5 I want to fill your void (1/2)

”Your Majesty !  Aren't you going to see her ? She was upset not being able to see you ”

”Yeah  I should . I don't know what to say her ”

”What ? That's no reason  and besides you did talk to her as Zorro didn't you ?”

”Yeah I did but ....”

”Anyways how did you get that name ...Zorro ! I thought I wasn't supposed to call you anything in disguise ”

”Ah ... I had to come up with something . That was on a potato chip packet glad I saw it in a kid's hand ”

”I see. So will you see her tomorrow Sir ?”

”Yes Ofcourse . I just want her to wait for me that way she will realise my value ”

”I really don't think that's a good idea well in any case don't make her wait for long Sir . Good night ”

Neil leaves as Zen ponders over her . The next day Alisha wakes up in response to the knock on her door. She gets worried thinking that it would be Zen and quickly washes her face and combs her hair to look proper in front him but upon opening the door she finds three maids waiting in line .

”Good morning My Lady!  ” They all greet together and excuse themselves in .

”Umm... good morning to you as well but what are you all doing here ?”

”We are your regular maids ma'am . I'm Mika ..she is Raina and she is Reesha. ”

”Please to meet you my lady ” Reesha says .

”Wow ! My lady your hair are so beautiful.  So red I have never seen hair of such colour ”

”Oh thanks Raina . I thought people find it unusual so I always cover them but I guess I'll let it open from now on ”

”Sure ...Ah we brought your dresses and footwear . We will arrange them for you . We will dress you up everyday and do all your chores so please make yourself comfortable . Today is going to be your first breakfast with his Majesty so you should look special ” They close the door and make her sit in front of the mirror .

”Yes now that you mention it . Will he have breakfast with me ? ”

”Ofcourse . We will make it quick so you are right on time ”

”Thanks .” They quickly get her ready and she comes down to the dining hall . Ashia and Neil stand near the table wishing her . The table is set with special meal .

”Please begin my lady . Chef Mihaya has prepared most of your favourite dishes today ”

”Oh that's so sweet . Umm but where is he ? Wasn't he supposed to ..?”

”I apologise My lady . His Majesty had some paper work to do so he couldn't ....”

”It's alright Neil I'll wait for him ... After all he has to meet me right ?”