probably she might never .

”She isn't suitable to stand on the position of a queen . His Majesty must have realised it” . Said someone

”Yeah you are right ! I think she will be his concubine . She is an outsider after all who would prefer her when we have Princess Zenia in whom the royal blood flows ”

”She shouldn't have been brought here in the first place ”murmured another

Alisha stood there looking downwards . She heard every word every praise and every insult thrown towards her . Unable to stand and watch she went to the assemble hall and silently wept to herself . Everyone appreciate their dance and the hall echoes with a round of applause. Zen gets worried and leaves to see Alisha with Neil . She was sitting in front on the long wooden chairs . Zen calls and walks upto her but she refuses to see him . The hall was dull with the light only emerging from the candles places at one corner .

” What happened Alisha ? Is everything okay ?”

” It's nothing ...I'm going to sleep . I'm tired ” She said walking out of the room . Neil stood and watches her . He was feeling bad for her but he was in no position to blame a princess for her condition so he chose to remain quiet .Zen had a meting to attend so he left .
