5 I want to fill your void (2/2)

”Well... yes ..but he actually said that he won't make it today as he has a very busy schedule so. ...”

Hearing him she stands up pushing the chair behind . She holds her fists and frowns .

”Don't tell me your king has no apetite and doesn't eat at all I mean what kind of a reason is that and here I came all dressed to share a meal with him . Is he trying to play with me ? He could just tell me if he isn't interested  ” She shouts as tears take form around the corners of her eyes . She rubs her temples and let's out an exasperated sigh .

”  I'm sorry I don't feel like eating but I feel bad since the chef has put in so much effort to prepare this so I'll have have a little . Mika bring it to my room I'll have there ”

”Sure My lady . ” She bows as Alisha flinched and moves upstairs lifting her gown a little . Neil was upset and stood there speechless.  Zen witnessed everything but chose to remain silent .

”Your Highness ! I think you should go see her she was really upset today ”

”Don't tell me what to do Neil and besides we don't discuss anything else but only official matters here in my quarters . You are aware of that aren't you? ”

”Pardon me Your Majesty ! ” Zen continues his work . Alisha just tastes everything and then refuses to eat any food . She sits beside her window and observes the atmosphere outside .

” My lady please have something it's not good to be  without food ”

” I'm not hungry Ashia . It's alright I'll have something later .”

”You are not looking good . You look good only when you smile . Tell  me what can I do for you sing ? Dance ? Play ?”

”You aren't good at that so no need” She looks aside resting her folded fingers under her chin while her elbow rested on the arm rest of the chair.

”Fine then I'll read you a book .”

”Yeah I suppose that will do .”

”Okay then ....” Ashia then goes to the bookshelf and gets a book . He keeps reading but she soon falls asleep . He shuts the books and spreads a blanket over her . He leaves the room asking the maids to look after her . After a few hours she wakes up stretching her arms .

”Oh my god ! How long have I Been asleep ? ” She then looks at the clock and realises it was  3 in the evening . She opens her bun and straightens her hair . ” Today was rough ...I got mad on Neil for no reason he probably hates me now ..huh..” She then goes to her balcony to see that it was drizzling.  Small droplets of rain fell on her . She was sad for what happened and also on the king she was so desperate to meet . She then starts to sing her favourite song which she did whenever she was upset . Her voice echoed in the hallways . Everyone were mesmerised.  Zen was walking towards his room but he stopped when the melodious voice reached his ears .

A tear runs down your cheek

I want to fill that void with happiness .. no matter how far apart we may be I believe it will reach you .... the raindrops shine beautifully around me .

”This voice .... who could be singing now ? Moreover it seems familiar to  me ..” He quickly moves his steps towards the direction of that voice .

When the sadness is located washed away the world will come to life again ...

”It's the same what I heard in lauderdale!  Could it be ... that it's ..?” He thinks over it and reaches the hallway that leads to her room and opens the door . The clicking of the door knob stops her singing as she curiously comes out of her balcony moving the wavy curtains to find Zen looking at her . With the bright green gown , a simple diamond necklace and emarald green studs she looked elegant and pretty . A strong breeze flew as the two souls meet each other .

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