15 Princess Zenia of Abhara (1/2)
Alisha abandons her morning classes and sneaks to see a garden of mango trees she encountered the day before . The farmers show her various varieties of the fruit . Zen notices her from his apparatus for seeing long distances .
”Here Your Highness this is from us ... it would give us great pleasure if His Majesty accepts this from us !”
”That's so sweet of you .. he will be surprised for sure but I didn't tell him about coming here today ”
”No problem I'm sure he winter be able to see you from this far ” The old man says but just then Zen fires an empty Canon.
”I doubt that ... see that's a signal for me to return at once ” Alisha startles and returns back to the palace . Barging into Zen's office she yells .
”Hey you ! Is that a way to call someone ?”
”Watch your tone My lady besides who asked you to skip your classes ? ”
”Man what an ill mannered wife I have I should really do something about that may be you should address me by my name ”
”What ? Why that Your Majesty is just fine right ?”
” I'm not satisfied with that come on its just a name try it ...”
”Uh.... How should I ? ..fine ..Zzzz...eee ...Ze. ...?”